Paul Joseph Watson Denies Any Jewish Influence of Media

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Re: Paul Joseph Watson Denies Any Jewish Influence of Media

Postby Megaterio Llamas » Tue Feb 28, 2017 7:41 pm

Masato wrote:Do you consider Hollywood to be 'Media'?

I do. Others might disagree, separate 'news' from 'entertainment'. I find them to be too often craftily intertwined

Oh I absolutely do. As I consider media to be Hollywood. There is no news per se; only infotainment and disinformation.

It's how a nation gathers the 'informed' consent to kill 20 million civilians since WW2.
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Postby Megaterio Llamas » Tue Feb 28, 2017 8:03 pm

Masato wrote:
Megaterio Llamas wrote:
Masato wrote:Guys be nice to SRBrant, he is learning :D

Some truths are not easy to grapple with, we all know this just have already been through our red-pill experiences for many years already. Remember how harsh it can be to those just starting to peek outside the Matrix.

He isn't making it easy for me Masato!

I wonder what his views on 9/11 are? :D (Like whitebelts showing up at BJJ lol, be gentle on em)

Jewish control/over-representation in US Mainstream media is simple fact/truth, it has nothing to do with opinion. That is why I found the OP vid so weird, PJW just totally runs from a question that is easily demonstrable and factual. One's opinion on this reality or what it means can vary greatly of course, but the facts remain. OP stands, PJW obviously fears this issue for one reason or another.

He would be advised to refrain from personal insults though if he expects to get along, though we already seem to be beyond that patch of road.
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Postby Masato » Tue Feb 28, 2017 9:13 pm

SRBrant, maybe you are not aware of this but most people on this board are hardcore global politics/history geeks, we've been studying, analyzing and discussing this stuff for years if not decades already on other forums and on our own

Obviously you don't have to agree with everything but you are actually in quite fortunate company if you'd like to expand your understandings of such things. Most here don't post out of opinions or emotional response to the latest news buzz... but from personal fascination and interest of the topics, and far more study than your average typical forum-posters. Megaterio Llamas might be older than any of us and knows a LOT.

Keep your mental guard up but imo take advantage of the kind of minds here, there some smart mofos on this tiny board

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Postby Masato » Tue Feb 28, 2017 9:16 pm



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Postby Masato » Tue Feb 28, 2017 9:18 pm


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Postby Megaterio Llamas » Tue Feb 28, 2017 9:42 pm

Do you think I'll live to see Solzhenitsyn's Two Hundred Years Together published in English?

Personally, I'm not holding my breath.
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Postby Luigi » Tue Feb 28, 2017 10:43 pm

Masato wrote:
Luigi wrote:The problem I have with this whole issue is that the far right likes to present the Judaism/Jewishness as the independent variable driving the agenda. In reality Jews are overly influential, powerful, and politically international due to incidental ancient historical factors. The other issue with this is that at this point in time non-Jewish globalists far outnumber Jewish globalists anyways. It obviously makes more sense to single out globalist influencers, rather than people who happened to be born to Jewish parents.

See? That is in excellent rational answer/defense. Paul Joseph Watson should hire you lol

There are some jewish groups embedded in US politics/media/military however that are clearly not just coincidentally jewish by birth, but have demonstrably active Zionist tendencies, I don't think we should be afraid to call this out where it is apparent. For example do you think the MSM has been fair and unbiased reporting on Israeli-Palestinian relations? Can you see Wolf Blitzer doing a sympathetic report on Palestinian suffering? lol never

Further regarding the actual question in the OP... we have heard that all mainstream Media in the US is essentially owned by a mere 6 or 7 companies (AOL Time Warner, Disney, Viacom, GE, NewsCorp etc). This small handful of companies collectively control ABC, NBC, CBS, the Turner Broadcasting System, CNN, MTV, Universal Studios, MCA Records, Geffen Records, DGC Records, GRP Records, Rising Tide Records, Curb/Universal Records, and Interscope Records. ... and thus wield an unbelievably powerful to control US public opinion/perception.
- Now go research how many of them are owned by Jewish people.

Its beyond coincidence. If all these corps were owned by say Japanese people, and government was flooded with Japanese lobby groups, and trillions funneling out to Japan, and tons of government contracts going to Japanese companies, you might say it is something to take notice of and wonder wtf is going on. But would that make you hate all asian people? The logic is just not sound.

Hollywood is a whole different aspect, worthy of another thread. This is just a reality of our world man. Silly to ignore or pretend it's not

I'm all for calling out Zionists too. The ironic thing about that though is that despite Zionist influence in media they have already lost in the marketplace of public perception. Leftists hate them because of Palestine, rightists hate them for being overly globalist, the only ones who actually support Zionism are neo-con baby boomers.

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Postby Megaterio Llamas » Tue Feb 28, 2017 10:56 pm

I generally agree with The Saker's concept of the Anglo Zionist, or the Zio Saxonic Empire :D with one important divergence. I completely disagree that the Jews are not an ethnic group, anyone here from Yoshida's site would probably recall my many battles with the Khararianists there.

Why I Use the Term ‘AngloZionist’, and Why It’s Important

“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize“

– Voltaire ... important/
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Postby Megaterio Llamas » Wed Mar 01, 2017 12:36 am

Lest anyone think Jewish animus toward Christians is a recent phenomenon; this traditional hostility actually precedes the advent of Christianity in Europe and carries on today directly in Palestine and indirectly through the state of Israel's support of the Kurds in their usurping of the traditional Christians lands of Upper Iraq and Syrian Mesopotamia. The Jewish community of Iraq were reliable supporters (and sometimes instigators) of Zoroastrian and Muslim government repressions against Oriental Christians.

Good Friday, 339 A.D.
The persecution under king Shapur lasted for forty years, and it was very severe. The following is a description of the massacres that took place on Good Friday, A.D. 339:

". . .The first 'Firman' of persecution was issued, ordering all Christians [Assyrians] to pay double taxes, expressly as a contribution to the cost of a war in which they were taking no share, the Catholicos being ordered to collect the same. The special order may have been a kind of test for Mar Shimun, but there was nothing unusual in the government thus dealing with the melet through its recognized head. In any case, Shimun refused to obey the order, on the double ground that his people were too poor, and that tax collecting was no part of a bishop's business. On this it was easy to raise the cry, 'he is a traitor and wishes to rebel'; and a second Firman was issued, ordering his arrest and the general destruction of all Christian churches. Shimun was arrested at Seleucia, the Court being then at Karka d'Lidan (i.e., Susa), and in the leisurely fashion characteristic of Eastern justice, was allowed to collect his flock and to take a last farewell of them, before being conducted, with several colleagues, to what all foresaw would be his death. All gathered to receive the solemn blessing which a contemporary writer has preserved for us: 'May the Cross of our Lord be the protection of the people of Jesus; the peace of God be with the servants of God, and establish your hearts in the faith of Christ, in tribulation and in ease, in life and in death, now and forever more." The story of his martyrdom has been told by able writers, to whom we may refer for the moving tale of Shimun's interviews with the king; of the fall, penitence and triumph of Gushtazad the eunuch; of the offer of freedom, both for himself and for his melet, made to the Catholicos, if he would consent to adore the sun but once; and of the personal appeal of the King to him to yield, by memory of their friendship. The last scene took place outside Susa, on the morning of Good Friday, 339; when the Catholicos, five bishops, and about one hundred clergy sealed their testimony together, Shimun being last to die. To him it was given to die for both of the two noblest causes for which a man may lay down his life -- for his faith in God, and for his duty to his people." (An Introduction to the History of the Assyrian Church, P. 64)

The Greek historian Sozomen says of the above incident:

"When, in course of time, the Christians increased in number, assembled as churches, and appointed priests and deacons, the Magi became deeply incensed against them. The Jews were likewise offended. They therefore brought accusations before Shapur, the reigning King, against Shimun, who was then metropolitan of Seleusa and Ctesiphon, the royal cities of Persia, and charged him with being friends of the Caesar of the Romans, and with communicating the affairs of the Persians to him. Shapur believed these accusations, and at first imposed intolerably oppressive taxes upon the Christians. He appointed cruel men to exact these taxes, hoping that by being deprived of the necessities of life, and by the atrocity of the tax-gatherers, they might be compelled to abjure their religion-for this was his aim. Afterwards, however, he commanded that the priests and ministers of God should be slain with the sword. The churches were demolished, their vessels were deposited in the Treasury, and Shimun was arrested as a traitor to The Kingdom and religion of the Persians. In this way the Magi, with the cooperation of the Jews quickly destroyed the house of prayer. Shimun was arrested, bound with chains, and brought before the King. There he showed clearly the excellence and firmness of his character; for when Shapur commanded that he should be led away to the torture, he did not fear, and refused to prostrate himself. The King, greatly exasperated, asked why he did not prostrate himself, as he had done formerly. Shimun replied that he had not formerly been led away bound, in order that he might abjure the truth of God. When he had finished speaking, the King commanded him to worship the sun. He promised, as an inducement, that he would bestow gifts upon him, and raise him to honor; but on the other hand he threatened that, if he did not comply, he would destroy him and the whole body of the Christians as a punishment. When the King found that promises and menaces were alike unavailing he remanded him in prison. The following day, which happened to be the sixth day of the week, and likewise the day on which, because it came immediately before The festival of the resurrection, the annual memorial of the Passion of the savior is celebrated, The King issued orders for the decapitation of Shimun; for he had been again brought to the palace from the prison, and he had reasoned most boldly with Shapur on points of doctrine, and had expressed a determination never to worship either the King or the sun. On the same day, a hundred other prisoners were ordered to be slain. Shimun saw their execution, and last of all he was put to death. Among the victims were bishops, presbyters, and other clergy of different grades." (Patriarch, Shah, and Caliph, pp. 25.)

When Shapur died, in 379, the persecutions, for the most part, died with him. The forty years of terror saw 16,000 Assyrians, whose names were known and recorded, killed, and an immense number of Assyrians whose martyrdom was unrecorded

448 A.D.
One of the most horrifying massacres occurred in the year 448, in modern day Kirkuk. The King Yasdegerd II began a wave of persecution of Assyrians (and Armenians, in Azerbaijan) throughout Persia. A massacre of ten bishops and 153,000 clergy and laity took place, ". in several consecutive days of slaughter on the mound of Karka d'Bait Sluk (Kirkuk). Local tradition still asserts that the red gravel of the hillock was stained that color by the martyrs' blood, and the martyrium built over the bodies remains to this day." (Introduction to the History of the Assyrian Church, pp. 138). The place where this massacre occurred, to this day, bears the name of the Persian executioner, who was led by the sight of the endurance and faith of the people he was butchering to believe that their faith must truly be from God, and who joined them in their confession, and fate -- Tamasgerd was baptized in his own blood (ibid, pp. 139).

November, 519 A.D.
Early in the sixth century a young Jewish king rose to power in the Kingdom of Himyar (present day Yemen). This king, Yusuf As'ar, began a brutal massacre of the Assyrians who were living in that kingdom. These massacres did not escape the attention of t

The Burning of the Church
"The Jews amassed all the martyrs' bones and brought them into the church, where they heaped them up. They then brought in the priests, deacons, subdeacons, readers, and "sons and daughters of the covenant", and laymen and women as well -- whose names we shall give at the end of our letter. They filled the church up from wall to wall, some 2000 persons according to the men who came from Najran; then they piled up wood all around the outside of the church and set alight to it, thus burning the church along with everyone inside it. Some other women who had not been seized at the time, on seeing the church in flames with priests and "members of the covenant" inside, rushed to the church calling out to one another, "Come, friends, that we may take pleasure in the fragrant offering of the priests." Thus they rushed into the fire themselves and were burnt alive.

The sister of the holy bishop and martyr Paul was a deaconess named Elizabeth. She was in hiding in a house where the Christians had forcibly concealed her. On learning that the church was in flames, with the "members of the covenant" and the bones of her brother inside it, she dashed out of the house where the Christians had hidden her and went straight to the church, crying out, "I shall go to Christ with you, my brother, with you my brother and with all the rest of you." This was what she was crying out as she reached the courtyard of the church, and when the Jews saw her, they seized her, saying, "Adonay, Adonay, Adonay, Adonay! She has escaped from the fire, she has vanquished the fire by sorcery and got out!" But she assured them, "I haven't left the church-far bet it; rather, I have come from outside in order to enter it and to be burnt along with the bones of my brother and with the priests his companions. I want to be burnt in the church where I have ministered, together with my brother's bones." She was about forty-seven years old. The Jews grabbed her and produced thin cords; they bent down her head and bent her knees like a camel's and her arms as well, and threw the cords around them. They put in wooden pegs below the cords and turned -them so as to tighten the cords until they sank into her flesh. They did the same with her chest and the temples of her head. Then they produced some hay and fashioned something resembling a crown; this they placed on her head, saying to her in mockery, "receive your crown, servant of the carpenter's son!" Next they modeled the hay into the shape of a basin on top and heated up some oil in a pan; this they poured onto the top of her head when it was on the boil. When her entire head was scalded, the Jews said to her, "Perhaps it is too cool for you? Would you like us to heat it up again?" The blessed woman was unable to speak for pain, but she did manage to make a sign to them, softly indicating to them, "Yes, I would." While there was still some life in her, they took her outside the town and stripped her naked. There they tied ropes to her feet and brought along a wild camel, which they took out into the desert, tying the ropes to the camel and attaching wooden knockers that would dash against each other and agitate the camel. They then let the camel go into the desert, and it jerked her along violently behind it. This is how blessed Elizabeth was crowned." (Holy Women of the Syrian Orient, pp.105.)

Tahna. Ummah. and Hudayyah
"Another woman named Tahna, hearing that the church was burning, seized her daughter's hand (her name was Ummah, and she was a "daughter of the covenant") and they went off to the church to be burnt. When her maidservant (whose name was Hudayyah) saw her, she said, "My lady, my lady, where are you off to? The church is on fire and the `members of the covenant are being burnt in the fire". Her mistress replied, "I too am going along to be burnt up with the priests, both I and my daughter here, who is a `member of the covenant.'" The maid said, "I adjure you by Christ, my lady, take me with you so that I too may enjoy the fragrance of the priests." So her mistress took her by the hand, and thus the three of them entered the church and were burnt to death along with the priests. This blessed lady's younger daughter, who was also called Hudayyah, did not go into the church along with her mother and sister but stayed in the house. The Jews, however, caught her, set fire to the house, and threw her into the tire. Then, when she had been scorched a little, they extracted her, rekindled the fire, and threw her in a second time; then they repeated this a third time, and so the blessed girl was crowned." (Ibid. p.107.)

Khusraw Parviz destruction, 615-628 A.D.
Because of suspicions that the Monophysite Assyrians living under the Persian reign of Khusraw Pavriz may be communicating with the Syrian orhtodox church of the west, Pavriz maintained a persecution campaign which lasted till his death in 628 A.D. During this campaign, many monasteries near the royal court were destroyed.(Nau, "Ahoudemmeh," p.54, 75.)
In his thirtieth year (620), thirteen Christians were imprisoned in Adiabene (Modern Arbil and surroundings) for five years and then in 625, crucified at the bridge marking the border of Beth Garme. At about the same time, a bishop by the name of Nathaniel was crucified for writing a polemic against the Magians.
(Chabot, "Chastete,," p.37, 39-40,256,258. Also Hoffmann, "Persiscer Martyrer" , p. 119,121.)
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Postby Canuckster » Wed Mar 01, 2017 3:09 am

i was reading tonight someone made the claim that pjw is a direct descendant of eugenicist Bertrand Russell i cant corroborate it atm but will chip away at it.
People say they all want the truth, but when they are confronted with a truth that disagrees with them, they balk at it as if it were an unwanted zombie apocalypse come to destroy civilization.

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