Getting my kids ready for the SAS today

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Re: Getting my kids ready for the SAS today

Postby Winnson » Thu Apr 27, 2017 6:12 pm

I meant to rep that, but I was logged out.

So what happened? Stitches? broken bones? Concussion? Coma?

I'm proud to say I've lived through all of those, and my mum sure isn't brain dead. It's her birthday today (April 27th).

Thanks Mum, for hugging me after I ran into a tree. She hugged me after I ran face first into a tree and smashed half my face all up.

When I told Dad, he couldn't stop laughing.

Fuck my parents are cool. I am a lucky, slightly smashed up, boy.

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Postby Vutulaki » Fri Apr 28, 2017 4:28 am

Shinkicker wrote:
Vutulaki wrote:Yeah kids need to take a few bumps and scrapes growing up to build resilience

Unless it's a female allowing them to take their knocks. Then she's brain dead.


Yes that scenario would more likely be due to an error in the female's judgement than her allowing her kids to learn from their mistakes.

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Postby Shinkicker » Fri Apr 28, 2017 5:30 pm


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Postby Winnson » Fri Apr 28, 2017 5:59 pm

What? He was just saying women should teach children to cook and that's it, especially the female children, except in a few exceptional circumstances.

The men can take care of life's real lessons. It's what we do.

How can you be against that?

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Postby Masato » Fri Apr 28, 2017 6:06 pm

^ maybe there is something to this Mandela Effect stuff... this seems to be some alternate-reality Winnson all of a sudden lol

I hope my kids listen to my wife in many cases instead of me, lol When women are wise, they are really wise. When men are wise they are often also egotistcal blowhards lol

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Postby Shinkicker » Fri Apr 28, 2017 7:12 pm

Winnson wrote:What? He was just saying women should teach children to cook and that's it, especially the female children, except in a few exceptional circumstances.

The men can take care of life's real lessons. It's what we do.

How can you be against that?

Cook!? Nah, a good Sandwich seems to be good enough these days..

I don't have any problem with a child learning from both genders. Hopefully, they are lucky enough to have both around.

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Postby Winnson » Fri Apr 28, 2017 7:48 pm

Masato cuck confirmed?

The family is the building block of humanity. People will kill and die for their kin, no question. It is the most powerful bond on this planet.

The State realizes that. They would like that power for themselves, so they try to destroy the power of the nuclear family. Over and over again, right at the end of every cycle.

Remember the story of Sodom and Gomorrah in the Bible? The times right now are the reason it was put in there. We're way past that right now.

The State is doing everything it can to destroy the power of the nuclear family: mother father children, both parents present.

And turn it into something weird. We are to believe that two same sex parents are awesome, becoming transgender at 18 months old is fantastic, and gender is just a sexy spectrum when you really think about it, just ask Bill Nye the Science Guy! He's an expert in this complicated but exciting field.

We are at the end of times again. It was a good run.


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Postby Winnson » Fri Apr 28, 2017 8:13 pm

Shinkicker wrote:
Winnson wrote:What? He was just saying women should teach children to cook and that's it, especially the female children, except in a few exceptional circumstances.

The men can take care of life's real lessons. It's what we do.

How can you be against that?

Cook!? Nah, a good Sandwich seems to be good enough these days..

I don't have any problem with a child learning from both genders. Hopefully, they are lucky enough to have both around.

I'm the one teaching my daughter how to cook. We did bangers and mash with gravy tonight.

The sausages and mashed potatoes were awesome, but my gravy was shit. I tried to get some sausage sauce into the gravy I'd already whipped up, and dumped a bunch of dishwasher soap into it. It was two cups too. I could have saved some for future mashed potatoes, if it didn't taste like soap.

Anyhoo, my daughter learned that dish-washing soap and beef gravy are not good for doing your laundry, and you have to do the dishes when Dad cooks, even if he fucks up the gravy.

It is what it is.

Next time, I'll just use the broth on the mashed. Gravy is in the mind.

Remind me to show you guys my mashed potato and gravy collection. You think I'm joking, but maybe around the middle of June, ask me about it.

You will see we are not fucking around.

Anyway, Dad is teaching daughter how to really cook. Mum just whips up Chinese dishes and buys stuff on the way home.

Dad knows how to make dishes delicious, except when he fucks up and puts dishwashing soap in the gravy.

I can't believe I fucking did that. OK I can, but fuck.

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Postby Masato » Fri Apr 28, 2017 9:14 pm

^^ LOL, not sure if you're helping your argument with that one, :D dish soap in the gravy? wtf

Seriously, IMHO, the strongest nuclear/traditional family is one where the woman/wife/mom is chosen wisely and respected, and the men teach their kids to 'listen to your mother'. This (perhaps exaggerated) picture you paint where wives are best seen and not heard and take a back seat to the husband I don't think creates quite as strong a family/society/kids. Wives get resentful or mistreated, & the inevitable conflict scars the kids. Better I always say to find a woman who you know is just a bit smarter than you are, and trust the shit out of her for lotsa things because we know damn well that men left entirely to their own devices will eventually end up in some disaster, lol The best partnerships acknowledge the differences and allow each to perform them well, as they fit nicely together to make a whole package.

Or maybe that's just me because I often think my wife saved me from total vagrancy, lol

I agree 100% that the State is trying to destroy this though. Can you think of a TV show in the past decade that shows a strong nuclear family? Maybe I'm wrong, I haven't really watched any TV in a decade. Wonder why lol

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Postby Masato » Fri Apr 28, 2017 9:17 pm

I was a big 'Married With Children' fan though, I must admit lol


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