Thread about BOLSHEVISM/Russian Communism

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Thread about BOLSHEVISM/Russian Communism

Postby Masato » Thu Jun 08, 2017 1:46 pm

The motto of the Holocaust is; 'Never Forget'.

The motto of the Holdomor & crimes of Bolshevism is: 'Never Remember'.

Lets put some info here, since they don't teach this crucial element of WWII and the modern world to the kids @ school, nor will you ever see it in the media or entertainment industries.

I just finished this one, a bit leaning but some good info:

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Postby Masato » Thu Jun 08, 2017 1:52 pm

These are NOT pictures of Hitler:





This man is said to have killed far more people than Hitler ever did, yet no one knows his name

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Postby Som-Pong » Fri Jun 09, 2017 3:34 am

Evil incarnate.

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Postby Masato » Sat Jun 10, 2017 12:08 am

Been following this topic for a couple of days now but too busy to keep up with the thread

Its astounding, the horrors that occurred under Stalin and Bolshevism. Terrible, awful shit. Its not hard to see why those with alt views of WWII paint the picture that Hitler was actually trying to save Europe from Bolshevism, and that they were ones trying to take over the fuckin world, lol

Some terms to look up just for a start:

Bleiberg Massacre

Genrikh Yagoda


It seems well proven, even to traditional World War historians, that Bolshevism was a jewish-founded/based phenomenon. Even Churchill is said to have agreed, I will look for a quote.

This being so, it suddenly brings a helluva lot about WWII (and WWI) into focus... Also considering that Britain and USA were such willing comrades with Communist Soviets, helped cover their atrocities after the war etc brings the whole of time between the end of the war to the present day into alarming clarity. Next I wanna research any ties between Communist Bolsheviks and Communist China. If they had any relations it suddenly also puts why the Allies came down so hard on Japan into focus.

Also so much to do with WWI, Treaty of Versailles, Balfour Declaration. Fuck I can't wait till my kids get to this shit in school History class, lol

Gotta get back to work

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Postby Masato » Sat Jun 10, 2017 12:12 am

For anyone interested in really getting their feet wet, I highly recommend this super-long but absolutely gripping documentary HERE:


Mind blowing. It may push too far the other way, but imo this version of the story makes 100x more sense than the version we got at school and from Hollywood/MSM, which makes almost no sense.

Watch the whole thing. Take a week, watch in pieces. Then reflect.

Too many questions flood out of this, many of which finally seem to have answers.

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Postby Masato » Sat Jun 10, 2017 6:23 pm

Here is Angela Merkel giving a speech in Poland (first 90 seconds of the vid), saying explicitly that WWII was all Germany's fault.

Germany was the instigator, how horrible, then thanks the rest of the world for coming to defeat them. No need to look at pre-existing history or context, that's too complicated.

For the Chancellor of a nation, she sure talks a lot of shit about it lol

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Postby Winnson » Mon Jun 12, 2017 7:33 pm


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Postby Winnson » Mon Jun 12, 2017 7:43 pm

Maybe 60 million died during the Bolshevik revolution

Maybe 80 million died during Mao's Communist revolution here in China. Bet you didn't know that.

Do you know what matters? 6 million Jews died during the WW2 holocaust! That's what matters! Here you go Israel.

The Jews caused and pushed both those Marxist revolutions that caused hundreds of millions to die, but 6 million of them died during World War 2, even though the math is impossible.

So let's focus on what is important please and realize that real communism has never been tried because then it would have worked if I were in charge.

The Jews are just about up for another Shoah. The time is nigh, again.

They seem to shoot for it every now and again, so I wouldn't feel too sorry for them when it happens this time, They push it until they get what's coming. Always have, always will.

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Postby Winnson » Mon Jun 12, 2017 7:49 pm


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Postby Masato » Tue Jun 13, 2017 9:58 pm

I listened to this just yesterday. The WHOLE THING. Yes the whole thing. I even got to kind of like the nasal sounding bloke doing the narrating, lol

If it is a forgery, it is a masterful piece of work, with a clear and intricate understanding of the whole financial system, political systems, media and propaganda, etc etc etc. Detailed, specific, very very clear on all points no wishy washy rhetoric every statement hits the nail. If a forgery it is genius as it STILL basically describes the systems of power, even to this day

If it is NOT a forgery and are genuine documents, it puts the whole 20th century and what exists of the 21st century into alarming focus.

Fascinating. I have little time or attention to read but thank god for audiobooks etc.

I'm going through Eustace Mullins' Curse of Canaan now in audiobook. Mullins was a badass.

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