Masato's True Acid Stories

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Masato's True Acid Stories

Postby Masato » Tue Sep 15, 2015 9:53 am

True Acid Tales #8

The Second Homing Device Experience

At the end of that summer, the staff of the place I worked at all went camping together to end the summer. I brought 2 hits.

I ate em on the car ride up, and it started kicking in almost right as I arrived. I am social for a while, then decide to go adventuring around the area. I have a wonderful time, and then soon realize that it has become quite dark. Its a big campground, if anyone knows Canadian provincial parks, they are a maze of different twisty paths of tent sites, sometimes with many forested areas between.

I suddenly feel I should try to find my campsite, but again don't even know where to begin looking.

I remember my experience finding the Irishman's house, and decide to try again. I PICK UP A STICK, like a long staff. I imagine that it is a magic divining rod, that will guide me back. It starts 'pulling' me, or so I was pretending, and I allow myself to follow.

Quite soon, I emerge from some bushes, and right there in front of me is my site and whatever co-workers are still awake, tending the fire.


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Postby Masato » Tue Sep 15, 2015 9:57 am

As I said, both stories 7 & 8 have rational explanations; that being that I had been to both places before, and most logically just found them again by memory as any sober person would do naturally.

This is no great feat.

But at the time, its simply not how it felt. Especially the first instance - much stronger. (The campsite was not so big, lol)

Its just how I remember them... go figure.

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Postby Masato » Tue Sep 15, 2015 10:16 am

True Acid Tale #9

Have you ever heard of a 'contact high'? There is a strong belief among LSD crowds that if a sober person walks into a room full of people on acid, that the sober person will quickly begin to feel the effects. I personally believe there is a degree of truth to this, with the right combination/frequency of consciousness.


Toronto. Summertime. I'm out for an explore again, probably 3 hits maximum. Tripping strong, but handling it perfectly, feeling good and happy.

I am taking the subway somewhere, and a Pakistani man somehow opens a conversation with me. I answer from the point of view of someone on acid, and the man begins to pick up a contact high. He is really interested in philosophy, religion, spiritual matters etc... and I am totally in the right mood to think about such things. So I start conversing with him, and he has no idea that I'm on acid.

We click on a number of ideas, and its a real nice flow. I do not tell him at all that I'm tripping, lol but its clear that the frequency that I am coming from is curious to him

The man is genuinely refreshed to have someone to talk about these things with; he is really excited, and is asking big existential questions with big wonder and enthusiasm, yet I get a sense that he also suffers from worrying too much about them. I keep giving my perspectives, which of course sound quite weird and out-of the box because I'm flying on acid, but he seems to dig them. I really do think he got a contact high without realizing it.

Anyways, my memory is not that complete here, but I do remember he invited me to his place to meet his family and eat. I accept, and we go to some crappy apartment with no windows where I meet his wife (who speaks no english) and young toddler son. They give me some food that I remember not liking at all but forced myself to eat. I have no memories of these people other than a visual picture, which is weird. It is clear they are struggling financially, and I am beginning to understand that the man is in some anguish; tormented by a desire for spiritual truth, yet a slave to the rat race he must keep running to survive for his family in this concrete jungle.

Eventually I leave, and somehow it became known to him where I live.

THE NEXT TIME I SEE HIM, he comes to my door on a weekend. My roommate answers, and invites him up.

I am getting a MOHAWK shaved into my head, lol. (I was about 19). I'm sitting in the dining room and my roommate is having a laugh making me look ridiculous with his clippers.

I am perfectly sober, and in my regular simpleton state of mind. We are listening to rap music lol

My Pakistani friend is bewildered; this is not the same person he was talking with just a few days ago. I don't know what to say to him, I can't give him what he came for, nor do I have the heart to tell him that the whole experience was what is was because of drugz. I just continue to be myself, and let him think whatever he thinks. I am kind but it is clear to both that the same energy is simply nowhere to be found.

He leaves politely, but obviously perplexed.

The next time he came, I had already left back to BC.
My ex-roommate told him this, and described to me later that the Pakistani man was near tears upon hearing this. I never saw him again.

Hope he's OK.

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Postby Masato » Tue Sep 15, 2015 11:58 am

True Acid Tale #10

Hitchhiking from Calgary Alberta to Rossland BC. Winter. Fucking COLD. On 2 hits.

I am stuck at a highway junction, unable to get a ride. Hardly any traffic anyways. Wind begins to pick up, snow blowing everywhere. I start to get cold... and the fear kicks in.

I start to get nervous that I am getting VERY cold and the snowstorm is getting worse. How long can I endure out here? Will I die? Can anyone even see me?? All these thoughts in my head, combined with the LSD, begins to create a reality of high tension. I am buzzing in this reality and it is intense.

All of a sudden I see on the joining highway below (I was at a cloverleaf junction where on HWY was at a significantly higher elevation than the other) a MINIVAN. I get excited maybe someone will rescue me in this dire emergency.

The minivan STOPS, and CHILDREN get out. They begin to play. Somehow, where they are there is no storm, it is sunny and calm.

I stand there befuddled, as I am standing atop this hill in a panic like death is everywhere, and at the same time looking down on this happy sunny scene of children playing in the snow. Like 2 worlds right next to each other. I suddenly feel foolish, lol

I start hoofin it down the hill and meet the family in the minivan; a single mom with 2 children. They are from the south states and have never seen snow like this before. They happily give me a ride and I sit in the back with these 2 adorable and funny kids and their awesome mom for the next 2 hours.

It is a great place to be, and I'm incredulous that just a while ago I thought I was gonna freeze to death

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Postby Canuckster » Tue Sep 15, 2015 12:13 pm

welcome back man, this place isnt the same without ya
People say they all want the truth, but when they are confronted with a truth that disagrees with them, they balk at it as if it were an unwanted zombie apocalypse come to destroy civilization.

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Postby Redneck » Thu Jun 29, 2017 10:13 am

Masato wrote:True Acid Tale #2

*** Here is the crux of the tale:

We BOTH experienced the sunny island nap in the sun. Both of us!!

Indeed, most of the rest of the trip it felt like our minds were melded, we were 1 consciousness sharing the SAME TRIP. It felt like we could talk to each other in our minds. In this regard, I always feel in my memory that I was not just on 7 hits but 14 (mine and hers combined).

How can 2 people share a hallucination?

If the effects of LSD is merely a chemical reaction that fucks with your brain and perceptions, how can 2 separate brains experience a mutual hallucination? This has always been a big question for me.

The experience of finding a bubble of reality where it is day when outside it is night is strange enough, and possible to chalk up to mere hallucination.

The fact that we BOTH experienced the same thing in the same way, so vivid and clear, is something else entirely... and imo can not be so easily explained.

I googled this question and found an answer on a drug forum, not sure how valid it is.
Yes, that is possible, trough many mechanisms; by telling the other what you experience, you influence the course of the trip of your fellow tripper. But this also happens trough different subtile ways of expression, which are easely picked up by people who are under the influence of psychedelics, because every impulse is magnified intensifly. This also happens by enhanced intuition. It is even common for someone not under the influence, to experience unexplainable psychedelic states, while in the midst of tripping people. This is called hitchhiking. I believe that the same mechanisme makes it possible for two people to have simular psychedelic experiences.

But as no two people are the same and a psychedelic experience is a mix between the character of the person and the character of the substance, I think it very unlikely to experience exactly the same. ... n-lsd.150/

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Postby SRBrant » Sat Jul 01, 2017 1:57 am

Masato wrote:no but my kids are not like these kids were...

These kids were tough city-kids through and through, they lived in a real rough part of the city. Never left. Way more independent already than my kids, already seen a lot of crazy shit.

My kids may not see weed for many years still, but at the time I figured these kids would see weed and a lot more drugs very soon if they hadn't already. Like I said they were already curious and practically begged me to smoke one with em. I was hoping to try to give them as positive introduction as I could, lest they might get introduced to drugs by some far-shadier mofo than me :)

I'm going to assume you don't do that anymore.

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Postby SRBrant » Sat Jul 01, 2017 2:02 am

Has the LSD benefited your intuition in the long term? I have some feeling you can sense Kitsune in the corner of your third-eye.

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Postby Masato » Sat Jul 01, 2017 3:11 pm

^ I think so. Too much sometimes I think, lol

Some parts of me I feel kind of stayed permanently 'open'. My brain kind of got re-wired... this has its up-sides and down-sides, lol

Of course one could chalk a lot up to imagination, but personally I think if I wanted to open doors into other realms and commune with beings like that I think I could maybe become quite good at it, but I choose to keep most of those doors closed most of the time. I need to stay relatively grounded at this time in life, I have family and responsibilities. But the temptation to float away from the 3D world and is strong, lol I really enjoyed time spent in those states-of mind and examining what/who we can find when the doors of perception are opened.

Maybe in my older age I can return and explore again

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Postby Masato » Sat Jul 01, 2017 3:17 pm

Redneck wrote:
Masato wrote:True Acid Tale #2

*** Here is the crux of the tale:

We BOTH experienced the sunny island nap in the sun. Both of us!!

Indeed, most of the rest of the trip it felt like our minds were melded, we were 1 consciousness sharing the SAME TRIP. It felt like we could talk to each other in our minds. In this regard, I always feel in my memory that I was not just on 7 hits but 14 (mine and hers combined).

How can 2 people share a hallucination?

If the effects of LSD is merely a chemical reaction that fucks with your brain and perceptions, how can 2 separate brains experience a mutual hallucination? This has always been a big question for me.

The experience of finding a bubble of reality where it is day when outside it is night is strange enough, and possible to chalk up to mere hallucination.

The fact that we BOTH experienced the same thing in the same way, so vivid and clear, is something else entirely... and imo can not be so easily explained.

I googled this question and found an answer on a drug forum, not sure how valid it is.
Yes, that is possible, trough many mechanisms; by telling the other what you experience, you influence the course of the trip of your fellow tripper. But this also happens trough different subtile ways of expression, which are easely picked up by people who are under the influence of psychedelics, because every impulse is magnified intensifly. This also happens by enhanced intuition. It is even common for someone not under the influence, to experience unexplainable psychedelic states, while in the midst of tripping people. This is called hitchhiking. I believe that the same mechanisme makes it possible for two people to have simular psychedelic experiences.

But as no two people are the same and a psychedelic experience is a mix between the character of the person and the character of the substance, I think it very unlikely to experience exactly the same. ... n-lsd.150/


I rather think Som Pong is closer to the truth :D :
Som-Pong wrote:All consciousness is shared mate. It's just that most of the time we don't get it.

Its like we are all in our own 'reality bubble', but all these bubbles are floating around overlapping each other, occupying the same space. If one bubble is louder or stronger it can envelop others and they find their own bubble is either affected or even taken over for a short while. In typical sober states of mind this doesn't happen so easily but when the walls and filters are down its a sea of dreams, lol

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