Suspected False Flag/Manchurian Events in USA

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Re: Vid of Suspected False Flag/Manchurian Events in USA

Postby Daglord » Thu Oct 12, 2017 8:25 pm

Daglord wrote:

Victim of 'Draw Muhammad' ISIS-inspired terror attack sues FBI, accuses James Comey of cover-up (10/2/17)

The security guard wounded in a 2015 ISIS-inspired terrorist attack at the "Draw Muhammad" event in Garland, Texas, is suing the FBI, and argues the bureau is liable for his damages because an agent "solicited, encouraged, directed and aided members of ISIS in planning and carrying out the May 3 attack," according to court documents filed Monday.

If the plaintiff, Bruce Joiner, doesn't settle with the bureau, the case could shake loose hundreds of documents from both local and federal officials about what happened that day, and could answer the question of why an FBI agent was in a car directly behind the attackers and did nothing as the events unfolded.


Joiner's lawsuit is seeking just over $8 million in damages, and argues that the FBI essentially allowed the attack to happen.

"The FBI helped the terrorists obtain a weapon that was used in the attack by lifting a hold during a background check, incited the terrorist to attack the Garland event, and even sent an agent to accompany the terrorists as they carried out the attack," the court filing said.

The filing also alleged that former FBI Director Jim Comey lied in a "post-attack cover-up" about the bureau's knowledge of how the attack unfolded and what Comey and the bureau knew about what was likely to transpire.

"In the aftermath of the attack, former FBI Director James Comey lied to the American people by claiming that Simpson was a needle in a haystack' that was 'invisible to us,'" the filing alleged. "Even after it had come to light that an undercover FBI agent had been communicating extensively with the terrorists during the week prior to the event and had accompanied them as they carried out the attack, the FBI continued to assert that "[t]here was no advance knowledge of a plot to attack the cartoon drawing contest."

The FBI did not respond to a request for comment.

Security guard injured in Garland terror attack tormented by belief that FBI knew of ISIS plot

The Garland cop and the school security guard stood beside each other in the shade through most of the day, trading stories about chasing bad guys and raising kids.

Just before 6:50 p.m., a voice crackled over the radio saying the event they were guarding was over. It had been controversial and dangerous — a cartoon contest sponsored by anti-Muslim activists to see who could make the most outrageous drawings of the prophet Muhammad.

"Looks like we might get out a little early," said the unarmed security guard, a Sunnyvale man named Bruce Joiner.

Joiner had no idea that, at the same moment, court records show, an undercover FBI agent investigating terrorism was sitting in a nearby car, snapping a cellphone photo of him and Garland police Officer Greg Stevens.


Seconds later, a black sedan pulled up. Two men with assault rifles jumped out and began shooting. Joiner was struck in the left calf as he ran behind a tree. His wounds marked him as the first ISIS victim on U.S. soil. Stevens returned fire with his service pistol, striking the shooters, Elton Simpson and Nadir Soofi, who both died on the scene.

Stevens became a hero for his actions that day but has said little to nothing publicly about what he did. Joiner, meanwhile, feels compelled to speak out, traumatized by how close he came to dying.

His torment is exacerbated, he said in a recent interview, by unanswered questions about what truly happened the night of May 3, 2015, at the Curtis Culwell Center. He wonders whether the FBI could have prevented the shooting. He wonders if agents knew he was about to be attacked. He wonders if his own government knowingly let him — and the dozens of other officers and event attendees — be placed in danger.


Since August, court records have revealed that the undercover FBI agent was at the scene in close proximity to the shooters. Looking at the evidence, Joiner believes the FBI had some prior knowledge of the plot. That bothers Joiner deeply.

"It's been pretty aggravating to know that there's more to the story," Joiner, 60, said this week. "There was no provision to get unarmed civilians like myself out of harm's way if there was going to be this conflict. So that's very disturbing. That's not the kind of thing we do in the United States with our citizens."

The FBI agent's presence that day was known to Joiner shortly after the shooting. As Simpson and Soofi stepped from their car, the agent, in a car just behind them, drove around them and sped away, the court records show. But he was quickly stopped and detained by Garland police, who apparently didn't know he was a federal agent.


Garland police won't say if they knew anything before the attack. Joiner has requested records about the incident from the Garland Police Department, but the department has denied his request, citing an "ongoing criminal investigation," despite the fact that the two gunmen are dead and a third suspect has been convicted in Phoenix and sentenced to 30 years.

"The case is closed — why is the city of Garland hiding this?" asked Trenton Roberts, Joiner's son-in-law and attorney. "The fact that at the end of the day, you can't get any information out of them does seem a bit like a slap in the face."

Garland ISD Officer Bruce Joiner's lower left leg shows scars of the entry and exit points for a gunshot wound he suffered during the thwarted terrorist attack at Garland's Curtis Culwell Center in May 2015. The photo was taken by Trenton Roberts, lawyer for Bruce Joiner.

Garland ISD Officer Bruce Joiner's lower left leg shows scars of the entry and exit points for a gunshot wound he suffered during the thwarted terrorist attack at Garland's Curtis Culwell Center in May 2015. The photo was taken by Trenton Roberts, lawyer for Bruce Joiner.

In light of the news that an undercover FBI agent was on the scene the day of the attack, several members of Congress are demanding answers from the FBI about its handling of the case. They include Sen. Charles Grassley, R-Iowa, chairman of the Judiciary Committee, and Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis., chairman of the Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee.

If the attack had turned into a massacre, the FBI's handling of the case would be a far bigger scandal, Joiner believes. As it turned out, the terrorists were amateurs, and Stevens was a cool-headed cop and an amazing shot, Joiner said.


But it could have gone much different. The suspects wore body armor. They had six guns and hundreds of rounds. They also carried a photocopied black ISIS flag.

This week's deadly ISIS attack at a concert in Manchester, England, makes it all too clear that authorities need to prioritize counterterrorism efforts, Joiner said. But the FBI also needs to own up to what he believes was a botched undercover operation in Garland that gambled with public safety.

"I want to stop the practice," Joiner said. "If this is the FBI strategy, it's a bad strategy."

In the days after the shooting, the FBI acknowledged that investigators had learned that one of the suspects — Simpson, 30 — might go to the event. Simpson had driven to Garland with the other gunman, Soofi, 34, from their homes in Phoenix. The FBI had investigated Simpson from 2006 to 2014.

Then-FBI Director James Comey said the FBI sent a bulletin to Garland police three hours before the attack warning them that Simpson might show up. But Comey also said he didn't believe Garland police at the scene were aware of the bulletin. Garland police confirmed at the time that officers on the ground didn't know about the warning.


Garland police referred all questions this week to the FBI. The FBI declined to answer questions regarding whether it sufficiently warned Garland police in advance, and instead issued a one-sentence statement.

"There was no advance knowledge of a plot to attack the cartoon drawing contest in Garland, Texas," said Lauren Hagee, a spokeswoman for the FBI's Dallas office.

FBI records show that an undercover agent posing as an Islamic extremist communicated with Simpson about the cartoon contest 10 days before earlier.

Last August, FBI Agent Shawn Scott Hare filed a public affidavit in Cleveland in the case of Erick Jamal Hendricks, who was accused of conspiring to help ISIS by recruiting domestic terrorists in the U.S. To build the case, the affidavit detailed Hendricks' connections to Simpson. Hendricks has pleaded not guilty.

The affidavit revealed excerpts of conversations the undercover FBI agent had with Simpson and Hendricks on social media. On April 24, 2015, Simpson alluded to targeting the cartoon contest to the agent. The day before, Simpson had tweeted a link to a story about the contest.

"Did u see that link I posted? About texas?" Simpson asked the agent.

"Tear up Texas," the undercover agent replied.

"Bro, u don't have to say that... U know what happened in Paris," Simpson said, apparently referring to the ISIS-inspired attack that January on the Charlie Hebdo magazine that had published cartoons of Muhammad. "So that goes without saying...No need to be direct."

On May 1, two days before the Garland attack, the agent exchanged messages with Hendricks about the cartoon contest. Hendricks suggested the agent could "link with" Simpson. "That's your call," Hendricks wrote, according to the affidavit.

On May 2, Hendricks told an FBI informant at a meeting in the Baltimore area that ISIS wanted to target the cartoon contest in Garland. The FBI informant met with agents "immediately after" the meeting, the affidavit said.

Also that day, the undercover FBI agent and Hendricks exchanged messages about Garland. Typing in code language, Hendricks suggested the agent organize with Simpson and launch a "good solid protest," adding, "At least be heard."

On May 3, the day of the attack, the undercover agent traveled to the Curtis Culwell Center in Garland and messaged Hendricks, saying he was nearby. Hendricks asked a series of questions about the security and media presence, and urged the agent to target the organizer of the event, Pamela Geller.

"If you see that pig make your 'voice' heard against her," Hendricks wrote. He also asked the agent if he was armed, and the agent replied that he had "tools of the trade" and "not a small hand tool."

"Lol," Hendricks replied. "The ppl doing the drawing and hosting and observing are the ones needed to protest against." He seemed to suggest the agent target Geller after the event ended as she held a news conference.

"They will be outside yapping their mouths and thanking the pigs," Hendricks wrote.

The shooting has changed Joiner. He has trouble sleeping. He cries more often now, sometimes out of the blue while watching TV. His emotions seem more intense.

He doesn't think he has post-traumatic stress disorder because he can't replay the shooting in his mind. He doesn't remember all of the shooting — his mind didn't record memories during the minute or so when he was trying to survive.


But he can vividly see in his mind Simpson's eerie, evil grin and eye contact with him just before the bullets flew. "It was like the Cheshire cat from Alice in Wonderland," Joiner said. "He was like, 'I got ya.'"

What upsets Joiner most is thinking about what could have happened had Stevens — "forever my hero" — not been as good a shot, or if the terrorists would've been more strategic.

"I could have died," Joiner said. "I could have missed walking my daughter down the aisle. I could have not been there. It's just — wow."


The FBI is being sued by a victim of the 2015 ISIS-inspired attack at a controversial cartoon-drawing contest in Texas. The lawsuit alleges that the Bureau may have been complicit in the terrorist incident by not acting upon early warnings signs.

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Postby Daglord » Fri Oct 13, 2017 3:35 pm

Las Vegas security guard Jesus Campos disappears moments before TV interviews


Where in the world is Jesus Campos?

The Mandalay Bay security guard shot by Stephen Paddock in the moments leading up to the worst mass shooting in modern U.S. history was set to break his silence Thursday night with five television interviews, including one on Fox News, Campos' union president said.

Except when the cameras were about to roll, and media gathered in the building to talk to him, Campos reportedly bolted, and, as of early Friday morning, it wasn't immediately clear where he was.


“We were in a room and we came out and he was gone,” Campos' union president told reporters, according to ABC News’ Stephanie Wash.

Campos is represented by the International Union, Security, Police and Fire Professionals of America, which did not respond to requests for comment from Fox News earlier this week.

Fox News' Sean Hannity tweeted out that Campos, who was scheduled to appear on "Hannity" Thursday night, “cancelled” his appearance.

Little is known about Campos, with few pictures to emerge of the security guard and no apparent online footprint surfacing to provide details about one of the central figures in the mass shooting.

SPFPA President David L. Hickey told reporters new information about the timeline of the attack -- for which Las Vegas Police and MGM Resorts have given conflicting accounts – doesn’t dispute Campos is still a hero for saving a maintenance worker and possibly stopping additional shots, Wash reported.

MGM Resorts issued a statement Thursday to “correct some of the misinformation that has been reported."

“We know that shots were being fired at the festival lot at the same time as, or within 40 seconds after, the time Jesus Campos first reported that shots were fired over the radio,” the statement said. “Metro officers were together with armed Mandalay Bay security officers in the building when Campos first reported that shots were fired over the radio. These Metro officers and armed Mandalay Bay security officers immediately responded to the 32nd floor.”

In the most recent police timeline, provided Monday, Clark County Sheriff Joe Lombardo said Paddock fired about 200 bullets from his room at the resort starting at 9:59 p.m. on Oct. 1 -- the volley in which Campos was hit -- and then began opening fire on the music festival crowd six minutes later.

Police had earlier said the opposite – that Campos was struck after Paddock started firing out the window.

Nearly two weeks into the investigation, authorities have yet to disclose a motive for Paddock’s attack, which left 58 dead.

A Las Vegas Police spokesman told Fox News earlier this week the department hopes to have another press conference Friday and noted details of the investigation are subject to change as new information trickles in.

Las Vegas Mystery: The Secret Life of Jesus Campos


Yesterday we delved into the mystery surrounding the Las Vegas shooting and the unanswered questions surrounding Mandalay Bay security guard Jesus Campos, such as his peculiar GoFundMe page and the fact that his home is being protected by a private armed security guard. Independent investigative journalists have revealed that the company protecting Campos-- identified as "On Scene Investigation & Security, Inc."-- is a Las Vegas-based company whose business license expired in January of 2017.

Also adding fuel to the conspiracy theories was the report by investigative journalist Laura Loomer claiming that Campos' name has been "scrubbed" from the casino's employee database.

It was also reported earlier this week that gunman Stephen Paddock's Reno home was broken into.

But things have just taken a new bizarre twist. Gateway Pundit just announced that Jesus Campos is missing.



The Las Vegas shooting timeline completely changes again with the confusion centered around mysterious “security guard”, Jesus Campos. Truth porn sweeps the nation keeping Americans blind to the big picture. The 3 Pillars of Power. The psychological chutes which create our reality. The Why Question vs the How Question. Trump’s tax push. And the real purpose behind the Harvey Weinstein sexual assault revelations.

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Postby Daglord » Fri Oct 13, 2017 4:50 pm

Ann Coulter: Media Begging Us for Conspiracy Theories on Las Vegas


Now the media are just taunting us with their tall tales about Stephen Paddock, the alleged Las Vegas shooter. Reputedly serious news organizations are claiming that he made a living playing video poker. That’s like claiming someone made a living smoking crack.

The media are either doing PR for the gambling industry or they don’t want anyone considering the possibility that Paddock was using gambling to launder money.

NBC News reports, with a straight face: “Las Vegas gunman earned millions as a gambler.” A Los Angeles Times article is headlined, “In the solitary world of video poker, Stephen Paddock knew how to win.” The story says that Paddock’s gambling “was at least a steady income over a period of years.”

I don’t know all the ins and outs of Paddock’s life, but that’s a lie.

How do reporters imagine casino owners make a living? Any ideas on how all those glorious lobbies, lights, pools, and fountains are paid for? How do they think Sheldon Adelson and Steve Wynn became billionaires if gambling is a winning proposition for people like Paddock — and therefore, by definition, a losing proposition for the casinos?

The media think about money the way Democrats do. They have absolutely no conception of where it originates. Those casino owners sure are generous! reporters think to themselves. Economist Thomas Sowell is always ridiculing journalists for not understanding basic economics. It turns out, they don’t understand the spreadsheet of a lemonade stand.

The New York Times explained that the “top” video poker machines pay out 99.17 percent. That’s great that Paddock was only losing cents on the dollar (if true), but it’s still losing. The Times quickly explained that he could have more than made up his losses with all the “comps” — the free rooms, meals and “50-year-old port that costs $500 a glass,” as his brother Eric said.

Gamblers who are beating the house are not given $500 glasses of port. Refer to the profit/loss spreadsheet. And yet, according to his brother, Paddock was treated like royalty by the casinos. Which means he was losing.

Apart from outright theft, the only way to have an advantage over the casino is by card-counting. That’s not cheating and it doesn’t guarantee a win. It merely allows the gambler to make a more educated guess as each card is played, thereby tilting the odds ever so slightly in his favor. Still, if the casinos suspect a customer is counting cards, he will be promptly escorted off the premises.

And counting cards only helps with blackjack. Paddock’s game of choice was VIDEO POKER. That’s a computer! It’s programmed to ensure the house wins. Not all the time, but at least often enough to make casino owners multibillionaires. Anyone who plays video poker over an extended period of time will absolutely, 100 percent, by basic logic, end up a net loser.

So why are the media insistent that Paddock was getting rich by playing video poker?

I don’t know what happened — and, apparently, neither do the cops — but it’s kind of odd that we keep being told things that aren’t true about the Las Vegas massacre, from the basic timeline to this weird insistence that Paddock made a good living at gambling.

The most likely explanation is that the reporters and investigators are incompetent nitwits. But the changing facts from law enforcement and preposterous lies from the press aren’t doing a lot to tamp down alternative theories of the crime.

Among the questions not being asked by our wildly incurious media:

Why would Paddock unload 200 rounds into the hallway at a security guard who was checking on someone else’s room before beginning his massacre?

How can it possibly take eight days to figure out when the alleged shooter checked into the hotel?

Why was Paddock wearing gloves if he was about to commit suicide?

Have any other solitary mass shooters ever had girlfriends?

If Paddock wasn’t making money on video poker — and he wasn’t — why would he be cycling millions of dollars through a casino, turning every dollar into, at best, 99 cents?

Maybe Paddock enjoyed video poker. But if the allegedly serious media are going to keep telling us he was making a living doing it, they’re just begging us to say that losing a percent or two on millions of dollars doesn’t make sense as an investment strategy, but it does make sense as a money laundering operation.

And the probable illicit business requiring money to be laundered that leaps out at us in Paddock’s case is illegal gun sales. If true, it would not only explain the arsenal in his hotel room, but also raises the possibility of either an accomplice or different perpetrator altogether.

If this were a movie script, a terrorist would go to Paddock’s room on the pretense of buying guns, kill Paddock, commit the massacre, put his gunshot residue-covered gloves on Paddock’s dead hands and slip out of the room when the coast was clear.

According to the all-new timeline given by the Las Vegas police — pending a third revision — this is at least possible. The hallway was empty, except for a bleeding security guard down by the elevators, for at least two minutes after the shooting stopped. The stairwell was clear for more than half an hour. It also explains the gloves.

There’s no evidence for any of this, but on the other hand, there’s no evidence for the version the media are giving us. At least the movie script version doesn’t require us to pretend that Paddock was making “millions” from video poker.



Las Vegas shooter's laptop missing its hard drive

A laptop computer recovered from the Las Vegas hotel room where Stephen Paddock launched the deadliest mass shooting in U.S. history was missing its hard drive, depriving investigators of a potential key source of information on why he killed and maimed so many people, ABC News has learned.

Paddock is believed to have removed the hard drive before fatally shooting himself, and the missing device has not yet been recovered, sources told ABC News.

Investigators digging into Paddock’s background also learned he purchased software designed to erase files from a hard drive, but without the hard drive to examine it is impossible to know if he ever used the software, one source said.

The absence of substantial digital clues has left investigators struggling to piece together what triggered Paddock to kill 58 innocent concertgoers and injure more than 500 others on Oct. 1.

Authorities are examining every aspect of Paddock’s life — from his family, friends and associates to his travel patterns, health and finances. So far, a motive has been elusive to investigators.


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Postby Masato » Tue Nov 07, 2017 10:32 pm

8 Las Vegas Shooting Witnesses Dead One Month After Attack ... th-attack/

All of those eight people, every single one of them, had one thing in common, other than being there during the shooting, or having inside information: They all had information on the attack that contradicts the official narrative.

Dennis and Lorraine Carver


The most recent eyewitnesses to die were Dennis and Lorraine Carver, a married couple from California. Their car suddenly veered off the road outside their home and crashed into a gate, exploding into a fireball on impact, killing both of them instantly. A spokesman for the local fire authority said it took fire fighters over one hour to extinguish the blaze.

After escaping from the Las Vegas shooting intact, they later explained how they were lucky to be alive. Mrs. Carver described how her husband protected her from the “shooters” by shielding them inside a beer refrigerator until it was safe to run away.

After managing to escape, Lorraine posted updates on Facebook to let friends and family know they were OK, saying: “I think the shooters have gone.” Other than saying there were “shooters” during the attack, the Carvers weren’t perhaps as vocal as some other witnesses, and you could perhaps write off their death as a bizarre coincidence if it wasn’t for the loss of Mr. Carver’s phone.

Suspicions surrounding the real nature of their death was raised when, one week after the fatal crash, the couple’s eldest daughter, Brooke Carver, received an item carrying memories of her 52-year-old father through the post.

During the confusion of the shooting, he had lost his phone that was full of photos and videos from the night of the attack. His phone had somehow ended up in the FBI’s possession, but a Las Vegas agent promised to ship the phone back to him.

“When we turned it on, all his photos and messages were still there,” Brooke said.

The question is why did the FBI take three weeks to return the phone?

As has been widely reported, the phones and laptops of eyewitnesses were confiscated and wiped by the FBI, so why was Mr. Carver’s phone returned seemingly intact?

Brooke Carver says “all his photos and messages were still there,” but how would she know if anything had been deleted? She wouldn’t have seen what was on her father’s phone before the FBI had it.

Could the Carver’s have captured something they shouldn’t have? Perhaps unknowingly?

Danny Contreras


In the same week the Carvers died, Danny Contreras, an eyewitness Las Vegas shooting survivor who publicly claimed there were multiple shooters involved in the attack, was been found dead in an empty house in Las Vegas with multiple gunshot wounds.

His body was found in a vacant home in the northeastern valley after a neighbor heard a man groaning inside the building and called 911. Police say Contreras was dead when they arrived at the 5800 block of East Carey Avenue, near North Nellis Boulevard.

The woman who called emergency services to the scene says she didn’t hear any gunshots, but the coroner confirmed that Danny Contreras, 35, died of “multiple gunshot wounds” and ruled his death a homicide.

Mr. Contreras tweeted the day after the attacks saying he was “lucky to be alive” after he was “chased by two gunmen.”

His social media post from his Twitter account, which has since been suspended by Twitter, that was shared several times said: “Feeling lcky to be alive. cant beleive i got out of concert alive! 2 men chasing me with guns. not evry 1 so lcky.”

Chad Nishimura

Chad Nishimura, a Mandalay Bay valet, parked the suspected Las Vegas gunman’s car, and gave an interview saying Stephen Paddock was a “normal guy” who “didn’t have many bags”.

Nishimura gave a statement to ABC affiliate, KITV4 News, but the article was quietly pulled from the network’s website after it began attracting attention.

After his account was published, Nishimura disappeared and all of his social media accounts were deleted. His friends and coworkers saying he is “totally unreachable”.

Chad Nishimura’s account seems to prove that Paddock didn’t carry bags of heavy machine guns and other deadly weapons up to his room. One of the biggest holes in the official story is how Paddock could have smuggled all those weapons up to his room, avoiding detection.

Nishimura’s report of “normal guy” Paddock arriving at the hotel without much luggage totally debunks that theory.

As unverified rumors circulate about his death, did Chad Nishimura’s honesty cost him his life?

Kymberley Suchomel


Kymberley Suchomel went public with claims of witnessing multiple gunmen, and was determined to prove the mainstream narrative is wrong. She even announced plans to set up a survivor’s group to shine a light on the truth about what happened in Las Vegas, and expose the lies.

According to Kimberley, the Las Vegas shooting was carried out by multiple gunmen who were chasing people down in the crowd and shooting them. Her post on Facebook quickly went viral as it confirmed what many had already suspected: The mainstream media “official” narrative that Stephen Paddock was a “lone wolf” gunman was false.

Less than one week after she gave this account, Kymberley was found dead at her house in Apple Valley, California.

Orville Almon


Orville Almon, the lawyer representing the Route 91 music festival and Jason Aldean, the singer onstage when the Las Vegas shooting began, was found dead at home after suffering a “seizure during sleep” – the same cause of death as Kymberley Suchomel.

Almon, a prominent Nashville attorney, his practice included re-negotiating existing agreements and new technology issues, and was renowned for negotiating with law enforcement. However his recent social media posts suggested the experienced attorney was feeling the strain of his latest high-profile case.

Describing meetings with MGM, Las Vegas police, and the FBI as “incredibly strange and complex” to one of his friends on recently made private Facebook threads, the attorney was privy to inside information that the FBI, by announcing they are no longer holding press conferences and the investigation is closed, have chosen to withhold from the public.



John Beilman, who was wanted by federal agents following the discovery of a communications device in the hotel room of the officially identified shooter Stephen Paddock, killed both himself and his disabled daughter in an apparent murder-suicide.

Investigators searched Beilman’s Fairport home the day before he shot his severely disabled daughter and himself, according to sources close to the investigation.

Agents executed a search warrant and raided Beilman’s Williamsburg Drive home the day before he took his daughter, Nicole, into the backyard and shot her and then himself in the head with a 12-gauge shotgun.

Are these people being silenced to cover up the truth?

Whether this series of disturbing deaths and disappearances are purely coincidental or whether there is something deeply sinister afoot has yet to be determined, but the response by law enforcement and mainstream media – in particular their refusal to address the questions that the informed public want answered – is leading many to arrive at the same conclusion.

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Postby Canuckster » Wed Nov 08, 2017 2:34 am

Nothing to see here move along
People say they all want the truth, but when they are confronted with a truth that disagrees with them, they balk at it as if it were an unwanted zombie apocalypse come to destroy civilization.

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Postby penxv » Sun Dec 03, 2023 8:20 pm

The actor in the Oklahoma City bombing that played Timothy McVeigh
ran the investigation in the Orlando nightclub shooting that was fake and gay.

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Postby penxv » Tue Dec 05, 2023 1:54 am

That's the governor's face and personal space that McVeigh is intruding upon in front of news cameras. Picture reminds me of this one...


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