Q Anon

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Re: Q Anon

Postby Redneck » Tue Jan 16, 2018 8:01 pm

Cool bit at near the end about a famous chess game

Yeah. but that is more than just alleged Q speculation. Assange posted the image of the chess board on Twitter and he's made other recent cryptic posts on Twitter that suggests Q was onto something when they said he would be released from the Embassy.

I think there is some truth and accuracy to to least some of what Q has been saying.

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Postby Illuminat3d0ne » Fri Jan 19, 2018 11:26 pm

This is the site to use to keep up with Q posts


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Postby Masato » Tue Jan 23, 2018 3:47 pm



This tale is getting super dramatic, but Sessions is still wasting time on pot laws, and Pence is flying off to Jerusalem to kiss ass/walls

Where's the Storm, Q-fans?? Lets see some fucking action

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Postby The Anti-Archon » Tue Jan 23, 2018 8:41 pm



This tale is getting super dramatic, but Sessions is still wasting time on pot laws, and Pence is flying off to Jerusalem to kiss ass/walls

Where's the Storm, Q-fans?? Lets see some fucking action

Sessions has a bunch of Southern racist whites to appease who run corporations who depend on black slaves in for-profit prisons. Pence has circumcised penis to suck in order to solidify Trump's tenuous alliance with Israel and the evangelicals that help make up his base. Politics are built on loose coalitions of often undesirable groups, after all.

However, behind the scenes, Mafia Don is cleaning house of the globalist scumbags, if for no other more altruistic reason than to enrich his own pocketbook. A MAGA United States is a great place for a mobbed up real estate/casino mogul. The communist hellhole of the "secret society" as Gowdy and Radcliffe call them is not. If you need to place your faith in something, place it in Trump's track record of being a capitalist, not in the mythical Q. I do wholeheartedly believe that the cabal is being taken down, because Mafia Don enjoys revenge and this time I look forward to watching him get it.

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Postby Illuminat3d0ne » Tue Jan 23, 2018 11:45 pm



This tale is getting super dramatic, but Sessions is still wasting time on pot laws, and Pence is flying off to Jerusalem to kiss ass/walls

Where's the Storm, Q-fans?? Lets see some fucking action

Good fooking question man
I'm still paying attention but not as much as I was and am pretty much on the side that Trump played us :(

Fuck I hope I'm wrong

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Postby Redneck » Wed Jan 24, 2018 7:21 am

How does QAnon's posts have anything to do with Trump playing us or not playing us?

You're saying that Trump is QAnon?

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Postby Illuminat3d0ne » Wed Jan 24, 2018 4:27 pm

Redneck wrote:How does QAnon's posts have anything to do with Trump playing us or not playing us?

You're saying that Trump is QAnon?

Not saying that at all, saying the exact opposite actually

I'm saying It's very likely q is a larp, he is asking some important questions, but more and more it's looking like a larp

This is my theory, coupd very well be wrong and honestly I hope I am wrong

Q is playing off all of us who were hopeful that Trump was different and going to actually do something about this bullshit political system we are under

Trump played us by playing into the role of the hero who was going to save us from the bullshit
So far, that doesn't appear to be the case

People will come here and say oh he's doing it behind the scenes and all that, my theory would be that a majority of these people are republicans who are staying into the whole us vs them bullshit thinking, which is the real fucking problem in politics

Edit: reread you post and I don't think I answered the first part adequately
How q works into Trump playing us is that q posts are still keeping us onto the belief of Trump being the hero, he's acting as support of the belief that Trump really is here to "save us"

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Postby The Anti-Archon » Wed Jan 24, 2018 6:19 pm

Illuminat3d0ne wrote:
Redneck wrote:How does QAnon's posts have anything to do with Trump playing us or not playing us?

You're saying that Trump is QAnon?

Not saying that at all, saying the exact opposite actually

I'm saying It's very likely q is a larp, he is asking some important questions, but more and more it's looking like a larp

This is my theory, coupd very well be wrong and honestly I hope I am wrong

Q is playing off all of us who were hopeful that Trump was different and going to actually do something about this bullshit political system we are under

Trump played us by playing into the role of the hero who was going to save us from the bullshit
So far, that doesn't appear to be the case

People will come here and say oh he's doing it behind the scenes and all that, my theory would be that a majority of these people are republicans who are staying into the whole us vs them bullshit thinking, which is the real fucking problem in politics

Edit: reread you post and I don't think I answered the first part adequately
How q works into Trump playing us is that q posts are still keeping us onto the belief of Trump being the hero, he's acting as support of the belief that Trump really is here to "save us"

I am in no way Republican. In fact, the outlandish moral hypocrisy of the average Republican (against a woman's choice, but pro killing brown people for oil, for instance) is even more repugnant to me than the moral hypocrisy of your average liberal SJW who wants to censor all opinions but their own. I buy into the war between Trump and the Deep State because of how sloppy it is being waged. If this were all some slick psy-op to perpetuate the two-party system, you wouldn't see colossal fuck-ups like Las Vegas. That was a sloppy, sloppy cover story they slapped over top whatever actually went down.

Contrast that with Obama era False Flags like the Boston Bombing where staged photo shoots were conducted to give us Heroes (Cowboy Hat Carlos) and Victims (Legless Wheelchair Guy) and Villains (Sinister Brown People) and narratives in place with talking points pushed through every news outlet in real time. Boston was an agenda attached to Reality TV. Las Vegas was an actual battle that was glossed over with an incomprehensible cover story that changed minute-to-minute until they could quietly slip it off the news altogether. Something went down and something continues to go down. We just aren't privy to it. Because, like Q says (whether or not he's real, he's right), the average American is not ready to hear the truth and realize the depth of what is happening and has been happening behind the scenes for the past half-century.

Trump is a crook. A mobster, perhaps THE mobster of the 21st century. The fucking Kingpin. But, when it comes to looking out for the interest of America the nation, I'll take a mob boss at the helm who knows how to take care of his friends and family over some Satanic communist cabal that wants to eliminate individuality and foster dependence on the State.

Republican, Democrat, whatever. These are just labels. It's about liberty, and our best hope rests in a Trump administration victory as it represents the greatest amount of truth, justice and liberty in play. Now, if I'm wrong, and the war is an incredibly realistic, elaborate ruse and Trump is the anti-Christ...well, I suppose you can tell me you told me so in the FEMA camps.

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Postby Illuminat3d0ne » Wed Jan 24, 2018 6:52 pm

The Anti-Archon wrote:
Illuminat3d0ne wrote:
Redneck wrote:How does QAnon's posts have anything to do with Trump playing us or not playing us?

You're saying that Trump is QAnon?

Not saying that at all, saying the exact opposite actually

I'm saying It's very likely q is a larp, he is asking some important questions, but more and more it's looking like a larp

This is my theory, coupd very well be wrong and honestly I hope I am wrong

Q is playing off all of us who were hopeful that Trump was different and going to actually do something about this bullshit political system we are under

Trump played us by playing into the role of the hero who was going to save us from the bullshit
So far, that doesn't appear to be the case

People will come here and say oh he's doing it behind the scenes and all that, my theory would be that a majority of these people are republicans who are staying into the whole us vs them bullshit thinking, which is the real fucking problem in politics

Edit: reread you post and I don't think I answered the first part adequately
How q works into Trump playing us is that q posts are still keeping us onto the belief of Trump being the hero, he's acting as support of the belief that Trump really is here to "save us"

I am in no way Republican. In fact, the outlandish moral hypocrisy of the average Republican (against a woman's choice, but pro killing brown people for oil, for instance) is even more repugnant to me than the moral hypocrisy of your average liberal SJW who wants to censor all opinions but their own. I buy into the war between Trump and the Deep State because of how sloppy it is being waged. If this were all some slick psy-op to perpetuate the two-party system, you wouldn't see colossal fuck-ups like Las Vegas. That was a sloppy, sloppy cover story they slapped over top whatever actually went down.

Contrast that with Obama era False Flags like the Boston Bombing where staged photo shoots were conducted to give us Heroes (Cowboy Hat Carlos) and Victims (Legless Wheelchair Guy) and Villains (Sinister Brown People) and narratives in place with talking points pushed through every news outlet in real time. Boston was an agenda attached to Reality TV. Las Vegas was an actual battle that was glossed over with an incomprehensible cover story that changed minute-to-minute until they could quietly slip it off the news altogether. Something went down and something continues to go down. We just aren't privy to it. Because, like Q says (whether or not he's real, he's right), the average American is not ready to hear the truth and realize the depth of what is happening and has been happening behind the scenes for the past half-century.

Trump is a crook. A mobster, perhaps THE mobster of the 21st century. The fucking Kingpin. But, when it comes to looking out for the interest of America the nation, I'll take a mob boss at the helm who knows how to take care of his friends and family over some Satanic communist cabal that wants to eliminate individuality and foster dependence on the State.

Republican, Democrat, whatever. These are just labels. It's about liberty, and our best hope rests in a Trump administration victory as it represents the greatest amount of truth, justice and liberty in play. Now, if I'm wrong, and the war is an incredibly realistic, elaborate ruse and Trump is the anti-Christ...well, I suppose you can tell me you told me so in the FEMA camps.

1st off, Great fucking post and people like you are why I had to say most of the people instead of all of the people being replubicans

I won't be the one saying I told you so, not that type of person and really I'm not trying to say he is one of them, I'm more so questioning if he is and will happily admit it was stupid to question if it turns out he truly is against the Clinton cabal. If we land up in fema camps, I'd be the one asking how we all got hoodwinked so easily (including myself), I would absolutely take some of the blame on myself for helping to perpetuate the idea of Trump being "the savior"

I do agree the average American (really north america) is not ready to hear how corrupt and depraved the system really is and that even if he is not real and a larp, the questions being asked are important as fuck and why I am still following along daily
Just because I question the reality does not mean I will stop paying attention because I'm aware there is a real possibility I'm wrong

And no matter what, I'm still glad Trump got in over Killary, I know that bitch is pure evil, I only question it about Trump

I like how you point out the contrast between false flags between the two administrations, I'm assuming you are saying the reason for this is because Barry admin had help from the deep state and that trumps is sloppy because the deep state isn't helping?
If that's what you are saying, that's an interesting as fuck theory that I had not even giving thought to
It makes sense, hmmm, I like that

Getting into Vegas I don't know how much you guys have followed or not from the beginning but still more shit leaking out
Did you know that two the paddock brothers own two houses on the outskirts of bohemian grove?
The brother Bruce had been under investigation for child porn well before oct. 1st and yet the fbi says they did not and were unaware of Stephen before the incident (pretty sure this is a lie too)
I looked for a Vegas thread here but couldn't find much and when I did make a Vegas thread about Stephen emails that seem to suggest he was selling guns, no responses, so I've been discussing that incident elsewhere
It is starting to get extremely dark with all the child porn stuff coming out so I'm not even really discussing there anymore out of respect for a member of that forum who has a close relationship with this case

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Postby The Anti-Archon » Wed Jan 24, 2018 8:29 pm

Illuminat3d0ne wrote:
1st off, Great fucking post and people like you are why I had to say most of the people instead of all of the people being replubicans

I won't be the one saying I told you so, not that type of person and really I'm not trying to say he is one of them, I'm more so questioning if he is and will happily admit it was stupid to question if it turns out he truly is against the Clinton cabal. If we land up in fema camps, I'd be the one asking how we all got hoodwinked so easily (including myself), I would absolutely take some of the blame on myself for helping to perpetuate the idea of Trump being "the savior"

I do agree the average American (really north america) is not ready to hear how corrupt and depraved the system really is and that even if he is not real and a larp, the questions being asked are important as fuck and why I am still following along daily
Just because I question the reality does not mean I will stop paying attention because I'm aware there is a real possibility I'm wrong

And no matter what, I'm still glad Trump got in over Killary, I know that bitch is pure evil, I only question it about Trump

I like how you point out the contrast between false flags between the two administrations, I'm assuming you are saying the reason for this is because Barry admin had help from the deep state and that trumps is sloppy because the deep state isn't helping?
If that's what you are saying, that's an interesting as fuck theory that I had not even giving thought to
It makes sense, hmmm, I like that

Getting into Vegas I don't know how much you guys have followed or not from the beginning but still more shit leaking out
Did you know that two the paddock brothers own two houses on the outskirts of bohemian grove?
The brother Bruce had been under investigation for child porn well before oct. 1st and yet the fbi says they did not and were unaware of Stephen before the incident (pretty sure this is a lie too)
I looked for a Vegas thread here but couldn't find much and when I did make a Vegas thread about Stephen emails that seem to suggest he was selling guns, no responses, so I've been discussing that incident elsewhere
It is starting to get extremely dark with all the child porn stuff coming out so I'm not even really discussing there anymore out of respect for a member of that forum who has a close relationship with this case

Obama not only "had help" from the Deep State...he was fucking created by them, lol. Also, they had the benefit of laying the ground work for their false flags years before they took place. Just look at when all of those Sandy Hook real estate deals went down. These were planned operations with years in advance. Didn't stop them from looking fishy to those of us crazy enough to look, but I have to admit they were slick productions that easily fooled the average Joe.

By contrast, the Vegas cover-up was a slipshod operation that had to be whispered into the police chief's ear in real-time. I have a lot of thoughts on Vegas, but the bottom line is that we have no idea what took place. There's enough info on Sandy Hook, Boston Bombing, Pulse shooting, etc. of Obama's greatest hits that you can sort of see the outline of what went down and the agenda behind it. But, whatever happened in Vegas is staying in Vegas. I couldn't tell you what accounts are true, what images are real, what video is to be believed, who the fuck the Paddocks really are, what Janet airlines really does, what Ancient Egyptian horseshit is involved, if aliens are real, if the BatBoy was there - Nothing. I can't tell up from down on any of it. But I can say there was a cover-up and a sloppy one at that. Something happened that we aren't allowed to know. And I think that points to a real war going on they'd rather keep off of TV.


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