Daughter of Stanley Kubrick on Activism/Awakening

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Daughter of Stanley Kubrick on Activism/Awakening

Postby greenseed » Mon Dec 29, 2014 9:49 pm

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Postby greenseed » Mon Dec 29, 2014 9:56 pm

I can't find anything saying she left Scientology.. you guys know anything?

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Postby greenseed » Mon Dec 29, 2014 10:03 pm

they also mention in that podcast that the movie is to a degree based on this short book: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dream_Story (have not read)

here's a pdf http://ptchanculto.binhoster.com/books/-Lit-%20Recommended%20Reading/Novellas/Arthur_Schnitzler-Dream_Story.pdf

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Postby Masato » Tue Jan 23, 2018 3:48 pm

If this is legit it's awesome, lol

Kubrick was maybe the baddest mofo in Hollywood. Still hoping for some secret he left behind telling what he knew


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Postby Illuminat3d0ne » Wed Jan 24, 2018 6:26 pm

There are so many rumours about ews it's nuts

Here's one that suggests it's possible Kubrick was fucking with Tom the entire time of shooting
https://www.sbs.com.au/movies/article/2 ... tom-cruise

Over the years I've also read theories that Kubrick did not want tom and Nicole as Bill and Alice.
The theory goes that there was a deal between Kubrick and Warner brothers that he would receive the financing to make A.I if he made EWS with Tom
Trying to find articles on this theory but not finding anything

I did see a couple comments in comment sections mentioning the same theory, so I guess I'm not the only one that remember this rumour going around

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Postby Masato » Thu Jan 25, 2018 2:10 am

Illuminat3d0ne wrote:There are so many rumours about ews it's nuts

Here's one that suggests it's possible Kubrick was fucking with Tom the entire time of shooting
https://www.sbs.com.au/movies/article/2 ... tom-cruise

Over the years I've also read theories that Kubrick did not want tom and Nicole as Bill and Alice.
The theory goes that there was a deal between Kubrick and Warner brothers that he would receive the financing to make A.I if he made EWS with Tom
Trying to find articles on this theory but not finding anything

I did see a couple comments in comment sections mentioning the same theory, so I guess I'm not the only one that remember this rumour going around

I would not be surprised. Cruise always struck me as kind of a twit, his allegiance to Scientology alone should tell you something, lol. Kubrick was a goddamn genius, I would imagine he prefer to work with people who are somewhere near his realm of intelligence

I love any rumors about Eyes Wide Shut, to me its a very important film, maybe Kubrick's last attempt to tell us what he knew. IIRC, there was a significant re-edit and a substantial amount of scenes omitted before final cut, and right around that time is when he died (was killed). My guess was that some of these scenes show the darker side of these parties, rituals, sacrifice or some nasty shit, possibly even children involved, but I'm only guessing.

I find Kubrick theories that he was involved in the Apollo hoax, and possibly tried to tell this in code in The Shining to be very plausible.

Very good to see his daughter so awakened, wonder how much she holds back as well


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Postby Masato » Sat Jan 27, 2018 6:07 pm

Hey interesting timing, by total fluke I came across this where apparently Kubrick's daughter made an official statement on the theories of her father being involved in a moon landing hoax:


Super interesting, very smart.

Indeed if you look at his films, especially ones like Eyes Wide Shut and Dr. Strangelove, it is clear he was a champion of exposing the elites the whole way

Note she doesn't actually dismiss the idea of phony Apollo missions, she is only dismissing the idea that her father was involved in any such deception.

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Postby Masato » Wed Mar 07, 2018 3:19 pm

Another interesting article on Kubrick:

Would be great to know if the quotes from Nicole Kidman are accurate (at the bottom in bigger font:)

Stanley Kubrick Truly Seemed ‘To Know Things’
http://www.newnationalist.net/2018/03/0 ... ow-things/


Never, ever go near power. Don’t become friends with anyone who has real power. It’s dangerous – Quoted in “After Stanley Kubrick” (18 August 2010), an interview with his wife Christiane Kubrick in The Guardian

The film-maker Stanley Kubrick (July 26, 1928 – March 7, 1999) seemed “to know things.” Many have suggested that Kubrick revealed acquired knowledge about dark forces, the Illuminati or what TNN refers to as the TPTB or Crime Syndicate. There has also been the standard clever attempt from the usual suspects to debunk and cloud this, mostly with fallacious straw man arguments. and other distractions. However it doesn’t take an extravagant imagination to link the storylines and surrealism of Kubrick’s films with hidden history and dark forces.

Kubrick’s Big Seven films were the following. Barry Lyndon is in my view, one of the sleeper films of all time. I watched it in a largely empty theater, but it was made for me. There is no doubt in my mind that Kubrick was a great film-maker- if not the best. I do see a constant attempt to associate the fiercely independent real deal Kubrick with post-modern lightweights and other overrated Jewish directors.

-1960: Spartacus

-1968: Dr. Strangelove

-1971: A Clockwork Orange

-1975: Barry Lyndon

-1980: Shining (The Shining)

-1987: Full Metal Jacket

-1999: Eyes Wide Shut

Kubrick produced anti-war films like “Paths of Glory”. In 1963 he completed the anti-war satire “Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned To Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb. The character portrayals couldn’t have been more accurate in terms of describing the Crime Syndicate actors. Full Metal Jacket was about the insanity of war. These films standing alone put Kubrick in high esteem in my eyes.

Clockwork Orange was also in plain sight: about ultraviolent conditioning, and trauma based mind control.

There is no particular reason to dwell too much on symbolism in Kubrick’s films. In fact that may be a diversion. For the aware, the hidden world is presented in plain sight even with all the harder to decipher esoteric elements thrown in.

Eyes Wide Shut could just as easily be a dead ringer for the Hellfire Clubs of the 18th century which we discussed here. Did Kubrick research the Freemason Eyes Wide Shut Hellfire Clubs or did he have more contemporary knowledge of their successors? Only in the last few years with pedogate and Jimmy Savile (1926-2011) do Kubrick’s revelations in Eyes Wide Shut start to make more sense.

Kubrick died suddenly of a heart attack in his sleep six days after screening a final cut of Eyes Wide Shut in 1999. There is a theory that parts were later cut out that he would have disapproved of. Coinkydink?

Stanley Kubrick was a Jew who thought totally out of the box. As such some of his revelations don’t fit the standard narrative. The debunkers have had to scurry about with flimsy excuses, such as they must have been said in jest. Or as Frederic Raphael wrote in “Eyes Wide Open: A Memoir of Stanley Kubrick”, based on his two year strained working relationship with the man- comes a suggestion the Kubrick was a “self-hating Jew”- aka a Jew who had peeled back the onion.

Most curiously, Kubrick, married the beautiful German Aryan Christiane Harlan. It was Christiane’s uncle, Veit Harlan, who had directed the propaganda masterpieces Kolberg (1945) and Jud Süß (1940) for Dr. Joseph Goebbels. [source Raphael]. There are no accounts of any rows between them, and Kubrick is described as a good husband. Her influence appeared to be immense. Was his Aryan wife the sparkplug that ignited the contrarian personality that Kubrick seems to have already had?

Indeed Kubrick trashed “Schindler’s List,” as propaganda. One memorable quote in Raphael’s book, attributed to Kubrick was, “Hitler was right about almost everything.”

Raphael identifies the inspiration for Eyes Wide Shut as the 1926 novella, “Dream Story”, by Arthur Schnitzler (1862-1931). It concerns the kinky, extramarital adventures of a Viennese Jew and his wife and delves into the depraved power elite that runs the show.

Schnitzler was a friend of quack Sigmund Freud [see Sigmund Fraud: The Father of Modern Psychoanalysis and Neurotic Charlatan], and wrote a 8,000 page manuscript of his sexual conquests – and in it also are indications that the Eyes Wide Shut rituals were not merely fiction. His pal Freud wrote to him, “I have gained the impression that you have learned through intuition – although actually as a result of sensitive introspection – everything that I have had to unearth by laborious work on other persons.” Schnitzler was labelled a pornographer and his (and Freud’s) books were burned in Germany in 1933 as “Jewish filth.”

Kubrick cast actors with obvious Jewish features, such as Jay Adler, as a criminal in The Killing (1956) as well as Sydney Pollack in Eyes Wide Shut. In Clockwork Orange the reprobate Alex is sent to the Ludovico Institute to undergo new mindbending treatment at the hands of Dr. Brodsky, an obviously Jewish character played by an obviously Jewish actor.

Raphael writes, “Nick Nightingale, Bill’s old friend from university who tells him of the orgies where he is the pianist, is also modelled on a Jewish character in Schnitzler’s novel: ‘…Nachtigall [Nightingale], a onetime fellow student with a “soft Polish accent and a slightly Jewish twang.”‘

Dr. Bill Hartford played by Tom Cruise is perfect casting and represents the hitherto naive goyish wandering into the dark, demonic hidden and secret world. There is almost unlimited masonic imagery in this film. Dr. Hartford slowly begins to see behind the veil as he is led into the cult.

The biggest eye-opener about Stanley Kubrick was revealed after his death by actress Nicole Kidman who became his friend during the Eyes Wide Shut filming. We have no reason not to accept this account at face value. Kubrick starkly revealed a core interpretative frame-work position of TNN [see: Pedophilia a Requirement for UK Ruling Elite]:

“He studied secret societies his whole life, he was fascinated by them, and he said the elite, the top secret societies, they are full of men with a certain predilection. They are tied together, sort of bonded, by pedophilia.

“They all know each other’s dark secrets. There is no way out for any of them. It’s a lifetime bond. Even if one of them wanted to go straight, repent, so to speak, he can’t. His peers will bring him down. They are in it until death, driving the world to ruin. That’s kind of how Stanley explained it but it was all very complex. I’m probably not doing it justice.”

When asked about the nature of Kubrick’s death Kidman revealed that his next film was about “psychopathic pedophiles and that he was venturing deep into the rabbit hole.”
The awakened Kubrick despised this system and was trying to tip-toe around it, but still reveal it. When asked about the nature of Kubrick’s death, Kidman only raised her eyebrow and said that it wasn’t a question that she could give the answer to. She added that maybe she could, but that none of the media would be allowed to print it. She said that the men behind the media companies would not allow that to happen.

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