Q Anon

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Re: Q Anon

Postby Masato » Wed Jan 24, 2018 10:54 pm


At this point I think its a very likely scenario that the entire Trump show has been a giant controlled opposition operation. The elites knew that info was leaking left and right, that conspiracy types were starting to connect too many dots, that indy media was getting bigger and the MSM was not holding its credibility. Serious shit like Pizzagate getting huge attention, connecting all sorts of disturbing links... So how do you fight that?

Lead it yourself.

Drain the Swamp? the Coming Storm? calling out Fake News...? Hooray! Sounds great... But what exactly has he called out? What draining has he done? What storm has he brought? So far the ONLY positive thing I've seen from Trump is his thrashing of the MSM, which is GREAT, lol I love this, don't get me wrong but that's as far as I see. Trump just released his 'Fake News' awards and they were all trivial, petty things... when he knows he could call out much more damning things.

Its done great to divide the people and get them squabbling on silly issues again.

I am still on the fence as to how much opposition Trump really is to anyone at the top. He certainly is not calling out bankers, is totally on board with Zionist influence, and the war machine keeps going, likely with rising arms sales and development.

I want to believe, lol but the longer this goes, the more I think our man Daglord was right


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Postby Masato » Thu Jan 25, 2018 1:19 pm

^^ this theory that Trump is all a Controlled Opposition operation would also make sense considering that Alex Jones/InfoWars, who I also have come to see as controlled opposition, has been TOTALLY sycophantic to Trump ever since he won.

No criticism, so skepticism, just full on Trump-fanning the whole way, even doing stories on Q etc, trying to rally everyone into believing he is totally here to save us. This is just irresponsible imo, lol

Look at this inflated headline for example, (I haven't even watched the vid):

Davos Insider: Trump Going To Face Globalists Down And Tell Them To Surrender

https://www.infowars.com/davos-insider- ... surrender/

Would be great if true but so far aside from ripping MSM I have not seen any significant progress made.

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Postby The Anti-Archon » Thu Jan 25, 2018 2:48 pm

Masato wrote:^^ this theory that Trump is all a Controlled Opposition operation would also make sense considering that Alex Jones/InfoWars, who I also have come to see as controlled opposition, has been TOTALLY sycophantic to Trump ever since he won.

No criticism, so skepticism, just full on Trump-fanning the whole way, even doing stories on Q etc, trying to rally everyone into believing he is totally here to save us. This is just irresponsible imo, lol

Look at this inflated headline for example, (I haven't even watched the vid):

Davos Insider: Trump Going To Face Globalists Down And Tell Them To Surrender

https://www.infowars.com/davos-insider- ... surrender/

Would be great if true but so far aside from ripping MSM I have not seen any significant progress made.

Jones is an Israeli-shill, Israel has thrown in with Trump. That's all you need to know about that.

Look, I am not saying anyone should believe Trump is some saint fighting for the common man. I am saying he is locked in a battle with the Deep State that has run America since they shot JFK. Believe what you will, but the fact is that in the year since Trump took office, he has weathered this coup attempt while Peter Strzok was removed and has been proven to be an embarrassment, McCabe will likely be resigning shortly, Comey is lawyering up, and Hillary and McCain are walking around in matching "boots". Swamp draining does not happen overnight, especially when the depths of treason at all levels are so bad they can't tell the public half of it without the whole house of cards collapsing.

But, in one year, the Deep State has gone from Barry Obama being its mouthpiece with his puppeted hands on all of the levers of power, to Adam Schiff being their mouthpiece with his hands waving frantically to keep one memo secret. If you don't think that is a step in the right direction, then I don't know what to say.

Trump is corrupt. Trump is our best hope. These statements are not mutually exclusive.

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Postby Masato » Thu Jan 25, 2018 2:58 pm

^ fucking excellent, man

Maybe this shit does take time, I am jealous of your optimism! :D

Be careful about 'matching boot' stories though, there is a lot of 'Storm'-porn going around these days, lol getting people's hopes up.
That latest Q post I posted even had a direct call-out to human sacrificing. Alex Jones is all over it. Earlier I posted a vid where the host suggests how many parallels there are to the Q culture when compared for how you get people into cults. I thought it was interesting, it's such an epic and romantic dream scenario for anyone who has been remotely red-pilled, people will invest emotion into it for sure.

I do however get confused as to the relationship then between Israeli lobby/Zionists and what you call the 'Deep State'. I have had the foggy picture for some time now that those 2 were very intertwined... odd if your picture is true, that somehow they are now separated..? Isn't most of the MSM also totally pro-Israel and under significant Zionist influence? In which case explain the schism... :?:

Also staying on topic what are your thoughts specifically about Q then? Like I said Alex Jones is all over it.

Very confusing these days, lol I really hope with some more time we can gather some more pieces and see better just WTF is going on.

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Postby The Anti-Archon » Thu Jan 25, 2018 7:07 pm

There is and always has been a split between Israel-first Zionists and UN Globalists. The Cult of Obama is currently running what I refer to as the "Deep State". This includes but is not limited to the Mueller probe, the MSM (CNN, WaPo, NYT, etc.) and various agents within the intelligence community. These motherfuckers were put in place on Obama's watch, which really means they were put in place on Valerie Jarret's watch. Where do Jarret's loyalties lie? With Iran, with the Federal Reserve, with Islam, with the destruction of the West, with the destruction of nationalism and with the installation of a new Caliphate as in the days of old. This aligned with Hillary's ambitions, who also sought the destruction of the West in service to their agenda and the elimination of borders and the establishment of a communist New World Order with Hillary as a Global Female Mao. Neither of those factions who now cling to one another in mutual fear and hatred were on-board with Israel's end goal of a new Zion. Just look at what was happening in the UN over the course of Obama's presidency. Obama was not a Zionist. You could say that was his best attribute, but the flipside was that he was destroying America at every chance he had.

So, does that mean we must now rally behind a Zionist and Israeli-pawn? Well, depends on if that's what you think Trump is. He is an ally of Israel, true, but so was Reagan and say what you will about Reaganomics, the 1980s lifted the USA out of the post-Vietnam hellhole it was in prior. If Trump wasn't aligned with anyone, he never would have won. Maybe it doesn't much matter. Maybe we're doomed no matter who is in charge. Maybe. But I'll take my chances with the Trump mafia over the Subbud cult any day.

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Postby The Anti-Archon » Thu Jan 25, 2018 7:13 pm

As for Q...Nothing he says is necessarily wrong, but I would say it's likely a LARP. Could be a combo of a few pieces of real info and some hope porn. Doesn't much matter. I am not joining any Trump cult. He is a mobster and would have my throat sliced if it served his purposes, no doubt. But so is Putin, and I've liked watching him play chess with the Globalists over the years, too. Only psychopaths rise to that level of power. The key is that their psychopathy is being directed toward bigger problems. Anyway, that's my take, for what it's worth.

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Postby Redneck » Wed Jan 31, 2018 11:08 am

The Anti-Archon wrote:As for Q...Nothing he says is necessarily wrong, but I would say it's likely a LARP. Could be a combo of a few pieces of real info and some hope porn. Doesn't much matter. I am not joining any Trump cult. He is a mobster and would have my throat sliced if it served his purposes, no doubt. But so is Putin, and I've liked watching him play chess with the Globalists over the years, too. Only psychopaths rise to that level of power. The key is that their psychopathy is being directed toward bigger problems. Anyway, that's my take, for what it's worth.

I agree.

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Postby Masato » Sun Feb 04, 2018 10:36 pm

Some juicy stuff happening:


- Helicopter crashed into a house, people died.

- Among the deaths are Kimberly Lynne Watzman, and Brian R. Reichelt, both involved with STANDARD HOTELS.

- Standard Hotels is a weird private hotel where you apparently cannot get a room without the proper 'connections'.

- The hotel operates in Adam Schiff's district and is the focus of investigation as a PRIVATE ELITE SEX/PEDO HOTEL.

- Q is dropping that Schiff is involved/knows everything

Anon: "Pedo ring human trafficking at hotel, Adam shiftys district, he knew, he’s trying to cut a deal cause he knows he’s grass."

Q: "The intel just dropped is bigger than you can imagine. Q"

Here is Standard Hotel Owner Andre Balazs seen with Spirit Cooking Witch and Podesta/Clinton buddy Marina Abramovic:




Just way too many dots connecting here to ignore imo... shit is really starting to come into focus. Not Q specifically but the picture that his leads are beginning to reflect


Oh yeah there is also some weird shit that the Standard Hotels have been found to have ordered mysterious large amounts of some kind of acid, speculators suggest maybe used to destroy the bodies of victims?

In any case the story is that this Standard Hotels is an elite boutique experience for insider pedos and sex fiends and is also directly wrapped up with Adam Schiff and the whole Pizza/Pedogate crowd

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Postby The Anti-Archon » Tue Feb 06, 2018 4:38 pm


Wow. The Deep State is really down to the second string when they are counting on Adam "Standard Hotel" Schiff to save their bacon. I don't care if he is from the Jacob Schiff bloodline, he looks like a crack smoking kid fucker and I hope he goes down with the rest of them soon. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jacob_Schiff

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Postby Masato » Tue Feb 06, 2018 5:40 pm

The Anti-Archon wrote:Image

Wow. The Deep State is really down to the second string when they are counting on Adam "Standard Hotel" Schiff to save their bacon. I don't care if he is from the Jacob Schiff bloodline, he looks like a crack smoking kid fucker and I hope he goes down with the rest of them soon. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jacob_Schiff

IS he a descendant of that same Schiff line? This also caught my curiosity, I tried to find the lineage but I could not find anything upon first search

If it could be determined that he is a direct son of the Schiff name that would make things a whole lot more interesting imo... many say that the conspiracies about those old family/banking names is old news or a distraction etc but lately I am seeing a lot more value in them, I think the system and empire they created is very much what is still running today, and those apples don't fall far from the tree

I'm learning some really interesting stuff lately about such old tinfoil myths that are suddenly making a lot of modern things clear

Let me know if you can connect Adam Schiff to Jacob Schiff, that would be something

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