Open Pedo running 4 Congress

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Open Pedo running 4 Congress

Postby Masato » Fri Jun 01, 2018 4:58 pm

Congressional Candidate In Virginia Admits He’s A Pedophile ... e89e1e4824

^^^VID in link

Nathan Larson also ran online forums for pedophiles and misogynists.

Nathan Larson, a 37-year-old accountant from Charlottesville, Virginia, is running for Congress as an independent candidate in his native state. He is also a pedophile, as he admitted to HuffPost on Thursday, who has bragged in website posts about raping his late ex-wife.

In a phone call, Larson confirmed that he created the now-defunct websites and ― chat rooms that served as gathering places for pedophiles and violence-minded misogynists like himself. HuffPost contacted Larson after confirming that his campaign website shared an IP address with these forums, among others. His sites were terminated by their domain host on Tuesday.

On the phone, he was open about his pedophilia and seemingly unfazed about his long odds of attaining government office.

“A lot of people are tired of political correctness and being constrained by it,” he said. “People prefer when there’s an outsider who doesn’t have anything to lose and is willing to say what’s on a lot of people’s minds.”

When asked whether he’s a pedophile or just writes about pedophilia, he said, “It’s a mix of both. When people go over the top there’s a grain of truth to what they say.”

Asked whether there was a “grain of truth” in his essay about father-daughter incest and another about raping his ex-wife repeatedly, he said yes, offering that plenty of women have rape fantasies.


According to Larson’s campaign manifesto, his platform as a “quasi-neoreactionary libertarian” candidate includes protecting gun ownership rights, establishing free trade and protecting “benevolent white supremacy,” as well as legalizing incestuous marriage and child pornography.

In the manifesto, Larson called Nazi leader Adolf Hitler a “white supremacist hero.” He urged Congress to repeal the Violence Against Women Act, adding, “We need to switch to a system that classifies women as property, initially of their fathers and later of their husbands.” He also showed sympathy for men who identify as involuntary celibates, or incels, suggesting it is unfair that they “are forced to pay taxes for schools, welfare, and other support for other men’s children.”

Using the pseudonyms Leucosticte and Lysander, Larson frequently participated in conversations on his own message boards, he confirmed to HuffPost.

Larson posted as "Lysander" on his now-defunct website,

As Lysander on, a forum for “suicidal pedophiles,” Larson wrote numerous posts endorsing child rape and other forms of sexual abuse.

“Why doesn’t every pedo just focus on making money so they can get a pedo-wife and then either impregnate her with some fucktoys or adopt some fucktoys?” he wrote on the platform in October. “That would accommodate both those who are and aren’t into incest. And of course, the adoption process lets you pick a boy or a girl.”

Larson has a 3-year-old daughter who lives with relatives. He told HuffPost that he relinquished his parental rights during a custody battle. His ex-wife got a court-ordered restraining order against him in 2015 before she died by suicide. He has since remarried, he says, and is now living in Catlett, Virginia.

Larson used the moniker “Leucosticte” on ― a forum for incels who are pedophiles that was removed this week after the website Babe contacted the domain host. There, he identified as a “hebephilic rapist,” noting that he’s not a typical incel because he’d had sex by raping his ex-wife.

According to the site, which HuffPost viewed before it was taken down, “incelocalypse” refers to “the day we make the jailbaits our rape-slaves.” (The term “jailbait” is slang for a person who is under the legal age of consent for sex.)

Larson posted as "Leucosticte" on

HuffPost did not view any posts explicitly stating that he has engaged in sexual activity with minors, although he repeatedly expressed a desire to have sex with infants and children, including his own daughter. In the phone call, Larson said that the word “pedophile” is “vague” and “just a label,” adding that it’s “normal” for men to be attracted to underage women. He said he did not commit any crimes.

In a 3,300-word essay on, titled “Here’s How to Psyche Yourself Up to Feel Entitled to Rape,” Larson tells other members: “Don’t forget: feminism is the problem, and rape is the solution.” On the platform, he also advocated for father-daughter marriage, killing women and raping virgins.

Larson is less worried about his run for Congress than about his sites coming down. He told HuffPost that the termination of his websites is an affront to his freedom of speech and that he’s going to try to get them hosted elsewhere. Not that it’ll matter ― there are still plenty of forums where incels and other such communities can congregate. The removal of Larson’s sites caused an uproar on, a separate, much larger forum for incels.

Larson’s political ambitions span more than a decade. He first ran for Congress in Virginia’s 1st District in 2008 on what he described as an “anarcho-capitalist” platform. That same year, he sent a letter to the Secret Service threatening to kill the president, which landed him in federal prison for 14 months and barred him from seeking public office.

But in 2016, then-Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe (D) restored voting and other civil rights to thousands of felons, allowing Larson to campaign yet again. In 2017 he ran in Virginia’s House of Delegates District 31 and secured less than 2 percent of the vote. Now he is gunning for a seat in Virginia’s 10th Congressional District.


Until it was pulled down, Larson’s site, a wiki page with details about his latest candidacy, featured posts titled “A Man Should Be Allowed to Choke His Wife to Death as Punishment for Cutting Her Hair Short Without Permission, or Other Acts of Gross Insubordination,” “Advantages of Father-Daughter Incest” and “The Justifiability of an Incel’s Kidnapping a Girl and Keeping Her as His Rape-Slave for Sex and Babymaking.” Wiki pages can be edited by other people, but Larson confirmed he wrote these posts as well as several other disturbing entries.

In “Let’s Define What Rape Is,” a 3,000-word essay posted on as well as other incel sites, Larson wrote: “Women are objects, to be taken care of by men like any other property, and for powerful men to insert themselves into as it pleases them, and as they believe will be in women’s own interests. In most cases, their interests are aligned, as long as the man is strong. Female sex-slaves actually get a much better deal than animals, because in most cases, they are allowed to reproduce, unlike animals raised for meat or companionship.”

When asked what his constituents would think about his pedophiliac writings, he said, “People are open-minded.”

He continued, “A lot of people who disagreed with someone like Trump … might vote for them anyway just because the establishment doesn’t like them.”

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Postby SRBrant » Fri Jun 01, 2018 8:15 pm

His depraved ideology mixed with that dead-eyed, browless face of his makes me question his very humanity.

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Postby SRBrant » Fri Jun 01, 2018 8:18 pm

Seriously, how is he not behind bars - or better yet - in Hell?

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Postby Shinkicker » Sun Jun 03, 2018 7:57 pm

SRBrant wrote:His depraved ideology mixed with that dead-eyed, browless face of his makes me question his very humanity.

But what if he paints on some eyebrows and slips on some stilettos?

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Postby Canuckster » Sun Jun 03, 2018 9:02 pm

SRBrant wrote:Seriously, how is he not behind bars - or better yet - in Hell?

This would depend on your belief that the people in charge of justice in the western world aren't already corrupted.
People say they all want the truth, but when they are confronted with a truth that disagrees with them, they balk at it as if it were an unwanted zombie apocalypse come to destroy civilization.

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Postby The Anti-Archon » Mon Jun 04, 2018 3:47 pm

This smells like a psyop intended to pin the rampant pedophilia in Washington onto some alt-right "incel" low-life. This story is rolling throughout the MSM, while James Alefantis and company got nothing but MSM protection. To put this Larson guy in context: he has never been elected dog-catcher and, even if legit, is just some nutjob who won't win. James Alefantis on the other hand was once listed among the Top 50 Most Powerful People in DC. A pizza-store owner.

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Postby Masato » Mon Jun 04, 2018 6:18 pm

The Anti-Archon wrote:This smells like a psyop intended to pin the rampant pedophilia in Washington onto some alt-right "incel" low-life. This story is rolling throughout the MSM, while James Alefantis and company got nothing but MSM protection. To put this Larson guy in context: he has never been elected dog-catcher and, even if legit, is just some nutjob who won't win. James Alefantis on the other hand was once listed among the Top 50 Most Powerful People in DC. A pizza-store owner.

^ fucking excellent. Was hoping someone would take a stab at putting this into a bigger context.

Our man SRBrant here (as much as I love the guy) is a prime example of how well such psy-ops are working; post this one creepy guy who means nothing and it brings the rage. Try to talk to him about Alefantis and he shuts down into denial.

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Postby SRBrant » Mon Jun 04, 2018 11:54 pm

Masato wrote:
The Anti-Archon wrote:This smells like a psyop intended to pin the rampant pedophilia in Washington onto some alt-right "incel" low-life. This story is rolling throughout the MSM, while James Alefantis and company got nothing but MSM protection. To put this Larson guy in context: he has never been elected dog-catcher and, even if legit, is just some nutjob who won't win. James Alefantis on the other hand was once listed among the Top 50 Most Powerful People in DC. A pizza-store owner.

^ fucking excellent. Was hoping someone would take a stab at putting this into a bigger context.

Our man SRBrant here (as much as I love the guy) is a prime example of how well such psy-ops are working; post this one creepy guy who means nothing and it brings the rage. Try to talk to him about Alefantis and he shuts down into denial.

Or exasperation.

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Postby SRBrant » Tue Jun 05, 2018 12:00 am

I have neither time nor energy to chase after ridiculous conspiracy theories that even Fox News of all people have debunked. If you actually want to fight against tyranny, try starting with the monsters at ICE who snatch babies from their mothers before somehow "losing" FIFTEEN HUNDRED CHILDREN. Some of whom have been sold into sex slavery! And if you can't work on that, why not try actually working on creative revolution to try and prevent this insanity from ever happening again?

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Postby Masato » Tue Jun 05, 2018 1:53 am

^ point proven! :D :D \


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