Occult Renaissance of Catholicism

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Occult Renaissance of Catholicism

Postby Masato » Mon Jul 09, 2018 6:38 pm

Looks like an interesting book, about how during/after the Renaissance, the Catholic Church underwent a series of cataclysmic changes that basically changed the entire religion from what it may have previously been, bringing in all kinds of Occult themes and rules, new policies on banking and such. Author argues that after these changes Catholicism as it stood became unrecognizable.

People talk a lot about the changes made over Vatican II, but it seems earlier shifts were far more dramatic:


Here is a review of it:

Hoffman's work is always revelatory and paradigm changing and this book is no different.
However, the material in this latest work is so disturbing I had to put it down several times over
the course of reading it to struggle to digest what I just read. It has been several weeks since I
finished his new book and I'm still trying to process it. The material will shake you to
your core. It also deserves better than a one or two sentence review here on Amazon. This work
is, and will continue to filter down through the Catholic and Christian consciousness, but I
would surmise the lack of coverage of the book at this point is due to the sheer fact that no one
can figure out how to classify it or respond to its arguments. This book truly breaks new ground
and no one knows what to do with it.

In brief, the book details several very subtle (initially) - but tectonic plate sized shifts in dogma
and practice by the Roman Catholic papacy and College of Cardinals taking place during the
Renaissance period continuing and metasticizing in slow but steady fashion up to the present
day. The tectonic shifts concerned 1. the defacto (and later de jure) abolishment of the Biblical
prohibition on usury (defined Biblically and traditionally up through the Middle Ages as the
taking of ANY profit or interest on loans) 2. The institution of the philosophy of 'probabilism'
and mental reservation and 'equivocation' as refined by St Alphonsus Liguori permitting,
(among many things) lying under oath and theft, etc. 3. And this third one is the most disturbing
- the introduction of the occult philosophy of Hermes Tresmegistus and Pharaonic Egypt in a
neo-platonic/hermetic 'push' into the belief and practices (initially) of the hierarchy of the Roman
Catholic Church, and later through things like Vatican II and the actions of Pope Francis
extending that 'philosophy' to the laity and virtually the whole Church because 'the times' were
such that the 'people' were ready.

Among many anti-Biblical and anti-Christian beliefs inculcated from this - was the desire to
'synthesize' some element of each and every religion in the world (as 'directed' by Hermes 'first
theology') into Catholicism. With the development of a 'higher' class, i.e. initiated Clerics and
Philosophers, came the desire to use and practice Magic, to harmonize the Kabbala and the
Talmud with the Gospel, to dabble in everything else of the occult such as by re-erecting
Egyptian obelisks in Europe that had been previously knocked down by Christians 1300 years
prior. This is all in direct contravention of specific Biblical prohibitions on such conduct, belief
and practices which prohibitions, among other things, prevented the corruption of Biblical
society and practice. If the Bible is truly considered by the Christian to be God's directly revealed
truth, then why would one go and mix it with Egyptian and pagan elements from across the
world. You can begin to see the real 'inside joke' being played by Pope John Paul II when he
tells Voodoo Priests in Haiti that 'they should be interested in our religion and we should be
interested in theirs' or when he goes into a synagogue and tells Judaics that they are our 'elder
brothers in the faith' instead of what pre-Renaissance Clerics had done, which is go into the
Synagogue and ask the Judaics to convert to Catholicism. This is more than just some
humanistic 'fell good' sentiment - this syncretism is part of this occult practice.

This work brings massive amounts of primary material to bear on this infiltration including the
review of many Renaissance works in their original, un-redacted' format. Hoffman also uses that
rarest of skill, in that he takes what is plainly visible in front of your face and recognizes what is
there to see. On my trips to Europe, I knelt down in many Baroque and Renaissance period
churches in Austria and Northern Italy where I looked up and saw symbols such as a human
eyeball ensconced in triangle (pyramid) looking down at me from a position above the altar. I
never knew it, but symbols like this were the Church hierarchies 'signal' of creeping occult

This book is part theology manual, part document based history, and part argument/wake-up call
to Catholics and Christians with an open mind. There is just one 'hit' after the next in this book.
We have Ratzinger, before he was a Cardinal or Pope, writing that the Resurrection of Christ was
'symbolic' such that Christ did not rise on the third day. We have Pope Leo the Xth making sure
the Talmud is printed under license by the finest printers in Europe, saving the Talmud from
destruction. We have the theological superstar of Vatican II Henry Di Lubac, put in place at the
Council after having written books praising the architects of the occult infiltration into the
Roman Church. It is almost to much to bear.

One thing is certain, the Catholic world has spun so far off its axis since the Renaissance no one
can even see where we started from. The road back is long and arduous. All I can say is, I hope
God is indeed merciful because we are all going to need it.

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Postby Masato » Mon Jul 09, 2018 6:40 pm

I'm getting these reviews from the Amazon page, more interesting discussion in the comments section:

https://www.amazon.com/gp/customer-revi ... 0990954722

Look, you have to read the book because you are falling into several traps that are used to deflect people like you, assuming you are of good will, from making any real headway in this world. I say the following to you in all sincerity -

1. No alleged message from Heaven via a Marian Apparition or other miracle is an article of faith and you are not required to believe in any of it as a condition of Catholicity. Apparitions and supernatural occurrences are very easy to misinterpret and rigid application of an Apparition's order, i.e. the 'order' of Fatima directing the Pope to consecrate Russia to Mary - leads to the pathetic situation we have now where the Orthodox Catholic press is attacking Putin and modern Russia, which in many outward respects at least, is restoring monasteries, suppressing Gay and foreign propaganda and instituting an un-official State religion which is Orthodox Christianity. End time prophecies of disaster, etc., serve to sedate the faithful who sit around and hope God just ends the world of declares Armegeddon so we can 'just get it all over with' - this is a pacifier and served to cause people to withdraw from the fray.

2. If you read the book, you will come to understand that Vatican II was not the 'cause' of our current demise but it was only rather a significant waypoint of events set in motion during the Renaissance. It was simply the public manifestation of occult concepts and beliefs that were inculcated into the Church hierarchy hundreds of years prior to V2. No Pope ever completely cleaned house since the Renaissance and all of them are implicated in it to one degree or another. Its like a big inside joke to say - Ah if only Pius XI or XII or Leo X were in charge when these were the guys who either actively contributed to incorporating these ideas into the Church or greased the wheels so other people could get in.

Also, you show the short lenght of your ears when you make statements like "It's quite obvious that the Vatican II sect is the Harlot of Babylon prophesied in Scripture" - no one can say that and be close to being certain of it. Leave the Book of Revelation alone and just get on with your life as if you are going to live to 90 years of age, and your children and chidren's children will do the same. If God is going to destroy the Earth or call an end to it He will do it on His own time - assume it's not going to happen and let's start pushing back against these rats.

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Postby Masato » Mon Jul 09, 2018 6:44 pm

Here is a 'prequel' to the book by the author himself, if anyone is interested:

https://www.revisionisthistory.org/page ... page5.html

...he calls it 'the Neoplatonic-Hermetic and Kabbalistic mandate of the papacy in the Renaissance'

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Postby Masato » Mon Jul 09, 2018 6:46 pm

Author says a most influential figure in this renaissance was Giovanni Pico della Mirandola, aka 'Pico':

“The profound significance of Pico della Mirandola in the history of humanity can hardly be overestimated. He it was who first boldly formulated a new position for European man, man as Magus using both Magia and Cabala to act upon the world, to control his destiny by science. And in Pico, the organic link with religion of the emergence of the Magus can be studied at its source.”

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Postby Masato » Mon Jul 09, 2018 6:46 pm

"It is one of the more profound ironies in the history of the western secret societies, that artificial machine intelligence in the 21st century originated with the Hermetic and Kabbalistic concept of the “ensouling” of statues, a doctrine nurtured by the papacy’s Renaissance magical tradition. "

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Postby Masato » Mon Jul 09, 2018 10:54 pm

Here are some parts discussing the incorporation of the Talmud into the new catholicism:

the desire to
'synthesize' some element of each and every religion in the world (as 'directed' by Hermes 'first
theology') into Catholicism. With the development of a 'higher' class, i.e. initiated Clerics and
Philosophers, came the desire to use and practice Magic, to harmonize the Kabbala and the
Talmud with the Gospel,
to dabble in everything else of the occult such as by re-erecting
Egyptian obelisks in Europe that had been previously knocked down by Christians 1300 years
prior. This is all in direct contravention of specific Biblical prohibitions on such conduct, belief
and practices which prohibitions, among other things, prevented the corruption of Biblical
society and practice.


According to the review, the book elaborates on a time when the Talmud was facing possible extinction, yet "We have Pope Leo the Xth making sure
the Talmud is printed under license by the finest printers in Europe, saving the Talmud from destruction."

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Postby Luigi » Tue Jul 10, 2018 4:13 am

I have a detailed PDF that relates to the hermetica but it wont let me upload it as an attachment.

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Postby jho » Tue Jul 10, 2018 10:24 pm

Masato wrote:"It is one of the more profound ironies in the history of the western secret societies, that artificial machine intelligence in the 21st century originated with the Hermetic and Kabbalistic concept of the “ensouling” of statues, a doctrine nurtured by the papacy’s Renaissance magical tradition. "

Like a golem?

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Postby SRBrant » Wed Jul 11, 2018 4:20 am

jho wrote:
Masato wrote:"It is one of the more profound ironies in the history of the western secret societies, that artificial machine intelligence in the 21st century originated with the Hermetic and Kabbalistic concept of the “ensouling” of statues, a doctrine nurtured by the papacy’s Renaissance magical tradition. "

Like a golem?

The Japanese beat them to the punch before 1000AD. "Haniwa" were (adorable and awesome) clay figurines buried alongside the dead and functioned not only as retaining walls and funerary gifts, but as prosthetic bodies for the souls of the departed. Legend has it that one Emperor was so horrified by the practice of ritually burying the previous emperor's servants alive that he demanded that the practice end, with Haniwa as a replacement for human sacrifice.

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Postby Luigi » Wed Jul 11, 2018 5:24 am

SRBrant wrote:
jho wrote:
Masato wrote:"It is one of the more profound ironies in the history of the western secret societies, that artificial machine intelligence in the 21st century originated with the Hermetic and Kabbalistic concept of the “ensouling” of statues, a doctrine nurtured by the papacy’s Renaissance magical tradition. "

Like a golem?

The Japanese beat them to the punch before 1000AD. "Haniwa" were (adorable and awesome) clay figurines buried alongside the dead and functioned not only as retaining walls and funerary gifts, but as prosthetic bodies for the souls of the departed. Legend has it that one Emperor was so horrified by the practice of ritually burying the previous emperor's servants alive that he demanded that the practice end, with Haniwa as a replacement for human sacrifice.

Pretty sure Pharoic Egypt did that do.

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