McGregor to challenge Khabib Nurmagomedov for lightweight title at UFC 229

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Re: McGregor to challenge Khabib Nurmagomedov for lightweight title at UFC 229

Postby Illuminat3d0ne » Wed Oct 10, 2018 8:42 pm

Masato wrote:Rematches are good if the fight was close or exciting. But I thought Khabib whupped him. Don't see much different result if they fight a 2nd time.

I'm still sad that all the fun of the McGregor train is pretty much gone. Can he really strut around or talk his trash anymore with any credibility? No fun :(

Investigations to Ali would be super interesting. I'd keep it in this subforum but post where you like, don't know how high his connections go on the bigger Grand Chessboard

Only thing I'll add to rematches is if the champ is a longtime champ (Aldo), in that case, I'd give an immediate rematch but that's just me

I really think it depends on how Conor handles it
If he comes out real and says hey I need to work on my wrestling and will be but I can still knock any man cold when I'm on my game and the left connects
Say that khabib was the better fighter on that night and he has nothing but respect for the mans skill
Say that he will be taking on Diaz for the third time and he hopes that one day down the line he will get his chance to redeem himself

But that's not conor lol
He'll say he wants a rematch and try to play it off as rust
Kavanaigh worried me on Jre when he said he thinks their wrestling will be fine and they wont bring in anybody specific for that
Bad mistake imo

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Postby Illuminat3d0ne » Wed Oct 10, 2018 8:43 pm

Oh and Ali goes all the way up man

He is into some serious shit and Conor wasnt wrong when he called him a rat
He is a true turncoat, the piece of shit turned on his "friends"

The guy has two abandoned kids
Hes a true piece of shit

Edit: Conor brought up the younger kid in his trash talk

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Postby Illuminat3d0ne » Wed Oct 10, 2018 8:54 pm

I think the funniest thing about the khabib fan boys/Conor haters is when they are hating on conors trash talk saying its over the line, I ask them if they are a Muhammed Ali fan
So far only one person has responded and it actually turned into respectful debate
They others shut up immediately

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Postby Masato » Wed Oct 10, 2018 8:59 pm

Illuminat3d0ne wrote:I think the funniest thing about the khabib fan boys/Conor haters is when they are hating on conors trash talk saying its over the line, I ask them if they are a Muhammed Ali fan
So far only one person has responded and it actually turned into respectful debate
They others shut up immediately

That's interesting I was just thinking about that the other day... some had made a comparison between Conor and Ali, and Conor was really quite respectful about it, giving Ali respect

But I was thinking;

- Did Ali curse the way Conor does? I don't think he did
- Did Ali get really personal and insult people the way Conor does? I don't think so either but maybe I'm wrong

I know Ali trash talked a lot but most of what I've seen was either about himself or was half-comedy/light hearted humor. Conor goes straight for the soul, really hard imo, very different style

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Postby Illuminat3d0ne » Wed Oct 10, 2018 9:12 pm

Masato wrote:
Illuminat3d0ne wrote:I think the funniest thing about the khabib fan boys/Conor haters is when they are hating on conors trash talk saying its over the line, I ask them if they are a Muhammed Ali fan
So far only one person has responded and it actually turned into respectful debate
They others shut up immediately

That's interesting I was just thinking about that the other day... some had made a comparison between Conor and Ali, and Conor was really quite respectful about it, giving Ali respect

But I was thinking;

- Did Ali curse the way Conor does? I don't think he did
- Did Ali get really personal and insult people the way Conor does? I don't think so either but maybe I'm wrong

I know Ali trash talked a lot but most of what I've seen was either about himself or was half-comedy/light hearted humor. Conor goes straight for the soul, really hard imo, very different style

Dude ali was racist as fuck in his trash talk
He is literally one of the cruelest trash talkers of all time
He routinely told white fighters that if they beat him the NOI would burn down their houses and that's not even the racism I'm talking about

He called frazier a gorilla and a fucking uncle tom

Edit: it's funny that your response is almost identical to the one response I got that turned into a respectful debate lol

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Postby Masato » Wed Oct 10, 2018 9:29 pm

But was Frazier an Uncle Tom?

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Postby Masato » Wed Oct 10, 2018 9:30 pm

Did Ali ever curse in his trashtalk? I would like to see a HL of his worst, lol

I've watched a lot of Ali footage and can only remember lighthearted humor. But I wasn't there, maybe history likes to ignore some parts of his career :D

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Postby Illuminat3d0ne » Wed Oct 10, 2018 10:05 pm

Masato wrote:But was Frazier an Uncle Tom?

Not sure why that would matter honestly
It is a racial slur which most definitely was over the line to Frazier since we know he took his hatred of Ali to grave
Even going so far as to be happy at Ali disease

I think that's a big problem
Going "over the line" seems to only matter to people when it's something that is sensitive to you, that is 100% bias
Look at it without bias and everything can be considered over the line since people can always find reasons to be sensitive to nearly all issues

Its is fine to hate McGregor for his trash talk, it's fine to consider him a disrespectful piece of shit
But you have to accept it as part of accepted trash talk in combat sports if you also find the trash talk that ali used acceptable or you are being nothing more than biased

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Postby Illuminat3d0ne » Wed Oct 10, 2018 10:09 pm

Masato wrote:Did Ali ever curse in his trashtalk? I would like to see a HL of his worst, lol

I've watched a lot of Ali footage and can only remember lighthearted humor. But I wasn't there, maybe history likes to ignore some parts of his career :D

No he didnt curse but again that is just something that is sensitive to you
You really find using racial slurs light hearted?
You really find calling another black man an uncle Tom in 1971, trying to turn an entire population against a man lighthearted?

We can respectfully disagree on that

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Postby Edge Guerrero » Wed Oct 10, 2018 10:28 pm

Illuminat3d0ne wrote: We shall see
I'm hoping for a 1 year suspension and 400k (20% of show money)

Dont strip the title (he deserves that and earned it) but do an interm while waiting and khabib fights interm when he returns

Edit: the 400k isnt a big deal for people who think it's a lot
He'd have 1.6m coming back to him from show and another 8-10m coming from points
So that's about 4% of his purse

- I agree with you. Atacking Mcgregor after dude was on a four round fight isnt right.

I dont blame Khabib for doing what he did to Danis thought, even thought i agree that he deserves the punishment. But UFC set the precedent by letting Mcgregor team getting of the bus incident!
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