Watching 'Stranger Things'

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Watching 'Stranger Things'

Postby Masato » Mon Jan 14, 2019 8:26 pm

So my daughter loves this show, thinks its the greatest thing ever.

I am paranoid of TV and hate letting them watch most of it, but at the same time realize its a bit nutty as a parent to go too far trying to shelter them, I have to let them see things for what they are. I watched tons of TV growing up lol

Anyways I'm also paranoid of NetFlix (another topic we should start perhaps, I see a lot of patterns and social programming coming through NetFlix) so I decided I better check out what's in her head.

I'm almost done Season 1 and have to say I get the hype. Its a pretty fun show. Pretty scary, but mixed with a good comic-book yarn style. Its also set in the 80's, and they obviously attempted to capture as much 80's nostalgia as possible and I think they did a pretty good job.

I tell my daughter that I was the exact age as those kids in the time the show is set, that was me growing up in the 80's. She even once recognized a Clash song I had on while driving one day, the first respect I ever got from her re; my musical tastes lol

Anyways the show is all about MK ULTRA VICTIMS. They even name MK Ultra specifically. Then they weave in some other fantasy around it, but I thought it was interesting that a NetFlix show is bringing up such a topic. I haven't told my daughter yet that MK is not entirely fictional

Anyone else watching this?

I heard a podcast the other day with a bunch of script geeks saying how great Season 1 is, but how Season 2 totally falls apart. My daughter disagrees. I look forward to seeing for myself. They speculated on the podcast that either: A) the writers didn't have Season 2 planned and hacked it together too fast/ran with a messy first draft, or B) entartainment execs told them to STFU about MK Ultra


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Postby Edge Guerrero » Mon Jan 14, 2019 9:03 pm

- You got a lot of paranoias,boss!
I never watched, but gave heard that is a good show!

Will watch some day.
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Postby Som-Pong » Tue Jan 15, 2019 1:11 am

Good show.

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Postby Masato » Thu Jan 17, 2019 6:30 pm

So I start Season 2 and am utterly confused, watched 2 episodes I think and have no idea what's going on. I ask my daughter and she just thinks I'm dumb lol

Then I figure out that I totally missed the last episode of Season 1, missed the ending entirely :D

Had to go back and watch it again (great ending!) - then Season 2 made more sense. Finished the whole damn thang this morning.

Pretty good stuff. Lotsa fun, true 80's comic/pulp adventure fashion but in 2019 hardcore style lol (pretty gory and frightening, I don't think I'd let me son watch it too young). Hyped for Season 3

Then I watched a show called 'Beyond Stranger Things' where the cast and crew talk about making the series, and among imo too much sex talk for a table full of kids, they also had Bill Fucking Nye on as a guest host to explain how different 'multi-verses' are possible scientifically.


What's with all the multiverse stuff lately?
Now I'm all paranoid again lol

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Postby Masato » Thu Jan 17, 2019 6:32 pm

Also there are a bunch of scenes way too similar to what I wrote years ago in my own personal screenplays, kinda bummed me out, now I'll have to change em or people will think I lifted them from Stranger Things

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Postby The Anti-Archon » Thu Jan 17, 2019 10:45 pm

It's a good show with good actors and decent scripts. But it is so derivative that it goes right past "homage" and veers into an analogy of a momma bird puking the 80s back into its baby birds' mouths. Every trope from everything that made the 80s cool is rolled up into one. Like ET? Got you covered. Like Friday the 13th? You're in. Like Stephen King? Of course you do. John Carpenter? Yep. Hell, did you like Aliens? Here's fucking Burke you witless morons.


Don't get me wrong. I watch it. I even enjoy it. But there is something very weird about grinding up an entire decade into a juicer and shoving it down your throat.

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Postby Canuckster » Fri Jan 18, 2019 2:42 am

Season 1 is good, season 2 is dog shit. The plot is full of holes and goes places that make no sense and way too much of your typical feminist rag crap that goes into everything now.
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Postby Masato » Fri Jan 18, 2019 3:29 am

I would really be curious as to how much story for seasons 2 and 3 were actually planned out before they realized season 1was such a big hit.

Would seem a reasonable theory that it wasn’t planned out at all, or at best very vaguely, and had a short amount of time to scramble together a new season of episodes. In this case I think they did a half decent job. Wasn’t super strong but it at least held together. Some character arcs etc.

Just from my own experience writing, you can hack together a functional script in a year or less, but to really tweak something to a finished product just isn’t something that can be rushed.

I wish them well for season 3, they left things in s pretty open place, lots to work from. Which was probably part of the strategy because they didn’t know exactly where it was gonna go for season 3 lol

Imo they should be wary about making it too much of s monster movie, and more on being a buddy/friend movie. Season has the potential to tank for sure.

That’s why I love movies. And usually hate sequels lol.

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Postby Masato » Fri Jan 18, 2019 3:34 am

The Anti-Archon wrote:It's a good show with good actors and decent scripts. But it is so derivative that it goes right past "homage" and veers into an analogy of a momma bird puking the 80s back into its baby birds' mouths. Every trope from everything that made the 80s cool is rolled up into one. Like ET? Got you covered. Like Friday the 13th? You're in. Like Stephen King? Of course you do. John Carpenter? Yep. Hell, did you like Aliens? Here's fucking Burke you witless morons.


Don't get me wrong. I watch it. I even enjoy it. But there is something very weird about grinding up an entire decade into a juicer and shoving it down your throat.

I don’t mind this gimmick if an original concept can be made to hold it together. I fell for the same trick with the Kill Bill movies. Also just multi-rip offs of cult genre films but done really well. Kill Bill is one of my favourite movies.

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Postby Masato » Fri Jan 18, 2019 3:36 am

I really wonder if kids even see the 80s thing or not. How do they see it?

Seems like the show was targeted st 40 year olds but I know it’s super popular with kids. What do they think of all the nostalgia? Or do they even notice?

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