Zionism Thread

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Re: Zionism Thread

Postby Masato » Mon Mar 04, 2019 2:48 pm

sparkuri wrote:
Masato wrote:
sparkuri wrote:I've spent the last 10 days in Israel(some in Jordan).
I've spoke to many regarding the state; it's pretty clear Jews/Judaism is like nothing else on earth, and currently & historically societies worldwide have reacted to that.
I don't believe there's a grand Zionist conspiracy to take over the world. Powers are at work, but in my view, Zionism is only a tool to others who align geopolitically; "the enemy of my enemy is my friend".
There's a Hebrew contingency here that's as thick or thicker than any nation on earth.
I've driven through Megiddo, understand it's importance strategically/historically & in prophecy.
I'm in Jerusalem now, toured the underground under the temple mount today and visited the Western Wall, seeing thousands of years of civilization stacked on top of each other.
This is the oldest city in the world that's been continuously and actively occupied.
Only under current conditions & governing has excavation been undertaken to retrace history so meticulously.

There are some historically miraculous events that occurred prior to western support but after 1948's resolution that in my view make this truly a land of prophecy.
Only through worldwide mandates in the last several centuries by Sultans, Kings, and empires that outline scattering the Hebrews or tribes of Israel over eradicating them entirely, has antisemitism existed over the centuries.
I think they're haters frankly.

I've spent my entire life disseminating information on the topic, long before wikipedia.
I thought I'd put some boots on the ground for some more understanding & context.
Palestine may have been called Palestine, but the Philistines didn't establish that name, Arab tribalism eg Saud, Jordan, Persia, Babylonia did.
Phoenicians settled on this hill long before any of them, but names change when land is conquered.

Jews are creative enough to have established strength worldwide to reclaim the land, but that imo is all they want.
They'll just continue to exercise every breath in maintaining it, just as other countries do.

Strong post, thanks sparkuri amazing

Would absolutely love to hear more.

Its the last paragraph of your post is what I find most to be questioning; how far will they go to maintain it? how much power is necessary to wield to maintain it, how much of US policy/media etc has been hijacked to maintain it? If all they want is that land then OK go conquer it and be done with it. But if you have to manipulate so much of the rest of the world at great expense to maintain it then we have some concerns

I would be curious also how you are enjoying your trip, through the many lenses you've no doubt accumulated along your studies. What is the energy like there if I may ask such an esoteric question? Is it enjoyable from a vacation perspective? Or are you more enjoying on an intellectual/historical basis? Did you ever dip into Palestine/occupied territory? Or is that impossible/difficult for tourists?

Thanks again. Glad to see some people having the guts to chime in here, a very interesting topic imho rarely explored/discussed.

Even my man SRBrant and I are finding some common ground lol

Regarding how far will they go to maintain it(or have they gone), I'd say all the way.
Honestly, I think America has already fallen, just being a matter of time due to lack of morality/culture.
So far as media/policy are hijacked, it just all looks like an early land grab of sorts to me so the depths of their influence remains to be seen, but currently it looks strong(I think Trump is actually a large part of that).
I think everyone here has a good grasp on their reach and influence in the last 70+ years, particularly.
I think they don't just conquer it because the facade of the UN is so strong in the minds of the peasants worldwide.
Virtue-signaling is at a worldwide high with the vacuum created by a declining, western, god-centered moral code, so actions to just annihilate them would be a death sentence/World War. I don't think in '67 they had the power to maintain a wipeout, but think their last chance was really the Iraq war(Storm & Shield), as the USSR had "fallen" and sentiment could've carried them after scud attacks and how ignorant/emotional the public is on the issue, along with relative enough trust in the media then. Now things are obviously different.
I also think Israel can't possibly just wipeout everyone as they're too interdependent on neighbors for daily life.
Trusted Syrians, Palestinians and Jordanians keep the fabric of their society afloat during Shabbat.

I didn't enjoy my trip for personal reasons, but yes, it was intended to be a pilgrimage of sorts rather than vacation.
As far as vacation, Tel Aviv is a growing tourist hotspot, but circumnavigating Israel as a whole is just too arduous to enjoy imo, unless you're wealthy or well-connected.
It can be painstaking to arrange safe passage between zones.
Speaking of zones, yes, I spent time in the West Bank, not a place I'd recommend. It's kinda like Juarez in that way.
If you're Israeli or American without being a benefit, walking out in the open is gambling with your life.
The tension is high in all "A" zones. To quote Deckard, "you're either a benefit or a hazard".


If you didn't see, I just went to see this play yesterday about the Oslo Accords:

We did a bit of homework before seeing the play, and it was a great play worthy of plenty discussion, so my wife and I have been chatting and exploring the whole Israel/Palestine situ for a couple days now or more. She has some Israeli friends at her studio who seem to want to talk a lot but she finds their views confusing so she wants to learn more.

We agreed it would be amazing to go see it one day for ourselves, but both admitted that it would be just us, like you said a pilgrimage of sorts, so many lenses from which to look at the place through (religious/historical/political etc) -it doesn't seem like a family vacation type place.

(lol, I'm imagining Chevy Chase and the Griswolds Vacation sequel going to the West Bank lololol)


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Postby Masato » Mon Mar 04, 2019 3:07 pm

penxv wrote:I came across a book I'd never heard of today and I was like "damn, is that real?"

Martin Luther (of protestant reformation fame) goes in hard on the Js.

Holy shit. Great find

I would have never expected anything like that

downloaded/been going through it

So far it just seems to be a bunch of religious contentions, discussing differences of opinion about the bible and whom god serves etc. It goes on for pages and pages about circumcision FFS, (I still will never understand how such a weird thing became such an important thing in religion)

Not too interested in theological/religious debates. I'll keep skimming to see if there is any content with any non-religious substance

Regardless, this kind of throws the whole Reformation into a whole new light, no? At least for me... Perhaps it wasn't only about a rift with the Vatican, but there may have been some further reaching religious conflict as well motivating his movement? In fact it would make sense Luther would have addressed Judaism in his manifestos etc, its all intertwined


Do you think this document is legit/accurate?

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Postby Masato » Mon Mar 04, 2019 3:11 pm

Tony Blair appointed as head of European body fighting antisemitism
https://www.theguardian.com/politics/20 ... l_r88e_gmg


Tony Blair is to take on a new role tackling antisemitism by assuming the chairmanship of a pan-European body that campaigns for stronger laws against extremism across the continent.

The British former prime minister has been appointed as chairman of the European Council on Tolerance and Reconciliation a week after he announced that he would stand down as the envoy of the quartet on the Middle East.

In an article for the Times, in which he sets out his plans for his new role, Blair says that he will campaign against the abuse of religions which has become a “mask behind which those bent on death and destruction all too often hide”.
Guardian Today: the headlines, the analysis, the debate - sent direct to you
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Blair says he will be campaigning to implement the recommendations of a report by the council which outlined legislative proposals to give greater power to judiciaries to prosecute hate speech, to lower barriers to what constitutes incitement to violence, and to make Holocaust denial illegal.

Blair’s proposals will revive memories of some of the laws he tried to introduce in Britain in the wake of the 9/11 attacks which prompted a debate on civil liberties.

They write: “As has been said before, but is worth repeating, prejudice and racism often starts with the softest targets, be it Jews or others, but it never ends there. Antisemitism is not a Jewish problem, but one infecting the whole of society and needs to be tackled for the sake of us all.”

The announcement of Blair’s new role comes just a week after he announced that he would stand down as the special representative of the international quartet – the UN, US, EU and Russia – on the Middle East. Friends said Blair would continue to work towards peace in the Middle East amid criticism that he had failed to notch up any great achievements during his eight years as the envoy, a post he took up when he resigned as prime minister in 2007.

Blair faced criticism during his time in the position for being overly sympathetic to Israel. The Palestinian Authority’s former chief negotiator Nabil Shaath said Blair had “achieved so very little because of his gross efforts to please the Israelis”.

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Postby penxv » Mon Mar 04, 2019 8:32 pm

Masato wrote:
penxv wrote:I came across a book I'd never heard of today and I was like "damn, is that real?"

Martin Luther (of protestant reformation fame) goes in hard on the Js.

Holy shit. Great find

I would have never expected anything like that

downloaded/been going through it

So far it just seems to be a bunch of religious contentions, discussing differences of opinion about the bible and whom god serves etc. It goes on for pages and pages about circumcision FFS, (I still will never understand how such a weird thing became such an important thing in religion)

Not too interested in theological/religious debates. I'll keep skimming to see if there is any content with any non-religious substance

Regardless, this kind of throws the whole Reformation into a whole new light, no? At least for me... Perhaps it wasn't only about a rift with the Vatican, but there may have been some further reaching religious conflict as well motivating his movement? In fact it would make sense Luther would have addressed Judaism in his manifestos etc, its all intertwined


Do you think this document is legit/accurate?

Nobody seems to dispute that he was the author. As far as accuracy regarding his scripture interpretation, he seems to be missing a few pieces of information. He bumps into an important point but only scratches the surface...

"They relate that the chiefs of the people wore wreaths at Mount Sinai at that time as a
symbol that they had contracted a marriage with God through the law, that they had become his
bride, and that the two had wedded one another. Later we read in all the prophets how God
appears and talks with the children of Israel as a husband with his wife. From this also sprang the
peculiar worship of Baal; for "Baal" denotes a man of the house or a master of the house,
"Beulah" denotes a housewife."

"they pride themselves tremendously on having received the land of
Canaan, the city of Jerusalem, and the temple from God. God has often squashed such boasting
and arrogance, especially through the king of Babylon, who led them away into captivity and
destroyed everything"

He seems to understand that Nebuchadnezzar was an agent of God's will through his prophet Daniel. But he doesn't grasp the significance of the Baal infiltration. The priests of Baal were Daniel's adversaries in Nebuchadnezzar's court and were identified by Tea Tephi as having enslaved the tribe of Judah (which is the noble line and her tribe) in the first line of her book.
Scriptural evidence of the infiltration can be found in the stories of the golden calf (exodus 32) and of Balaam and Balak (numbers 22-25). These are the people that Jesus was talking about when he said “I know your afflictions and your poverty—yet you are rich! I know the slander of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan” in a letter to an early church in Smyrna. These are the people that instituted the Babylonian money magic slave system that continues to this day through central banks with the end-game of world currency and world communism.

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Postby Masato » Mon Mar 04, 2019 11:33 pm

French resist effort to censor criticism of Zionism
https://electronicintifada.net/blogs/al ... sm-zionism

French President Emmanuel Macron has received praise from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for his vow to crack down on opposition to Zionism.

There is a pushback in France against President Emmanuel Macron’s speech to a major Israel lobby group last month vowing to criminalize anti-Zionism.

More than 400 intellectuals, artists and activists have signed an open letter to Macron that was published on 28 February in the national newspaper Libération.

“Mr. President, we are French citizens who respect the laws of the republic, but if you adopt a law against anti-Zionism, or if you officially adopt an erroneous definition of anti-Semitism that permits outlawing it, please know that we will break this law with our words, our writing, our art and our acts of solidarity,” the letter states.

“And if you decide to pursue us, to silence us, even to imprison us for that, well, you can come and get us.”

Among the signatories are academics and educators Ariella Azoulay, Sonia Dayan-Herzbrun and Michèle Sibony; filmmakers Jean-Luc Godard, Simone Bitton and Eyal Sivan; writers Nancy Huston and Abdellatif Laabi; and veteran journalist Alain Gresh.

“Anti-Zionism is an opinion, a current of thought born among European Jews at the moment when Jewish nationalism was taking off. It opposes the Zionist ideology that advocated (and still advocates) the installation of the world’s Jews in Palestine, today Israel,” the letter adds.

It notes that the essential argument of anti-Zionism is “that Palestine was never an empty territory that a ‘people without land’ are free to colonize based on a divine promise, but a country populated with real inhabitants for whom Zionism would soon become a synonym for exodus, despoilation and the negation of all their rights.”

During his speech to CRIF, a major Jewish communal organization and pro-Israel group, Macron claimed “anti-Zionism is one of the modern forms of anti-Semitism” and pledged that France would formally adopt the so-called IHRA definition of anti-Semitism.

Supported by the Israel lobby, the definition deliberately conflates criticism of Israel and Zionism on the one hand, with hatred of Jews, on the other.

Macron did not promise a change in the penal code to outlaw anti-Zionist speech, but said that instructions would be issued to police, judges and teachers “to permit them to better combat those who hide behind the rejection of Israel and even the negation of its existence.”

The French president’s move, praised by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, is part of a transatlantic campaign to weaponize often false accusations of anti-Semitism to smear and silence critics of Israel.

But while Macron is so far not proposing to change the law, some 30 lawmakers are pushing just such an initiative and said in February that they have been working up proposals for several months.

“What we want to outlaw is denying the existence of Israel,” Sylvain Maillard, a lawmaker from Macron’s La République en Marche party, said. “Of course one can continue to criticize Israeli governments.”

In his speech to CRIF, Macron seemingly sought to allay demands to outlaw anti-Zionism directly by touting French authorities’ legal crackdown against BDS – the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement for Palestinian rights.

Macron pointed to convictions against boycott activists, and said there would be more.

The campaign group BDS France took aim at the president’s renewed attacks on the boycott movement.

“In reality, the vast majority of complaints against BDS activists do not result in convictions,” BDS France stated. “They either are not prosecuted, or are resolved by acquittals.”

The group noted that even the staunchly pro-Israel European Union has conceded that boycott activism to pressure Israel and complicit institutions and companies to end abuses of Palestinians is protected free speech.

“Let’s recall that boycott is a frequent form of protest against injustice practiced by such historic figures as Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Jr. and Nelson Mandela,” the group asserted.

Paraphrasing Macron’s own words, BDS France vowed that none of the president’s repressive measures would succeed in “erasing from our society the anti-apartheid struggle or the criticism of Israeli policies.”

“We will hold on and, in the end, we will win,” BDS France stated.

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Postby Masato » Mon Mar 04, 2019 11:36 pm

penxv wrote:
Nobody seems to dispute that he was the author. As far as accuracy regarding his scripture interpretation, he seems to be missing a few pieces of information. He bumps into an important point but only scratches the surface...

"They relate that the chiefs of the people wore wreaths at Mount Sinai at that time as a
symbol that they had contracted a marriage with God through the law, that they had become his
bride, and that the two had wedded one another. Later we read in all the prophets how God
appears and talks with the children of Israel as a husband with his wife. From this also sprang the
peculiar worship of Baal; for "Baal" denotes a man of the house or a master of the house,
"Beulah" denotes a housewife."

"they pride themselves tremendously on having received the land of
Canaan, the city of Jerusalem, and the temple from God. God has often squashed such boasting
and arrogance, especially through the king of Babylon, who led them away into captivity and
destroyed everything"

He seems to understand that Nebuchadnezzar was an agent of God's will through his prophet Daniel. But he doesn't grasp the significance of the Baal infiltration. The priests of Baal were Daniel's adversaries in Nebuchadnezzar's court and were identified by Tea Tephi as having enslaved the tribe of Judah (which is the noble line and her tribe) in the first line of her book.
Scriptural evidence of the infiltration can be found in the stories of the golden calf (exodus 32) and of Balaam and Balak (numbers 22-25). These are the people that Jesus was talking about when he said “I know your afflictions and your poverty—yet you are rich! I know the slander of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan” in a letter to an early church in Smyrna. These are the people that instituted the Babylonian money magic slave system that continues to this day through central banks with the end-game of world currency and world communism.

You are touching on some deep ideas here...

Another angle of that stuff is that supposedly most European/Russian jews are descendents of the Khazars, not of the Middle East. The Khazars were a tribe/empire or whatever that mysteriously mass converted to Judaism, but before this conversion who was their god?


All myth and lore or course, but interesting investigation/speculation nonetheless

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Postby penxv » Tue Mar 05, 2019 2:08 am

Tephi, JC, and the Sinai stories indicate an infiltration of Baal worshippers long before 800 AD.

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Postby Masato » Wed Mar 06, 2019 10:09 pm

penxv wrote:Tephi, JC, and the Sinai stories indicate an infiltration of Baal worshippers long before 800 AD.

A whole tracing of Baal would make an interesting study.

For example I've heard that ancient site of Baalbek has some of the largest megalithic stones in the world, a mystery of history and physics etc. (may be getting off topic here, maybe a Baal thread? )

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Postby Masato » Thu Mar 07, 2019 12:44 am

Here is an interesting timeline I found re: the Zionist plan to create the State of Israel & Jerusalem:

In France, Captain Alfred Dreyfus, falsely charged with espionage. Ultimately he is exonerated with the help of Emile Zola, but the trial and attendant wave of antisemitism cause many Jews to rethink their commitment to assimilation. The trial and other influences led Theodor Herzl to write Die Judenstadt - The Jewish State.

1897 First Zionist Congressin Basle, Switzerland.

1901 Fifth Zionist Congress establishes the Jewish National Fund ;Eliezer Ben Yehuda/A> publishes a Hebrew newspaper, “Hashkafah" (The Outlook), supported by Baron Edmond de Rothschild.

1902 Herzl publishes Altneuland.

1903 Following the horrors of the Kishinev pogroms, Herzl proposes to substitute another country as a "night refuge" for persecuted Jews. British officials suggest El Arish and later Uganda. The idea is rejected by the Russian Jews whom Herzl wanted to help. Sixth Zionist Congress split over British offer to settle Uganda. A commission is appointed to look into the question. Eventually the British offer is withdrawn. Laemel school moved to "new" part of Jerusalem, outside the walls.

1904 Second Aliya (wave of immigration) - young socialist immigrants (1904-1914). Catalyzed by pogroms and a coincidental wave of arrests in Russia preceding and following the 1905 revolution. Herzl dies. Vaad Halahshon founded by Eliezer Ben Yehuda to popularize Hebrew as the language of the Jewish people.

1905 The seventh Zionist Congress (Basel) rules out any alternative to Palestine as the objective of the Zionism.

1906 David Gruen (later David Ben-Gurion) arrives in Israel; First Hebrew high school founded in Jaffa; Bezalel School of Art founded in Jerusalem by Boris Schatz. First Congress of Poalei Tziyon in Poltava, under the leadership of Ber Borochov.

1907 Arthur Ruppin visits Palestine, reports to Zionist organization on status of settlements and is sent to open the Palestine Bureau in 1908.

July 3 1908 The Young Turks revolt breaks out in the Ottoman empire, and is eventually led by Enver Pasha; Sultan ‘Abd al-Hamid II is forced to restore the constitution of 1876, entailing the creation of a new parliament, and indirect representative elections. ‘Abd al-Hamid is then deposed (27Apr 09), and his brother Mehmet V installed. Policies for the ‘Turkification’ of the Ottoman territories promulgated through 1909, resulting in the creation of societies promoting pan-Arab ideas,

1908 First Arabic newspaper in Haifa, al-Karmil, popularizes opposition to selling land to Zionists.

1908 The eighth Zionist congress in 1908 adopted "Synthetic Zionism" incorporating both Practical Zionism (settlement on the land) and Political Zionism (attempts to get an internationally recognized homeland). Jewish Agency brings Yemenite Jews as immigrants to provide inexpensive labor 1908-1914.

1909 Foundation of Tel Aviv (Called Ahuzat Bayit) near Jaffa; foundation of first Kibbutz - Degania (1910 according to some sources); foundation of Hashomer (the Watchman) patrol group.

1910 British archeologist Montague Parker excavates under the Haram as Sharif (temple mount). Rumors that he had found and stolen the Ark of the Covenant caused riots by Jews and Arabs.

1911 Filastin, large Arabic newspaper, launched in Jaffa.

1912 Aref el Aref, later the historian of Palestine, mandate Southern District officer and mayor of East Jerusalem, warns in Filastin that the Jews want to take over the country.

Aug 1914 Start of WW I. Foreign nationals (including Zionists with Russian citizenship) expelled from Palestine during the war..

July 1915 Husayn-McMahonCorrespondence - Britain promises independence for Arabia. Zion Mule Corps ("the Jewish Legion") established by Yosef Trumpeldor in British Army.

May 1916 Sykes-Picot Agreement divides up Fertile Crescent between France & Britain into zones of influence, recognizing Arab independence in part of the land.

Nov 2, 1917 British issued The Balfour Declaration, promising a “National Home” for the Jews in Palestine.

Dec 1917 Gen. Sir Edmund Allenby captures Jerusalem from Ottomans for the British. Col. Reginald Storrs is appointed military governor.
Allenby's conquest was aided by information from the Jewish Nili underground. However, the conquest of northern Palestine is delayed for 9 more months because fresh German advances in France force Allenby to send troops back to Europe.

Apr, 1918 Zionist commission arrives in Palestine.

June, 1918 Emir Feisal and Dr. Haim Weizmann meet near Aqaba

Nov 1918 First Muslim-Christian association formed in Jaffa to oppose the creation of a Jewish homeland. Another was formed in Jerusalem soon after. Armistice between Allies and Germany, Nov 11.

Jan. 1919 First Palestinian (Arab) Congress advocated incorporation of Palestine into greater Syria.

Jan 18, 1919 Paris Peace Conference opens - results in Treaty of Versailles, June 28, 1919. Haim Weizmann headed the Zionist delegation.

July 1919 General Syrian Congress (which included prominent Palestinians, Transjordanians, Lebanese & Syrians) held in Damascus, supporting the independence of an undivided Syria, and opposed to Zionism. Britain cedes authority over Syria to France after the congress finishes; Gen. Henri Gourand becomes High Commissioner.

Aug 29, 1919 Henry King and Charles Crane, the US members of the International Commission of Inquiry,sent primarily on the initiative of President Wilson, present their report based on their visit to the region in June-July, against creation of a Jewish National home in Palestine.

1919-1922 Third Aliyah (Wave of immigration) - consisted mostly of Jews returning to Palestine from exile.

Feb - Mar 1920 Jewish settlements of Tel Hai and Metullah in N. Palestine attacked (Feb 20). Josef Trumpeldor killed in second attack at Tel Hai (March 1)

March 1920 Faysal elected and crowned king of Greater Syria at 2nd General Syrian Congress in Damascus; assembly proclaims independence from France of Greater Syria; rejects Balfour Declaration and Sykes-Picot agreement. Allies occupy Constantinople.

April, 1920 Musa Kazim al-Husayni, mayor of Jerusalem, is replaced by Raghib al-Nashashibi; clan rivalry grows.

April, 1920 "Nebi musa" Arab riots led by Hajj Amin El Husseini and Aref El Aref in Jerusalem. Forty six Jews Killed.

Apr 25, 1920 San Remo Conference - Supreme Allied Council assigns mandates for Mesopotamia and Palestine to Britain, and Syria and Lebanon to France.

June 1920 Haganah, Jewish Self Defense, organized by Vladimir (Ze'ev) Jabotinsky, Eliahu Golumb and others.

July 1920 Herbert Samuel named High Commissioner of Palestine. King Faisal recognizes French Mandate. French forces under Gourand retake Damascus by force with British support. Britain arrests Palestinian notables who had supported Faysal.

Dec 1920 Histadrut, the General Federation of Hebrew Workers in the Land of Israel (Histadrut Haklalit Shel Haovdim Haivriyim Be'eretz Yisrael), was formed. Remained exclusively Jewish until 1960s, when it officially dropped ‘Hebrew’ from its name (1966).

1921 12th Zionist Congress. Haim Weizmann becomes President of the Zionist Organization. First Moshav, Nahalal, founded.

May 1921 Arab riots in Jaffa against Jewish population. Yossef Haim Brenner killed.

May 10, 1921 Hajj Amin El Husseini appointed Grand Mufti by British High Commissioner Herbert Samuel, though Husseini had been convicted of organizing riots in 1920 and had been sentenced to ten years in jail

Jan 1922 Hajj Amin El Husseini appointed President of the Supreme Muslim Council.

June 3, 1922 The Churchill ("Command") White Paper notes that the Balfour declaration only promised a Jewish homeland in Palestine, and reserves East Palestine for Transjordan.

July 24, 1922 British Mandate for Palestine;Official establishment of Transjordan as a separate state; Britain, in military control of Syria, allows French forces led by Gourand to retake Damascus by force.

1922-1932 Fourth Aliya (wave of immigration)

May 25, 1923 Proclamation of Transjordanian Independence under Emir Abdullah

May 29, 1923 Palestine Constitution suspended by British after Arabs refuse to participate in the government.

July 24, 1923 Lausanne Peace Treaty signed by Greece, Turkey and the Allies

Sept 29, 1923 Palestine British Mandate officially comes into force.

1924 Official inauguration of the Israel Technical Institute (Technion) in Haifa

1925 Official inauguration of the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. Revisionist movement founded by Zeev Jabotinsky ;Brit Shalom (Covenant of Peace) movement founded by Martin Buber, Yehuda Magnes and others advocating a binational state.

Feb. 20, 1928 Britain recognizes Transjordanian independence (subject to treaty provisions).

July 5, 1928 Sir John Chancellor becomes High Commissioner in Palestine.

August, 1929 Arab Riots and Massacres in Hebron,Jerusalem, Safed, Haifa, Motza and elsewhere. The Jews had set up a dividing screen at the Wailing Wall in Yom Kippur of 1928 to separate men and women worshippers, prompting rumors that the Jews wanted to build a synagogue at wall, which were spread deliberately by Hajj Amin El Husseini. Amid heightening tensions, a demonstration by Jews in 1929 and Arab incitement ignited violence and rioting against Jews. Thousands of Jews fled the ancient Jewish quarter in Jerusalem. The Hebron Jewish community was evacuated after 64-67 were killed in riots.

1930 The Hope-Simpson Report recommends cessation of Jewish immigration.

Oct 21, 1930 British Passfield White Paper proposes to limit Jewish immigration to Palestine.

1931 After questions in commons, Zionist pressure and League condemnation, Letter of PM Ramsay MacDonald to Chaim Weizmann Rescinding the Passfield White Paper

1931 IZL (Irgun or Etzel - The Irgum Tzvai Leumi) formed by Jabotinsky and others who leave the Haganah.

1932-1939 Fifth Aliya (wave of immigrants) - Consisting mostly of Jews fleeing Nazi Germany and neighboring countries. Beginning in 1936, riots and administrative restrictions greatly reduced the number of immigrants. 1933 - Assassination of Chaim Arlozorov.

1936-1939 Arab Revolt led or coopted by the Al-Husseini family and Fawzi al-Kaukji and apparently financed by Axis powers. Over 5,000 Arabs were killed according to some sources; most were killed by other Arabs and by British. Eleven Arab clans were wiped out by Hajj Amin El Husseini and his men. Several hundred Jews were killed by Arabs. Husseini fled to Iraq and then to Nazi Germany. 1937- Orde Wingate forms "night squads" for Jewish self-defense. Between 1937 and 1939 Jews build 54 "stockade and watchtower" (Homa Umigdal) settlements to circumvent British regulations against new settlements, and bring tens of thousands of illegal immigrants into Palestine (Aliya Bet).

1937-1938 Peel and Woodheadcommissions recommend partitioning Palestine into a small Jewish state and a large Arab one.

Oct. 1, 1937 British declare Arab Higher Committee in Palestine an illegal body.

Oct. 16, 1937 (approximate date) Hajj Amin El Husseini Grand Mufti of Jerusalem escapes to Syria and thence to Iraq.

Jan.-Mar. 1939 St James Conference - Round-table conference on Palestine in London, with Arab countries, Zionists and Palestinian representatives.

May 17, 1939 1939 White Paper limits Jewish immigration to Palestine to 75,000 in total, restricts Jewish land purchases (regulations come into effect in 1940), envisions an Arab Palestinian state. Jews found the Mossad l'aliya bet to arrange for illegal immigration.

Sept. 3, 1939 Britain and France declare war on Germany. In Palestine, soldiers are recruited for the British army. About 26,000 Jews and 6,000 Arabs join and fight with the allies.

Nov 25, 1940 The Jewish illegal immigrant ship Patria (also called Patra) carrying refugees from Europe, detained in Haifa by the British, is blown up by the Jewish underground Hagana to prevent transshipment of the refugees to Mauritius. The explosion was supposed to cause a small leak. Instead, the ship sank and 252 people died.

1940 LEHI (Lochami Heruth Yisrael - Freedom fighters of Israel) underground formed by Avraham Stern ("Yair").

1941 Palmach underground established, originally with British help, as part of a force that was to fight a Nazi takeover in Syria.

Apr. 1, 1941 Agitation by exiled Palestinian Mufti Hajj Amin El Husseini in Iraq leads to coup. Pro-Axis Government under Rashid Ali.

May -June, 1941 British reoccupy Habbanieh and Baghdad, Rashid Ali and pro-Axis leaders flee to Teheran and Berlin; After the revolt is suppressed, a pogrom against the Jews (Farhoud) takes place in Baghdad, while British troops stand by and refuse to intervene.. Click for details of Mufti, British Intervention and the Farhud

Feb. 24, 1942 The Jewish illegal immigrant ship Struma, forced to sail north from Turkey, is torpedoed by a Soviet submarine (either collaborating with British or because the ship was mistaken for German shipping) and sunk with the loss of 428 men, 269 women and 70 children.

Oct. 1942 Battle of El Alamein. British under General Montgomery defeat Rommel's Afrika Korps and end the Nazi threat on Egypt and Palestine.

May 9, 1942 Biltmore Program- Zionist leaders, headed by Chaim Weizmann and David Ben-Gurion, convene at the Biltmore Hotel in New York and set their postwar program (known as the Biltmore Program). The program recommended an end to the British Mandate and demand Jewish control over immigration to Palestine with the aim of founding a Jewish "Commonwealth."

1943 Warsaw Ghetto Uprising; Palmach members parachuted behind enemy lines in Europe.

1944 Jewish Brigade formed to fight as part of the British forces in World War II.

Oct 7, 1944 Arab leaders meet in Alexandria to discuss postwar plans for independence and ways to prevent implementation of Jewish control over Palestine.

Nov 6, 1944 Members of the Jewish Lehi underground Eliyahu Hakim and Eliyahu Bet Zuri assassinated Lord Moyne in Cairo. Moyne, a known anti-Zionist, was Minister of State for the Middle Eastand in charge of carrying out the terms of the 1939 White paper - preventing Jewish immigration to Palestine by force.

March 22, 1945 League of Arab States (Arab League) set up (Egypt, Lebanon, Iraq, Syria, Transjordan, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, with Musa ‘Alami as Arab States’ chosen representative of the Palestinians) with British approval to shift welfare responsibility onto local population and to ensure continuing Arab support. The goals of the league were as stated in the Alexandria Protocol,of which it was an outgrowth. Charter proclaims goal of achieving closer aims between Arab States and declares that Palestine is a member of the League in a special annex.

Aug, 1945 US President Truman asks British to admit 110,000 Jewish refugees to Palestine.

Sept., 1945 British limit Jewish immigration into Palestine to 1,500 a month.

Nov. 1945 Anglo American Committee of Inquiry for Palestine appointed.

Mar, 1946 British-Tranjordanian treaty; British recognize Emir Abdullah as King of Transjordan.

Apr. 1946 Report of Anglo American Committee of Inquiry published. Recommend admission of 100,000 Jews to Palestine.

June,, 1946 Hajj Amin Al Husseini, Mufti of Jerusalem, escapes from detention in France aided by French collaborators. Husseini was to have been deported to Germany and tried for war crimes after spending the war working for the Nazis in Germany.

July 22, 1946 Irgun Jewish underground blows up British HQ in King David Hotel, Jerusalem, killing 91 persons.

Aug, 1946 British start deporting illegal Jewish immigrants to detention camps in Cyprus.

Sept, 1946 Palestine round-table conference opens in London.

Feb. 1947 Britain refers Palestine issue to the UN

April 16, 1947 Dov Bela Gruner and three other Jews convicted of anti-British violence handed in Acre prison. Gruner was a member of the Irgun Tzvai Leumi (Etzel).

May, 1947 UN General Assembly appoints UN Special Committee on Palestine (UNSCOP ).

July 18, 1947 British rammed the Jewish illegal immigrant ship Exodus (formerly "President Warfield") on the high seas. They towed it to Haifa where it was the subject of extensive publicity, generating public sympathy for the Zionist cause. The passengers were eventually disembarked in Hamburg. The incident set world and particularly US opinion against the British, and caused the British to intern illegal immigrants thereafter in Cyprus, rather than attempting to return them to Europe.

Sept 1, 1947 UNSCOP issues its report, calling for partition of Palestine.

Nov. 29, 1947 UN Partition Resolution (GA 181) - Palestine was to be divided into a Jewish State and an Arab State; Jerusalem was to be internationalized. The resolution is supported by both the US and USSR. Arab countries and Arab league refuse to recognize the resolution.

Dec. 1, 1947 Arab riots in Jerusalem. Beginning of Arab blockade of Jerusalem. The period to May 1948 was characterized by numerous skirmishes, road ambushes, riots, bombings and massacres, whether organized by one of the other sides or spontaneous. The Haifa riots and massacreswere typical.

January 1948
Arab Salvation Army (also called Arab Liberation Army - ALA) are admitted to Palestine by the British, following a promise not to attack Jewish settlements. Their leader, Fawzi Al-Kaukji may have entered Palestine only in March. Jewish Agency concludes arms deal with Czechoslovakia, but most arms do not arrive until June 1948, after the British have left. The UN, including the US, had placed an arms embargo on Palestine. This did not apply to Arab countries including Transjordan. As independent states, they were allowed to acquire arms. The Jordan Legion received a steady supply of arms from Britain through the Suez Canal, at least until May 1948, including a large number of 25 pounder cannon at the beginning of 1948. Hagana agents purchased 20 Auster light aircraft in Britain, sold for scrap, rebuilt them and brought them to Palestine for use of the Haganah. Haganah later rebuilt Spitfires left by the mandate for scrap as well, but did not have real fighter and bomber aircraft until May 1948 when Czech Messerschmidts and B-17s purchased clandestinely were brought into the country.

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Postby Masato » Thu Mar 07, 2019 1:09 am

Here is a curious anomaly, the 20-30-20-30 years pattern of major milestones in the Zionist timeline, which also makes a 50-50 years pattern (20 + 30):

1897 : First Zionist Conference in Basel Switerland to discuss creation of a Jewish Homeland/State

+20 =

1917 : Great Britain takes control of Palestine from Ottoman Empire

+ 30 =

1947 : Newly Formed United Nation establishes Israel as a State

+ 20 =

1967 : Six Day War, Israel captures Jerusalem

+ 30 =

1997 : First ever Pan-Arab Conference to discuss the re-taking of Palestine

+ 20 =

2017 : Trump and Netanyahu declare Jerusalem as the capital and begin moving their embassies

Looked at in another way:

From the very first Zionist conference in 1897 beginning the whole plan, it took exactly 50 years for the nation to be officially established via the UN in 1947.

Likewise, from the year Britain takes Palestine from the Ottoman Empire in 1917, it again takes exactly 50 years to take Jerusalem in the Six Day War in 1967.

Likewise, from the Capturing of Jerusalem in 1967, it took another exactly 50 years for the nation to make Jersualem its capital in 2017.

Or, you can say that from the year Palestine was taken by the British in 1917, it took exactly 100 years to claim Jerusalem as the Zionist capital in 2017.

...Is it too far-fetched to wonder if this may be more than just coincidence?

According to the pattern the next major milestone should be in 2047

1 critique of this pattern is that I can't find anything on the 1997 conference, apparently not a 'major' event, and perhaps cherry picked to make this timeline more impressive.

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