The Parenting Thread...

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Re: The Parenting Thread...

Postby greenseed » Sat Aug 10, 2019 7:12 pm

The only thing I'll add it the moment is a lot of the Plastics that we are and these kids are exposed to are estrogen-mimicking compounds greatly affecting our body body

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Postby Canuckster » Wed Aug 14, 2019 1:41 am

Shinkicker wrote:
Canuckster wrote:We spend so much time on this board railing against this system and trying to expose the bullshit, yet we spend an equal amount of time making sure the kids fit into it, it's madness

You hit the nail on the head. And here's the kicker, I told him to choose work over wrestling while feeling like it was the "good parent" thing to do, I still didn't feel right. I kept thinking "Hell, he's going to have to work the rest of his life. He needs to be having fun."
People say they all want the truth, but when they are confronted with a truth that disagrees with them, they balk at it as if it were an unwanted zombie apocalypse come to destroy civilization.

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Postby Shinkicker » Thu Aug 15, 2019 7:43 am

Canuckster wrote:
Shinkicker wrote:
Canuckster wrote:We spend so much time on this board railing against this system and trying to expose the bullshit, yet we spend an equal amount of time making sure the kids fit into it, it's madness

You hit the nail on the head. And here's the kicker, I told him to choose work over wrestling while feeling like it was the "good parent" thing to do, I still didn't feel right. I kept thinking "Hell, he's going to have to work the rest of his life. He needs to be having fun."

Well, I watched it all the way through. That's all I got for you right now. I haven't formed an opinion on it.

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Postby Shinkicker » Thu Aug 15, 2019 7:45 am

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Postby Masato » Thu Aug 15, 2019 3:16 pm

Canuckster wrote:
Shinkicker wrote:
Canuckster wrote:We spend so much time on this board railing against this system and trying to expose the bullshit, yet we spend an equal amount of time making sure the kids fit into it, it's madness

You hit the nail on the head. And here's the kicker, I told him to choose work over wrestling while feeling like it was the "good parent" thing to do, I still didn't feel right. I kept thinking "Hell, he's going to have to work the rest of his life. He needs to be having fun."

Love Alan Watts. I have happily listened to that dude for many many hours. Read several of his books too the guy is super inspiring

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Postby Masato » Thu Aug 15, 2019 4:01 pm

Shinkicker wrote:Try this one....

My son showed me that vid, thought about it a lot.

I used to think much the same way, but I'm not so sure anymore.

The way I see it now, what school is 'for' is to: A) prepare kids for post secondary school B) prepare kids for the realities of having a job C) to expose kids to different subjects to see which ones they thrive at so they can choose a beneficial career direction.

I think schools, at least in Canada, do all these things. Not perfectly, but they do.

Are schools missing tons of life skills? For SURE. Cooking, fixing, cleaning, home repair, budgeting money, travel skills, etc etc etc should TOTALLY be part of the curriculum.

Are schools missing tons of other emotional health education, meditation, etc? Yes but I think it makes sense to keep public schools as secular as possible. I don't want bad teachers trying to teach that stuff to my kids, same with religion etc

I also used to think that most of the stuff we learn at school is useless because we will forget it and never ever use it. Stupid math equations, chemistry formulas etc. But now I think that even if we never ever use algebra, nor remember any of it... it still trains the brain to use THAT PART OF ITSELF. Its EXERCISE, practise. Are you ever going to benchpress something in real life? No. But doing benchpresses strengthens your muscles so you can do OTHER things in life. Same with math I think. It exercises that part of the brain that thinks logically and can work out technical problems and find provable solutions. This sort of thinking is useful for TONS of stuff in real life.

Is answering to a bell, sitting in rows under authority, accepting punishment and judgement etc shitty for the development of enlightened human beings? Yes for sure. But it is also the harsh reality of the workforce if these kids want to survive the modern world. For most jobs, showing up to work on time, taking direction from others, and making sure you get the job done right and on time is EVERYTHING. If a kid doesn't learn how to do these things with confidence, how can he be efficient in any work environment? Its not a utopian education that's for sure, and yes we are perpetuating the cycle. But it's still real.

My wife teaches a lot of homeschool kids through her pottery studio, and it's fascinating. All these kids' parents thought they could do a better job, clearly have issues with the public curriculum and culture. Fine. But you know what? Almost all these homeschool kids, at least in my wife's experience, are often spoiled, are unable to take direction, have no respect for their teachers, and good fucking luck getting them to meet a deadline. They float around, are self-entitled and think they don't HAVE to do anything. I don't know how these kids will fare if they want to go to university or even show up to work on a construction site etc.

We also complain that not all of us are good at math, not all of us care about this or that, we all have to learn crap we have zero interest in. However it makes perfect sense to me that kids should have education in all subjects for a good long time at the start, and then as they get older they can start choosing and refining what suits them better. How else would a kid discover he is good at math? The world totally needs people who are good at math, to make sure things work and bridges don't collapse etc. How else would a kid discover he loves music? If his parents never paid for music lessons? etc.

I've grappled a lot with this, being a parent. We sent our kids to a private kindergarten, but couldn't afford to continue for both of them, so they are in public school now. As a paranoid conspiracy nut, I do totally think that the foundation and curriculum has been specifically designed to make us all slaves, lol. I actually do. But within that reality is the fact that we are already slaves and not likely to Shawshank Redemption soon. This is the world, we have rulers and rules and we have to make the best of the situation. I've seen people who try to resist (another homeschooled kid actually), and its not pretty. On the flip side I think if we agree to play the game to a degree, and use it as building blocks to better ourselves, its not so bleak and life can be pretty amazing.

My kids are learning, in public school:

- French. I think speaking more than 1 language is great for kids brains. I don't even talk one language good, my kids can speak 3 FFS.
- Music (they both had an awesome elementary music teacher)
- Drama (my daughter had lead roles in school plays, fantastic experiences)
- organization skills (both my kids were terribly unorganized and forgetful, but with pressure from school in a couple years they are now pretty good)
- how to study for and take tests efficiently (we don't take 'tests' in real life but many challenges are the same sort of pressure)
- How to hustle and do mental tasks and stay focussed (my daughter is like me math is torture and she was failing grade 9, but we got a tutor, she put in the hard hours and passed. Super proud of her for that)
- How to deal with 'bosses'/teachers. These roles of authority exist. We all have bosses, cops, judges, managers, etc. We need practise how to interact with these folks
- How not to slack. Stick to a routine. Its Tuesday, time to wake up and catch the bus. No skipping class. Be reliable.
- Social skills. Schools are a huge mix of class, culture, and styles. It pops the kids' bubble and shows them fast the vast differences and similarities outside their own Homelife.

I could make this list ^^ longer, I know there are many other programs through the school system for disadvantaged kids, abuse victims, special needs. Are they perfect? for sure no but at least there is some network that people can tap into, and if they are lucky there will be good teachers and caring people there to connect to.

All and all I disagree with that guy's rap video. The answer to his question imo is obvious.

Is school perfect? Hell no. But I would honestly challenge anyone to come up with another blueprint of what they think a 'perfect' education should be. Its harder than you may think, and would everyone in our society agree with your model? Is the answer then to homeschool? Do you really think you can teach your kids better than 20-30 different teachers with different expertise and access to an entire system of resources?

I admire the spirit of homeschooling but in the end I think its arrogant and most likely short changing their kids. There is a lot a value in the school system if you treat it the right way. If you just see it as a bunch of hoops you have to jump through, sure it's worthless. But if you see it as opportunity to get smarter, stronger, better, and strive to do well and build the habits to continue doing well in life, I think there is plenty to draw from.

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Postby Masato » Thu Aug 15, 2019 4:02 pm

tl;dr. ^^^. lol

went on a bit of a rant there sorry.
Its just when my son showed me that vid I had to really think about it for a while.

now I see you post it again, its obviously going viral I wonder what others' thoughts on it are

I still do think school is designed by secret overlords to keep us all in perpetual ignorant servitude.
But whatchu gonna do? lol



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Postby Shinkicker » Sat Aug 17, 2019 1:25 pm

Masato wrote:tl;dr. ^^^. lol

went on a bit of a rant there sorry.
Its just when my son showed me that vid I had to really think about it for a while.

now I see you post it again, its obviously going viral I wonder what others' thoughts on it are

I still do think school is designed by secret overlords to keep us all in perpetual ignorant servitude.
But whatchu gonna do? lol



It was a good rant though.

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Postby Illuminat3d0ne » Sat Aug 17, 2019 8:11 pm

This is a long ass thread, I don't have time to go through it all

I did read some say that we spend so much time trying to make our kids fit into it
I think that's on the parent, I spend that time trying to make sure my kid doesn't fit into the pussification that has occurred in our society
I think that starts with not coddling and treating your kids like our society says kids should be treated, I talk to my 5 year old the same way I do to her 34 year old mother
She might not understand everything and when she doesn't, I try to explain to the best of my abilities, it takes more time and I think that's the bigger problem is that too many people these days leave themselves so little time, they don't even have time to actually raise their kids

Don't generalize

Oh and I'll leave with my uncles favorite saying
There should be one day a week where you should be able to hit your kid, even if they didn't do something wrong at that time, you know they did at some point during the week

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Postby Som-Pong » Tue Aug 20, 2019 12:42 pm


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