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Postby Vutulaki-san » Mon Sep 21, 2015 2:17 am


Now I actually reckon this dickhead knows nothing about Korea or its education system.

Sure Korea produces some smart mofos and its best Unis outrank Australia's (lets adjust that for Pop) but average University degree in Korea is barely worth the paper its printed on (same goes for Singapore).

Where else could a holder of a "Masters in Arts majoring in English language studies" not be able to read a junior HS level novel?

Man I want to skull fuck all his asian academic supremacy data in its ass, has he ever seen the stats on the number of tiger mum raised kids who do great up until they graduate their undergrad course only to take some shitty $50,000AUD position within the Chinese {Insert whatever az} community?

How many slanties run major MNC's NONE that I can think of.

Shit in R&D its always some old white guy with the ideas and the dots and slants data harvesting.


Postby Vutulaki-san » Mon Sep 21, 2015 2:21 am

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RE: 10 most educated countries in the world...
90% + of Koreans under 40 have a bachelors

how is US ahead with only 20-30% of white males having a bachelors?

Russia #1? that is surprising."

Yeah because the US stats are solely based on the academic achievements of white males you fucking moron.

EY makes asian people suck, hopefully he is dead before my kids are allowed on the net.

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Postby Som-Pong » Mon Sep 21, 2015 2:37 am

You should hire me as a private tutor for your kids. I'll teach them all they need to know about everything.

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Postby Turanian Trashtalker » Mon Sep 21, 2015 2:38 am

Lord Vutulaki wrote:http://www.evilyoshida.com/thread-10437.html

Now I actually reckon this dickhead knows nothing about Korea or its education system.

Sure Korea produces some smart mofos and its best Unis outrank Australia's (lets adjust that for Pop) but average University degree in Korea is barely worth the paper its printed on (same goes for Singapore).

Where else could a holder of a "Masters in Arts majoring in English language studies" not be able to read a junior HS level novel?

Man I want to skull fuck all his asian academic supremacy data in its ass, has he ever seen the stats on the number of tiger mum raised kids who do great up until they graduate their undergrad course only to take some shitty $50,000AUD position within the Chinese {Insert whatever az} community?

How many slanties run major MNC's NONE that I can think of.

Shit in R&D its always some old white guy with the ideas and the dots and slants data harvesting.

you are correct.

outside of the three big universities (yonsei, seoul U, korea U), KAIST, and POSTECH, a korean diploma isn't worth the crappy Chinese paper it's printed on.

it's a complete joke. I've seen French literature majors who don't know the meaning of "bonjour" and "au revoir".

why do 90% of those fuckers get college degrees? it's because koreans are status striver whores, and they cannot stand being "beneath" other people, regardless of their actual talent or ability. They will go to extreme lengths to try to be better than other people. They go insane with jealousy when they see somebody who is smarter, richer, or better looking than they are. Some examples of this extreme behavior:

1) memorizing the entire English dictionary, so that you can game the English proficiency exam (yet you can't even ask for the bathroom in english. ????)

2) acquiring $20,000 of credit card debt on plastic surgery so you can find yourself a rich Gangnam husband

3) sleeping THREE HOURS a day studying for the college entrance exam (which forces everybody else to study just as hard, because there are a limited # of seats at the top 3 universities)

4) living off your parents until your late 20s, because working at a "poor" company looks bad on your resume

5) 145 cm bitches who write "I DON'T DATE ANYBODY UNDER 180 cm" on their dating profiles

6) waking up at 5 AM to head to the office early, and not leaving until 11:30 PM to suck up to your boss, while doing only 4 hours of actual work. (This forces everybody else to leave late and arrive early. A few cunts ruin this for everyone else.)

small and medium sized companies in Korea are complaining about routine shortages of workers. a lot of those shits won't even apply for companies that they think are "beneath" them, just because they want to try out for a job at a big corporation like Samsung. They will literally apply year after year while living with their parents, hoping that just this once, they might land one of those coveted 30,000 positions with their piece of shit degree.

AT the same time they whine on the internet about how the chaebols are taking over Korea and ruining the country... Gee you think? Why is that the case? Can they connect dots?

.. ....

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Postby Turanian Trashtalker » Mon Sep 21, 2015 2:43 am

Scandinavians (I think) have a similar problem with jealousy and envy of their neighbors.

The only thing is their reaction is totally different. They try to avoid showing off their wealth, intelligence, or success. There is a lot less inequality in such a society. Nobody tries to get ahead by pushing anyone else.

An ugly Korean girl will straight up carve up her entire face with a surgeon's scalpel so that she can date a rich man. Too stupid to get into a good university? Why not pay for $50,000 worth in tutoring?


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Postby Turanian Trashtalker » Mon Sep 21, 2015 2:47 am

The one good thing about Koreans is that they are much, much less likely to cheat, mistreat, or defraud each other than the Chinese. They try to get ahead with their own resources. They feel ashamed stealing from somebody else.

Cheating foreigners? Maybe. But if an elderly lady falls over in the middle of the sidewalk, you will see everybody trying to help her on her feet.



Postby Vutulaki-san » Mon Sep 21, 2015 2:50 am

Yeah well many Aussie grads cant write a fucking job application to be fair, I had millennials TEXTING "So howd my app go??"

I shit you not, this was after first round interviews but fuck me, I was taught to be super formal with everything until you pass probation.

Im not hating on Koreans or NE asians in general but E333Y makes out that they have some special academic gift that they dont IMHO its largely cultural and how they are brought up.

I digress but the best example is India, they have not produced ONE fast bowler in cricket yet neighboring Pakistan has set all the records, why because no Indian kid is allowed to play sport between 15 until they finish their undergrad (roughly 23ish) basically the age fast bowlers are made.

These hordes of dot skilled migrants coming here with their MBA from the University of Bangalore are worse still, squatdog said it best "Suresh is a great programmer, that is until the solution heis looking for doesnt appear on the trouble shooting flow chart then his brain explodes"

I had one dot file a complaint against me because he had set his email template to read "please let me know if you have any other questions" so I pointed out that he should probably delete that when he is the one asking the question.

Simple shit

"oh you are making the too much big deals with this one" for once HR was on my side.


Postby Vutulaki-san » Mon Sep 21, 2015 2:53 am

Som-Pong wrote:You should hire me as a private tutor for your kids. I'll teach them all they need to know about everything.

Read thread title. haha

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Postby Turanian Trashtalker » Mon Sep 21, 2015 2:54 am

India is a weird case where they have a small minority of very very bright people, and then hordes of stupid motherfuckers. There is no middle ground.

Hence why they can launch satellites around Mars with a third world budget, but can't teach their citizens to avoid shitting in the water supply.

Australian universities have a poor reputation (from what I hear). one good saving grace about the jewnited snakes is that the university education is top notch. lots and lots of nobel laureates at UC Berkeley.


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Postby Som-Pong » Mon Sep 21, 2015 2:54 am

True on the Scandinavians. Looking down on others(openly) is frowned upon, but you better believe they fucking do.

As to Vutu's post. My current boss texts me stuff like "U ok 2 work 2mrw?" And she has a fucking PHD. No wonder she has me teaching her fucking marketing class. smh

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