The 9/11 Investigations

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The 9/11 Investigations

Postby Masato » Fri Apr 29, 2016 1:31 am

Here is Corbett Report's research on PTECH, and their provable relationships with tons of 9/11 suspects

A GREAT video document, one of the best on the net imo:

The 911 Commission made ZERO mention of PTECH

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Postby Masato » Fri Apr 29, 2016 1:32 am

One of my favourite 911 leads is that of Marshall McClennan (or however you spell it), and its boss L PAUL BREMER

- His offices were the exact floors that got hit
- was FIRST on the mainstream news to call out Bin Laden and start the official narrative
- Later got a big job in the occupation of Iraq

there is so much more to this lead, please research L PAUL BREMER

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Postby Masato » Fri Apr 29, 2016 1:38 am

I hate to do this but I stumbled on this today:

ain't no plane in that vid :shock:

Big argument on Facebook today about hologram planes... I never let that CT get too deep in my head but will admit many strange anomalies in its favor... sheer lack of video footage of either plane being one of them. Clear day, NYC with a pop of MILLIONS, one of the twin towers smoking/burning... you'd think tons of people would be filming that shit, yet there are a very small handful of actual vids of either plane, most of which were filmed by news employees

Add that to the no plane at the Pentagon FACT (yes, fact - no plane @ the pentagon imo 100%), and the no plane theory starts to get freaky.

Still, I prefer more concrete leads like that of PTECH and L Paul Bremer etc that are more substantial to follow. I hate when the Truth community starts polarizing about building collapse physics or holograms etc where no one can reach any proof or conclusions and we all just bicker forever. Lets stick to real facts and trails.

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Postby What » Fri Apr 29, 2016 9:25 am

in a nutshell what 9/11 was and what predicated it, where we are all now as so planned......

the DOnald says he will reopen 9/11 investigation

"the rest of the world hates us" Donald Trump

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Postby Masato » Fri Apr 29, 2016 10:38 am

What, did O'Keefe talk at all about his idea for 'World Citizenship' or whatever?

I've been listening to a ton of his vids, (his debates are hilarious, he just starts shouting and kicking the shit out of people, lol) but only a hint of this idea he's apparently working on.

I have had similar ideas of creating some kind of ID document or passport that identifies one's self outside of any legal or nationalistic terms. Is this also what O'Keefe is talking about? Did he get into that?

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Postby What » Fri Apr 29, 2016 11:29 am

Masato wrote:What, did O'Keefe talk at all about his idea for 'World Citizenship' or whatever?

I've been listening to a ton of his vids, (his debates are hilarious, he just starts shouting and kicking the shit out of people, lol) but only a hint of this idea he's apparently working on.

I have had similar ideas of creating some kind of ID document or passport that identifies one's self outside of any legal or nationalistic terms. Is this also what O'Keefe is talking about? Did he get into that?

Exactly that Masato. He explains that all in the western world are born into civil contracts that are fundamentally illegal and have no basic foundational structure in current laws as we are born into them. His intent is to formulate a legal document with a goal of 10 million signatures ultimately. A lofty goal but one he has suggested he will pursue, the details he has yet to compose with the international courts but will release once established

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Postby Masato » Fri Apr 29, 2016 2:16 pm

^ what is the logic of creating a 'legal' document?

I can never quite understand when people support ideas of fighting the system via the system.

On the other hand, I personally know some folk who have tried to resist cooperating with the system, who have taken a 'FreeMan' type approach and refused to grant authority to the courts etc, and man it didn't work lol

I have also fantasized about what would happen if I one day say I refuse to comply/pay taxes etc, but the more I learn the more I think it would just mean bad news for me and I wouldn't really be doing anything to fight

10 million however might be something different. I can't imagine the controllers admitting to acknowledge anyone's true sovereignty though. Its the conundrum of our time; we are all realizing we are slaves to a rigged game but none of us know what to do about it. I have other friends who have tried to escape the system and run to off-grid living, but there really are basically no real places to go anymore! I knew a squatter in the rocky mountains living in a wigwam and they fucking came and arrested him/took his shit down.

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Postby Masato » Fri Apr 29, 2016 2:18 pm

The more I ponder this, the more I think humanity is still not awake enough to make any real moves. We still need to change the frequency of public opinion/discussion, to continue discrediting mainstream media, to keep voicing the issues that are censored, etc.

Just a little bit more awareness, then the 100th monkey thing will hopefully kick in. Until then I fear any real action is just shooting one's self in the foot

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Postby What » Fri Apr 29, 2016 4:36 pm

I agree 100% with you Masato, the ideal is nice but people are too easily bought and sold to even consider to pay for some principle with their own energy.

It has been said that we are all complicit in all this due to being so focused on day to day survival in the midst of a fast moving life that is only accelerating. I went to see the man speak to support his efforts and contribute a donation ,to at least play some sort of "doing" in the effort of change. I strongly believe all of what he has been saying as of late, I also get a strong sense he is in the crosshairs and he seems to be pulling out all the stops, he mentioned the surety of he being a target to the powers that be.

As optimistic as I usually am i have never felt we will get ourselves out of this path we are on, it is for sure there is an agenda and the end result I fear is going to get nasty and we may be beyond anything to stop it

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Postby What » Fri Apr 29, 2016 5:23 pm

jesus wept, this is what I am talking about being inept as compared to Ken and his ability to communicate

this crowd is full of ignorant misinformed thugs, ramblings that make no sense and signs that are irrelevant to the topic or context of what this about

the asian/phillipino guy that chats up at 11 mins was a wack lol

I may go down for a bike ride to see how the front is going at the entrance at UofT tonight, fun times

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