Merry Christmas to my Fellow Canadians

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Re: Merry Christmas to my Fellow Canadians

Postby Masato » Fri Dec 28, 2018 1:43 am

Megaterio Llamas wrote:
Yeah, thanks for posting that, I'll get to it later. About the videos I posted - I have no problem making common cause with Zionist alt lite types or anyone else dedicated to cutting the legs out from under Trudy. I don't have a purity test, I take it as self evident I'm not necessarily co signing everything about the particular source.

Agreed. His criticism of Trudeau is on point. His Zionist leanings however make me question the motivation behind the criticism

There is another vid with Ezra and Stefan Moleneaux discussing Trudeau, and they get into more details about Trudeau's Dad and his family. Apparently there is much more behind Papa Trudeau's relations with Castro than a few look-a-like conspiracy theories about Justin being Castro's bastard kid. They go on about how Trudeau Sr and Castro were extra suspiciously tight. Supposedly Justin has a brother who is worth looking into who wrote an obituary to Castro that was really sycophantic

Good little breadcrumbs coming from this thread, thanks Mega

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Postby Masato » Sat Jan 05, 2019 11:21 pm

Megaterio Llamas wrote:
Haha say it ain't so Big Ben:

Interesting, here is a follow-up. More virtue-signalling from M. Pierre

So under Monsuier Trudeau's watch, Canada changed the 10 Dollar Bill.

Previously for many incarnations of the bill was the mug of Sir John A MacDonald, Canada's first Prime Minister:




The last bill that MAcDonald was on, his face was shrunk and he shared the bill with 3 others, including a woman which I believe is the first woman (?) aside from Queen Liz to be on our money


Its interesting to note that at the same time that MacDonald was being removed from the bill, a Statue of Sir John A MacDonald in front of Victoria City Hall was TORN DOWN, bringing some controversy. The reason was some sort of reconciliation initiative, that MacDonald was "a leader of violence against Indigenous peoples", a reminder of colonial violence.

While this may be so, others argued that MacDonald remains a fundamental figure of Canadian history and did some amazing achievements to lay the foundation of the country. Some argued that tearing it down was erasing history, others say they are making history.

Apparently the public had no say in it, the City just pushed the idea through and did it.



Victoria isn't the only Canadian government or institution rethinking honours for Macdonald.

Last August, an elementary teachers' union in Ontario called for Macdonald's name to be removed from their schools.

Three months before that, the Canadian Historical Association voted to strip Macdonald's name from one of its top writing prizes.


Anyways with Sir John A MacDonald gone, the new bill features the face of Viola Desmond. Desmond is 'the first Black Canadian' to be found on a canadian bill.

Though most Canadians will not know who she is, Desmond was a civil rights activist who broke segregation laws at a movie theatre, and was imprisoned for it and screwed over in the courts. Then she died.

Years later, after her death, she was pardoned. But of course she was long dead


But that's it, right? That's her whole story? She made a fuss at a movie theater and got wrecked for it?

Granted this is totally badass and I cheer for her actions, but is this single incident so historically significant to merit a spot on one of our most used currencies? Traditionally bills are featured with only the biggest names in Canadian history and power.

Is this the best Virtue Signalling that Trudeau can come up with?

Apparently the choice was made over a few other candidates, Trudeau demanded that the new face should be a woman;

- First Nations poet E. Pauline Johnson; Elsie MacGill, who received an electrical engineering degree from the University of Toronto in 1927;
- Quebec suffragette Idola Saint-Jean;
- and 1928 Olympic medallist Fanny (Bobbie) Rosenfeld, a track and field athlete.

Why you think Desmond won?

They even made the first VERTICAL design for a bill, the reason being to make her face as big as they could

Here is the unveiling, with Desmond's sister present:
Image ... -1.4567290 ... explainer/


Personally I can get the sentiment behind it, it just seems really forced and uncomfortably thin virtue-signalling.

Connected to the removal of MacDonald's bill and statue, and Trudeau's bizarre extreme rhetoric when it comes to virtue signalling and language rhetoric policing, this just seems to be coming off a bit thick.

or is it?






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Postby Masato » Tue Jan 08, 2019 1:25 am

Hey here's a nifty thing that Trudeau did;

He changed the laws in Canada so its now legal to sodomize 16-year olds (previously the law was minimum 18 years old).

This is a priority for him? making sure that kids are legal to shove dicks up their rectums while still in high school?

Way to lead the nation, M. Trudeau! What in hell do you have next?


listen to this crazy lady, and the baffling crowd of people behind them who all got dressed up to come and support this groundbreaking new law. Where do they find these folks?

PS: I do not see 1 kid under 18 in that room

She keeps talking about how 'our society has evolved'... but I personally don't quite see how the state encouraging us to feel OK about sodomizing children is any evidence of 'evolution'. ... canadians/

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Postby Masato » Tue Jan 08, 2019 2:50 pm

You know what else is weird here in Canada?

I've been noticing many places I've been going lately (mostly developed public places, tourist locations etc), I keep seeing either a plaque or installation acknowledging that the place is/was on First Nations land, or I physically receive a spoken speech by the staff expressing the same sentiment; some gratitude and acknowledgement that we are on First Nations land and to thank them for sharing it and showing us how to use the land etc

This just started popping up all over in the past year or so.

Just last week I was DOWNTOWN TORONTO, we took the kids to see a play, and before the show started, the director/producer or whatever came out and said the same thing to the audience. Which was absurd, because the 'land' we were on was A) totally developed/urban for over 100 years and B) not 'shared' or given by First Nations at all, lol

Whoever thought it was a good idea to start repeating this everywhere there is a public location I wanna know. Seems more like mindfuckery to me. It's like; 'oh we all have to feel bad that we're on stolen genocidal land, but we can forgive ourselves because we're apologizing now and thanking them for 'sharing' it with us. How utterly confusing!

This is brainwash propaganda imo. And its fascinating to see how quickly and effectively something like this can be implemented universally in a country like Canada. What would have motivated that theater director to make that speech? Did someone ask her to? Force her to? Did she get some sort of kickback for doing it? Was it part of a policy she signed? etc

It would be fascinating to know. I think its creepy and doubt if I was First Nations it would appease me in any way lol

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Postby Canuckster » Tue Jan 08, 2019 2:53 pm

Gotta keep reinforcing white guilt
People say they all want the truth, but when they are confronted with a truth that disagrees with them, they balk at it as if it were an unwanted zombie apocalypse come to destroy civilization.

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Postby Canuckster » Tue Jan 08, 2019 3:01 pm

Can someone please just shoot that cunt in the face already?

(Figuratively speaking of course)
People say they all want the truth, but when they are confronted with a truth that disagrees with them, they balk at it as if it were an unwanted zombie apocalypse come to destroy civilization.

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Postby Masato » Mon Mar 04, 2019 6:10 pm

Finally got around to looking into this SNC-Lavalin scandal on Justin Trudeau:

Looks like a pretty major scandal/corruption, this woman does a good job of making it clear.

2 different level of law/justice in this country indeed. Of course we've all known this already but its nice to see a case crack and come to the surface sometimes.

Hope he gets roasted for this but not expecting much. Already found a Globe and Mail article diffusing the whole thing and defending Trudeau

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