We need to law telling us exactly how to act

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Edge Guerrero
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We need to law telling us exactly how to act

Postby Edge Guerrero » Thu Jul 24, 2014 12:35 pm

like respectfull human beings to other fellow humans:

- If there's ain't laws saying how to threat and respect people with diferent sex orientation, diferent religion or diferent skin collor, we generally would still be threating them bad.

And we are still considered social animals!

See dogs?
They don't care if their dog friend is a bull terrier, a rotweiller, or a Lhasa Apso.
They don't care even if it's a cat or sometimes a rat.


They don't give a damn if their owner lives on a box down the street.

We on the other hand, we are so hypocrites, that i spend a good number of my posts bashing other humans, and i still come here to post this senseless rant as i am some enlighted individual.
- I rent this space for advertising

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Postby Edge Guerrero » Thu Jul 24, 2014 12:42 pm

- Maybe i like animals so much, because other humans don't like me.:D
- I rent this space for advertising

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Postby fungi » Tue Jul 29, 2014 1:40 pm

^ LOL, Edge.

It's easy to like animals, because they are just (fair). They will treat you how you will treat them. No backstabbing, no ass-kissing, no trying to screw you over. Humans tend to do that.

I'll repeat myself and will say that greed is the reason for that. Animals don't have greed. They may not be as smart or as advanced as humans, but they are void of greed. That's why they are easier to be liked.

about the laws... "The more laws, the less justice." - Cicero.

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Postby Joe Mama » Tue Jul 29, 2014 2:46 pm

I agree to a point, but not all dogs (nor humans) are created equal.

Some dogs are just plain assholes. Some are assholes in disguise.
Some are just plain crazy/neurotic. Some are not.
(A majority of them are floppy love buckets who just want to please. And be silly, and loyal, and poop factories, etc)

Just like people.

Dogs can be prejudiced as they tend to be more sensitive to things us humans aren't. And then again, dogs can be just as stupid as humans and totally miss the bad behavior or warning signs of a POS individual as well.

And I believe ALL living creatures have some semblance of 'greed' - it stems from our basic necessities of survival. (try taking a bone from a dog and see how 'generous' they are)

We as humans tend to exploit and over utilize until we can no longer. BUT we also have the cognitive ability to understand and comply with boundaries that are put in place for our 'own good' and help keep us from violating some of these said boundaries. (But I digress)

Laws have their place. They are not only in place to 'tell us what to do' or 'make our lives hell' (yes there are some...) but as a whole, laws are not necessarily in place for those who 'obey them' they are a reminder for those who dont (or are ignorant to them) and serve as a recourse for those who choose to go astray of them.

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Postby Masato » Tue Jul 29, 2014 3:08 pm

Laws imo are no longer based on a sense of morals/ethics... they are based on capitalist liability issues

Right an wrong do not need volumes of lawbooks, it is very simple.

I don't recognize 'the law' anymore; I didn't write them, agree to them, or vote for them. It is a set of imaginary rules that other people wrote for their own reasons of greed, fear, and control. My laws are natural laws, inherent to concepts of love and unity

Separating one's self from this artificial authority is a crucial step in really seeing clearly imo

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Postby Masato » Tue Jul 29, 2014 3:24 pm

re: dogs...

Are some dogs assholes because they are assholes? Or does it depend on the manner in which they are treated/raised?

Some say 'there are no bad dogs, just bad owners'... -Could this apply to humans, and the manner in which we are treated?

Is hate and greed truly inherent in us? Or is it taught/conditioned as a result of living in a competition-based society?

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Postby fungi » Tue Jul 29, 2014 3:34 pm

Joe Mama wrote:I agree to a point, but not all dogs (nor humans) are created equal.

Some dogs are just plain assholes. Some are assholes in disguise.
Some are just plain crazy/neurotic. Some are not.
(A majority of them are floppy love buckets who just want to please. And be silly, and loyal, and poop factories, etc)

Just like people.

Dogs can be prejudiced as they tend to be more sensitive to things us humans aren't. And then again, dogs can be just as stupid as humans and totally miss the bad behavior or warning signs of a POS individual as well.

And I believe ALL living creatures have some semblance of 'greed' - it stems from our basic necessities of survival. (try taking a bone from a dog and see how 'generous' they are)

We as humans tend to exploit and over utilize until we can no longer. BUT we also have the cognitive ability to understand and comply with boundaries that are put in place for our 'own good' and help keep us from violating some of these said boundaries. (But I digress)

Laws have their place. They are not only in place to 'tell us what to do' or 'make our lives hell' (yes there are some...) but as a whole, laws are not necessarily in place for those who 'obey them' they are a reminder for those who dont (or are ignorant to them) and serve as a recourse for those who choose to go astray of them.

you're wrong, duderino. as usual.

Dogs can't be prejudiced. they can be mistreated and aggressive as a result of that, but not PREjudiced. They do not PRE-judge. They will treat POS as a POS if that POS treats them in a POS way. They will not kiss his ass if their career depended on that. Oh, wait, dogs don't have careers per se...

Dogs can't be assholes. if you treat a dog kindly, it'll be kind to you, always, even if that dog was beaten and mistreated in the past. IMHO, that's fair, that's just (let's omit "crazy/neurotic/rabid" here for the sake of argument).

Animals, especially wild animals, can't be greedy. They do not kill more prey that they can eat. They do NOT "save" so much food that it gets spoiled, and they throw it out later.

"Taking a bone from a dog" has nothing to do with generosity, it's plain robbery. Protect what's yours, pure instinct.

About laws.

Any law is a limit, no matter how you put it. "Do not kill". But what if the fucker deserves to be killed? What if he should be killed? What if killing the fucker is good for human kind? What if killing the fucker is just? Simply JUST?

That is why abundance of laws is NOT a guarantee of justice. And lawyers thrive on abundance of laws, just like all other parasitic creatures. Laws create parasites, because by putting a limit on something, laws take the balance out of the system.

p.s. A certain minimum of rules should exist, absolutely. But it's a historical observance, laws are created by the ruling class to protect its riches from others. ALWAYS.

The fewer and simpler the rules/laws = the easier it is to achieve justice.

p.s. I'm not recommending we should go around killing fuckers, even if they deserve it, but we should strive for justice.

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Postby Masato » Tue Jul 29, 2014 3:42 pm

^^ what's with the 'as usual' bit?

Joe Mama is a smart dude, he offers some good insights for thought

Not productive for valuable discussion imo, lets be friendly here

Great post, otherwise

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Postby fungi » Tue Jul 29, 2014 3:58 pm

^ word.

p.s. But I just love being an asshole, even-though I am a DOG ;)

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Postby Masato » Tue Jul 29, 2014 5:09 pm

fungi wrote:"Taking a bone from a dog" has nothing to do with generosity, it's plain robbery.

This is a good insight

It just comes down to basic right and wrong.

Its amazing how powerful the basic 'golden rule' concept is. We really don't need laws, we only need simple compassion and the ability to put ourselves in another's shoes.

Its really not that hard

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