White people have fucked the world up and its karma time

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Re: White people have fucked the world up and its karma time

Postby Luigi » Thu Mar 25, 2021 6:11 am

The Anglo-Zionists ruining the world, the funny thing is I know why they do it. I grew up around nihilists with misguided morality and I was one of them for a while. They think its a sacrifice that will bring about some kumbaya utopia where they get to be the kings. As terrible as it is I dont think its comparable to historical mass atrocities.

Also in my personal opinion not feeling a sense of belonging to your ethnic community on the basis of individualism is like not feeling a sense of belonging to your family on the basis of individualism. Although I can certainly see why it would be a tempting thought in this world where we are bombarded with negative divisiveness based on ethnicity. But then it seems like thats just one more way we are being manipulated by this big outrage machine, except its in a much more significant way.

Heres a video on the OP:

The father makes some good points, hes not just some pissed off traditional guy. Especially interesting is the UK court where they found people 16 and under are not fit to consent to puberty blockers.

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Postby Masato » Thu Mar 25, 2021 6:58 pm

Luigi wrote:The Anglo-Zionists ruining the world, the funny thing is I know why they do it. I grew up around nihilists with misguided morality and I was one of them for a while. They think its a sacrifice that will bring about some kumbaya utopia where they get to be the kings. As terrible as it is I dont think its comparable to historical mass atrocities.

Also in my personal opinion not feeling a sense of belonging to your ethnic community on the basis of individualism is like not feeling a sense of belonging to your family on the basis of individualism. Although I can certainly see why it would be a tempting thought in this world where we are bombarded with negative divisiveness based on ethnicity. But then it seems like thats just one more way we are being manipulated by this big outrage machine, except its in a much more significant way.

Heres a video on the OP:

The father makes some good points, hes not just some pissed off traditional guy. Especially interesting is the UK court where they found people 16 and under are not fit to consent to puberty blockers.

Didn't watch the video (yet), but your post is fascinating.

I think you are right, my recent attraction to ideals of individuality are very likely a reaction to all all the identity politics being played right now.
I'm sick of it, lol so maybe I retreated too far, ignoring some of the fruits of healthy tribalism.

Perhaps my ability to feel any tribalism these days has also been injured as of late, because I seem to be at odds with a large % of my neighbors these days over lockdowns and covid compliance. I feel my community is silently split right now, drastic divide politically even though we still try to get along and be civil. I suppose that it itself is interesting

Good chat

this is interesting, watch all the way, he hits some relevant ideas after 2:00.

Ali accuses the host of being forced to have these opinions, because he's a product of the media. Was Ali seeing this agenda already back then??

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Postby Luigi » Thu Mar 25, 2021 8:47 pm

^This is a classic interview, and when you watch it pay attention to the interviewer. He is obviously an articulate person of at least average intelligence, yet he feigns ignorance of any form of group identity to his ethnic group or why that would be desirable. Not only that he makes a display of it as if to present it as if the ideas were completely foreign to him and that from his purely logical perspective the idea of having an ethnic belonging is alien. Even if one was an ardent individualist who tried to distance themselves from group identity, that would be a position they arrived at in their teen or adult years when considering the abstract merits of each perspective, and therefore they would fully understand the other perspective and present their view in a manner similar to how Mas did in this thread. The idea of belonging to something more than ones own self though is something one learns at a much younger age. Its a core component to how our brains conceptualize the universe.

So why do people like this interviewer put on this little bit of personal theatre? Its a projection of morality and intellectual contrarianism. Its something people do a lot in various scenarios, they will take a basic idea that everyone understands and present themselves as having an enlightened alternative view. I remember a time when I was guilty of this, I was a kid and me and my friend were riding our bikes, he was a short skinny guy and I said "Hmm, its weird that that my bike goes faster" to which he expectedly replied "well I think your legs are stronger" and little bubble gum chewing kraft dinner stained shirt me started talking about how his bike has more gears so he would have a mechanical advantage. One that I heard a lot growing up was the person who pretended not to understand the full semantic range of the word pride to belittle anyone who takes pride in something other than accomplishments. Its something thats just part of human psychology I guess, people like to do it, and another basic pattern of human psychology is to create simplistic moralistic narratives, we turn everything into good vs bad.

Whats kind of interesting about that interview is that it would have been a fairly new moral paradigm at the time, and also that Ali responds brilliantly. He immediately sees the game being played and confronts it logically from a common sense perspective. The interviewer has no choice but to deflect. If you want to see a much more recent and more ridiculous version of this playing out check out the documentary Louis Theroux did on the Boers of South Africa. Context for anyone unaware: basically the Boers live as a minority with 2nd class citizenship in South Africa and get killed all the time because they're White. Louis is a White British guy and he is interviewing a Boer man who lives in a small village and says he only wants his children to marry other Boers, and Louis makes this big show about how he doesnt understand why he doesnt want them to marry non-Boers as long as they are good people. He gets out a chart and starts breaking down all the good traits the person might have like "wow, I just dont understand." He holds the puzzled look for at least 10 seconds, its kinda hilarious.

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Postby Som-Pong » Fri Mar 26, 2021 5:38 am

It's a manque savior complex that's easily abused in altruists. Works for short-cons as well.

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Postby Masato » Fri Mar 26, 2021 4:23 pm

Som, do you still (or ever?) feel kinship with Swedes/Scandinavians? Would you still feel welcome and part of such a tribe if you went back? Or has politics ruined whatever natural culture you might have felt a part of?
How do you feel being so far from it? Could you ever feel tribalism with Thais?

Most Canadians were always proud and happy to be Canadian, we love it here but lately I hear lots of people want to LEAVE - again, because of politics.

It's weird how politics is somehow overriding and destroying real culture, natural healthy tribalism.

Really appreciate this thread because to be honest all the trends about racism etc have been doing kind of a mindfuck on me, lol

Mostly when my schools went fully on board with BLM etc now its stop asian hate week at a fucking middle school in Canada its totally bizarre,

Anyways on one hand the media is all about promoting pride and celebrating people of color etc, but at the same time demonizing any display of nationalism or cultural groupings. The mainstream is both shaming and promoting concepts of racial identity AT THE SAME TIME.
It's so fucked, lol

Honestly I wonder if the whole idea is to confuse the matter so perversely, that people might eventually all be so sick of it that they will just revert to Individualism like I sort of did in the past few months. Just say it all looks so dumb, tired of this talk, fuck it, I'm out, I'm just 'me', leave me out of this.

But then is everyone just identifies as an individual, then they can only fend for themselves as one, and suddenly everyone is weak and 'equal' under the final cultural marxist dystopia we've all been tracking and fearing.

We've been following this agenda for a long time most of the members here, it's no surprise... but now I think I underestimated how fast it's been turned up. Like the boiling frogs analogy its like they're not turning it up slow anymore they just fucking cranked it up but we don't know yet how much... This is multi-level psyop shit going on, people are getting confused, myself included lol

Really appreciate the company here who are well traveled/well read, and are no strangers to these concepts, having already thought about them in context of history etc for many years already
Even Vutu lol its almost refreshing to have someone like him just smash the ice and break us out of the labyrinth of political correct thought we've all had imposed on us since birth lol
If we are to make any sense of it we must be able to converse without stepping on eggshells, or you get the disconnect of that Ali clip

Now I wanna see that clip Luigi referenced about the Louie Theroux doc :D
That 'stunned face' you mentioned I think is REALLY important when you see it. When that happens it seems to me like the programming breaks for a second, the true rational mind recognizes a flaw in the programming, yet the ego is not willing to break or even question the conditioning. I've seen it, they freeze, the brain is incapacitated for a while.
It's a good sign imo, it means some Truth has shown up somewhere

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Postby Masato » Fri Mar 26, 2021 6:40 pm

'The differences within groups is greater than the differences between them."

This is from a longer lecture where he argues that although we think we're living in a Post-Modern liberal world with respect for the individual, we actually may be heading straight for some kind of neo-Marxist disaster lol

He says that the current identity politics is creating fertile ground for the classic 'oppressed vs oppressor' gameplan that has been used before to bring everyone down to a common denominator

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Postby Som-Pong » Sat Mar 27, 2021 1:05 am

On my way to my telemarketing job but I’ll write something out when I get to the Internet cafe.

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Postby Luigi » Sat Mar 27, 2021 8:28 pm

Yeah I agree we have a huge amount that connects us. It reminds me of how before the axial age basically everyone had a variant of the same religion.

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Postby Masato » Sat Mar 27, 2021 10:48 pm

Luigi wrote:Yeah I agree we have a huge amount that connects us. It reminds me of how before the axial age basically everyone had a variant of the same religion.

Yet Peterson argues that the differences WITHIN a certain group (Christians, Pagans, Blacks, Whites, Muslims etc) are far deeper than whatever similarities that bind them. Within that group you have massive variants of personalities and traits that are so different from each other that it almost seems meaningless to try to suggest or predict similarity just because of the bigger 'grouping'. He says that's why racism is dumb because you can't possibly claim to project any specific trait onto a population so different from one another.

Another interesting thing is that he fervently claims that studies have shown that if given equal OPPORTUNITY, the differences between groups actually become MORE exemplified (ie; in a society where men and women are treated absolutely equal/zero discrimination, the gender roles become more pronounced, women start doing women things and vice versa, naturally. He says the leftist sociologists are mad because they keep trying to prove that gender is a social construct, and expect that if given equal opportunity the gender roles will disappear, but they don't they actually get stronger, lol

Or so says Jordan Peterson, take it for what you will.

I think gender roles is a mix of social construct and also nature/divine plan. Hard to say which is which these days but anyone who says its either or is being silly imo lol

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Postby Som-Pong » Sun Mar 28, 2021 2:25 am

The Apache had gender roles figured out.

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