Thoughts on coronavirus...

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Re: Thoughts on coronavirus...

Postby Masato » Tue Nov 30, 2021 3:22 pm

This is a great site by a group of Canadian physicians

They break down very concisely with transparent sources and real studies some very simple reasons why giving these vaccines to children is super wrong:

They have a downloadable 'letter to parents' which is really really great:

Download link. Give this to parents of young children please: ... accine.pdf


November 10, 2021

Dear parents,

I am a Canadian pediatrician who is deeply concerned about the forthcoming approval of
the COVID-19 shot for 5-11 year olds. I have no political agenda. However, in full disclosure, I do
place my own children and all the children I care for ahead of the pharmaceutical industry and
ahead of our governments' interests. I believe in public health measures aimed at reducing the
burden of COVID-19 on our health care system and on the population at large, but I am strongly
opposed to the approval of these mRNA vaccines in children for 5 principal reasons:

[b]1- The mRNA vaccines are NOT as effective as we have been told, often falling below 50%

2- The mRNA vaccines have evolving safety data, much of which has come out after many
have already received their shots, and there is no long-term safety data which is
obviously most important when dealing with children

3- The pediatric population, in general, clearly and consistently do NOT suffer significant
disease from COVID-19

4- Children are only minimally responsible for community transmission when compared
with adults

5- Children acquiring natural immunity protects them best against COVID-19 now and
against future variants[/b]

We have heard the general population be told that this shot is “safe and effective”
throughout the pandemic. This is more of a marketing slogan and less of a public health
message based in science. I will show below that these mRNA vaccines are neither as safe, nor
as effective, as what we are all being led to believe. We have heard our teenagers be told that
they require this shot to participate in society, to play the sports they love, to learn in many
post-secondary institutions, to go to restaurants or concerts or museums or professional sports
games, etc., etc. The list of their restrictions is obviously too long to itemize. Many adults and
parents, and most recently teenagers, have already had their shots for a multitude of reasons:

- because of the fear instilled in them at the outset of the pandemic
- because they thought they were doing the right thing in protecting themselves or their
loved ones
- because they were threatened with losing their job and thus, their ability to earn a living
and provide for their families
- because they were threatened with being excluded from many aspects of society
- because they were told that the vaccine was a way back to society as we knew it preCOVID-19

I am certainly not opposed to those who understand the risks and benefits and decide to
get the vaccine for themselves. I fully endorse the freedom to choose. In some instances, the
benefits of these vaccines outweigh the risks, especially in the elderly and in those who are
obese or have other comorbidities. Some have simply decided to get the shot because they
want it. That is also completely fine and should be each individual’s personal decision.

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Postby Edge Guerrero » Tue Nov 30, 2021 8:52 pm

Masato wrote:
Edge Guerrero wrote:- There's a new variant Omicron

Of course there is, this has all been happening since before we were born. Coronaviruses have always existed, and every year they are a bit different. It's always been like that, people get seasonal flus and viruses, most survive fine others get complications.

Not abnormal at all, aside from the continued media political terrorism/hysteria
Many doctors saying it's even milder than previous variants

OMICROM is also an anagram for MORONIC, lol

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Postby Edge Guerrero » Tue Nov 30, 2021 9:07 pm

Will the Vaccines Stop Omicron? Scientists Are Racing to Find Out.
A “Frankenstein mix” of mutations raises concerns, but the variant may remain vulnerable to current vaccines. If not, revisions will be necessary.

By Apoorva Mandavilli
Published Nov. 28, 2021

As nations severed air links from southern Africa amid fears of another global surge of the coronavirus, scientists scrambled on Sunday to gather data on the new Omicron variant, its capabilities and — perhaps most important — how effectively the current vaccines will protect against it.

The early findings are a mixed picture. The variant may be more transmissible and better able to evade the body’s immune responses, both to vaccination and to natural infection, than prior versions of the virus, experts said in interviews.

The vaccines may well continue to ward off severe illness and death, although booster doses may be needed to protect most people. Still, the makers of the two most effective vaccines, Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna, are preparing to reformulate their shots if necessary.

“We really need to be vigilant about this new variant and preparing for it,” said Jesse Bloom, an evolutionary biologist at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle

“Probably in a few weeks, we’ll have a better sense of how much this variant is spreading and how necessary it might be to push forward with a variant vaccine,” Dr. Bloom said.

Even as scientists began vigorous scrutiny of the new variant, countries around the world curtailed travel to and from nations in southern Africa, where Omicron was first identified. Despite the restrictions, the virus has been found in a half-dozen European countries, including the United Kingdom, as well as Australia, Israel and Hong Kong.

Already, Omicron accounts for most of the 2,300 new daily cases in the province of Gauteng, South Africa, President Cyril Ramaphosa announced on Sunday. Nationally, new infections have more than tripled in the past week, and test positivity has increased to 9 percent from 2 percent.

Scientists have reacted more quickly to Omicron than to any other variant. In just 36 hours from the first signs of trouble in South Africa on Tuesday, researchers analyzed samples from 100 infected patients, collated the data and alerted the world, said Tulio de Oliveira, a geneticist at the Nelson R. Mandela School of Medicine in Durban.

Within an hour of the first alarm, scientists in South Africa also rushed to test coronavirus vaccines against the new variant. Now, dozens of teams worldwide — including researchers at Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna — have joined the chase.

They won’t know the results for two weeks, at the earliest. But the mutations that Omicron carries suggest that the vaccines most likely will be less effective, to some unknown degree, than they were against any previous variant.

“Based on lots of work people have done on other variants and other mutations, we can be pretty confident these mutations are going to cause an appreciable drop in antibody neutralization,” Dr. Bloom said, referring to the body’s ability to attack an invading virus.

South African doctors are seeing an increase in reinfections in people who already had a bout of Covid-19, suggesting that the variant can overcome natural immunity, said Dr. Richard Lessells, an infectious diseases physician at the University of KwaZulu-Natal.

Omicron has about 50 mutations, including more than 30 in the spike, a viral protein on its surface that the vaccines train the body to recognize and attack.

Some of these mutations have been seen before. Some were thought to have powered the Beta variant’s ability to sidestep vaccines, while others most likely turbocharged Delta’s extreme contagiousness.

“My best guess is that this combines both of those elements,” Penny Moore, a virologist at the National Institute for Communicable Diseases in South Africa, said of the new variant.

But Omicron also has 26 unique spike mutations, compared with 10 in Delta and six in Beta. Many of them seem likely to render the variant more difficult for the immune system to recognize and thwart.

“There are many we’ve never studied before, but just looking at the location on the spike, they are in regions that we know are immuno-dominant,” Dr. Moore said, referring to parts of the spike protein that interact with the body’s immune defenses.

Dr. Moore’s team is perhaps the furthest along in testing how well the vaccines hold up against Omicron. She and her colleagues are preparing to test blood from fully immunized people against a synthetic version of the Omicron variant.
Creating such a “pseudovirus” — a viral stand-in that contains all of the mutations — takes time, but results may be available in about 10 days.

To more closely mimic what people are likely to encounter, another team led by Alex Sigal, a virologist at the Africa Health Research Institute, is growing live Omicron, which will be tested against the blood of fully immunized people, as well as those who were previously infected.

Those results may take longer but should provide a fuller picture of the vaccines’ performance, Dr. Sigal said.

If the vaccines prove to be much less potent against Omicron, they may need to be tweaked to enhance their effectiveness. Preparing for the worst, Moderna, Pfizer-BioNTech and Johnson & Johnson are planning to test an artificial version of Omicron against their vaccines.

The mRNA vaccines in particular — Moderna’s and Pfizer-BioNTech’s — were built with technology that should permit rapid modification. Pfizer’s scientists “can adapt the current vaccine within six weeks and ship initial batches within 100 days in the event of an escape variant” that eludes the immune system, said Jerica Pitts, a spokeswoman for Pfizer.

Moderna’s work began on Tuesday, immediately after its scientists learned of Omicron — the fastest the company has ever responded to a variant, said Dr. Stephen Hoge, Moderna’s president.

Even without data on Omicron’s spread, it was obvious the variant would be a formidable threat to vaccines, he said.

“This thing is a Frankenstein mix of all of the greatest hits,” Dr. Hoge said, referring to the variant’s many concerning mutations. “It just triggered every one of our alarm bells.”

Moderna could update its current vaccine in about two months and have clinical results in about three months if necessary, he said.

Both companies also plan to test whether booster shots will bolster the immune system enough to fend off the new variant. Boosters of the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna vaccines have been shown to raise antibody levels significantly.

But those antibodies may not be broadly effective against every iteration of the virus, and may not be enough to neutralize Omicron entirely, said Michel Nussenzweig, an immunologist at Rockefeller University in New York.

People who recover from Covid and then receive even one dose of a vaccine tend to produce a broader range of antibodies, capable of recognizing more versions of the virus, than do people who are only vaccinated.

It’s clear that hybrid immunity, the kind that people get when they are both infected and vaccinated, is superior, and that is very, very likely to take care of this thing, too,” Dr. Nussenzweig said.
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Postby Masato » Thu Dec 02, 2021 1:50 pm

HERO!! lololol

Love it. I may do this one day if I see the opportunity just for fun lol :D

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Postby Edge Guerrero » Thu Dec 02, 2021 6:42 pm

Masato wrote:HERO!! lololol

Love it. I may do this one day if I see the opportunity just for fun lol :D

- Guy is a douche. But he can sing.
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Postby Masato » Fri Dec 03, 2021 2:21 pm

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Postby Masato » Fri Dec 03, 2021 2:23 pm

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Postby Canuckster » Sat Dec 04, 2021 5:15 am

jesus fucking christ man.....
People say they all want the truth, but when they are confronted with a truth that disagrees with them, they balk at it as if it were an unwanted zombie apocalypse come to destroy civilization.

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Postby Edge Guerrero » Sun Dec 05, 2021 2:24 pm

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Postby Masato » Sun Dec 05, 2021 8:57 pm

A glimmer of hope?

"At no time in history have the people forcing others into compliance ever been the good guys.

The welfare of humanity has always been the alibi of tyrants"

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