Canada Truckers Convoy

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Re: Canada Truckers Convoy

Postby Masato » Thu Nov 17, 2022 8:23 pm

I haven't been hawking this like I did for the 1st couple weeks...

The witnesses became kind of redundant, Coutts was a non-issue imo

Now it's getting a bit more interesting. They are finally getting to the freezing of the bank accounts.

I'll try to get the thread caught up

senior bureaucrat at Finance Canada refuses to admit whether she knew that freezing the accounts of protesters in Ottawa was going to hurt the family members of protesters.

Finance panel claims they are not aware of any cases of mistaken identity in regards to protestors who had their bank accounts frozen.
If the banks acted independently and outside of law enforcement as we have heard during testimony, how would they know?

Deputy Finance Minister Michael Sabia says he didn’t consider long term financial implications such as ruined credit scores an intended consequence of freezing bank accounts.
“If that had been an intended consequence, that would have been a form of extra-legal sanction.”

“Who froze the bank accounts?”
“We set the policy. And we are accountable for that policy.”
Canada’s deputy minister of finance Michael Sabia takes responsibility for freezing the bank accounts of Freedom Convoy protesters.

Assistant deputy finance minister Isabelle Jacques says some banks unilaterally froze bank accounts under the Emergencies Act without receiving any information from law enforcement.

Deputy Minister of Finance Michael Sabia struggles to answer whether political donations are protected under freedom of expression Charter rights.

Zero legal grounds, zero proper orders, zero proper procedure to authorize banks to freeze bank accounts:

LOL Brenda Lucki is an embarrassment to Canada. Its psychotic someone so clearly out of touch holds such a position

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Postby Masato » Fri Nov 18, 2022 3:05 pm

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Postby Masato » Fri Nov 18, 2022 6:18 pm

The woman who apparently invoked the Emergencies Act, doesn't know/refuses to answer about what is necessary to invoke the emergencies act lol

Canada’s deputy secretary of emergency preparedness Jacquie Bogden refuses to answer questions about the government’s justification for invoking the Emergencies Act.

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Postby Masato » Fri Nov 18, 2022 8:58 pm

It just goes on and on and on... ZERO evidence of actual violence, threats, or crime in Ottawa.

Here GoFundMe admits they acted on 100% rumors and media bullshit, and nothing else. The entire opposition to the convoy is based on nothing but media lies, rumours, hearsay, feelings, and fantasy phantom projections.

All of it. None of these critics saw for themselves.

Rhéal Fortin presses Kim Wilford of GoFundMe for specifics on claims of violence from protestors made by Mayor Watson and Chief Bell leading to funds being seized:

-Was there a police investigation carried out on these events?

-I’m not aware directly of a police investigation.

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Postby Masato » Fri Nov 18, 2022 11:35 pm

I am catching up. Seems I missed some key witnesses. They are going through some folks that were actually at the center of invoking the Emergencies Act.

From what I am gathering so far, it seems they have admitted that they did not follow the law but just made up some new definitions based of their feelings about the convoy but not any evidence and so changed all the laws around so they could invoke it.

Canada's security appears to be run by a bunch of paranoid Karens. Frightening.

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Postby Masato » Mon Nov 21, 2022 2:48 pm

BOOOOOOOM!!!!!! Heavyweights up this week, here is the lineup:


Should be a good show.

I don't see how any of them have even an inch to squirm.
They will squirm, however.

I will try to watch as much as possible


just a reminder it's all here: (past testimony, transcripts, everything)
https://publicorderemergencycommission. ... -hearings/

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Postby Masato » Mon Nov 21, 2022 4:29 pm


CSIS has basically just admitted that there was ZERO credible threat.
Only the POTENTIAL for threats.

This entire panic was over perceived/possible threats, but not a single fucking one of em can demonstrate even one single actual credible threat.
It was all phantom fears.

This whole covid absurdity has been over phantom fears.

This will be an amazing week

After having assessed no violence in multiple reports, the director of CSIS is basically saying the agency saw how eager and willing gov was to use the EA, so they felt compelled to warn them of the potential for a non-violent protest to become violent because of their actions.

Despite CSIS not seeing a national security threat under its mandate, Director Vigneault advised the PM the #EmergenciesAct should be invoked.

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Postby Masato » Mon Nov 21, 2022 10:55 pm

Holy fucking shit there was some fireworks today.

Convoy lawyer Brendan Miller asks questions to CSIS implying that he has knowledge that both the confederate flag, and the nazi flag @ the protests have been traced back to the Liberal Party.

These are the ONLY 2 instances of such flags that the media and Trudeau kept repeating and referencing when referring to the Protests

**Confederate flag seems to be a setup with the media - the article was written by a Liberal Party member (?)

**1st appearance on social media apparently was made by McKenny's recent replacement

**Nazi flag he mentions by NAME: says his name is BRIAN FOX, who works for ENTERPRISE CANADA.

Enterprise Canada has already made a public denouncement.
CSIS guy refused to answer any questions about this.

There is talk now that the Liberals actually tried to set up false flags to denounce the convoy.

Discussions either seem to be: either Miller is stupid and is gonna get sued to hell... or Miller is smart and has the evidence to prove it.
If it's the latter, we are in for some serious popcorn


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Postby Masato » Mon Nov 21, 2022 11:15 pm

This thread has some good discussion breakdowns of what is happening.

Ironically, by perhaps the worst 'journalist' in Canada, lol. This bitch has been instigating and vomiting bullshit about the convoy from Day 1. I met her once in Ottawa during the porotests, told her she was part of the problem. She whipped out her cell phone and tried to interview me but I fucked off before she could film.

Anyways the point is that somehow CSIS admits that the Convoy did NOT 'meet the threshold' to invoke the Emergencies Act... but for some reason they decided to 're-interpret' those thresholds and made the decision to re-write it to make it fit.

Then they advised Trudeau to pull the EA.

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Postby Masato » Tue Nov 22, 2022 1:25 pm

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